Vitamin d (ergocalciferol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Vitamin d (ergocalciferol)

Side Effects forvitamin d (ergocalciferol) - User Comments


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i am not purscribe to this drug but i heard of it and of corsouce i deside to try some and dont live by the modo i will do any thing three times i should should of stayed with twice but i am still taking it but its there i have not had any sexual problemsthe most i ever took was 125mg at a weight of 125lbs i rememeber much but i was experimenting and reaserching to see what i was getting my self in to but it turns out when i do fall asleep i do wake up but it does seem to me that i can after a large amount i have consumedand i do not recomend taking more the 125mg in less then day or ever but hey do what you like i have complaints one side and on the other i have great experiances but i dont see the drug being used for depression anxioy sorry if i am spelling the word wrong or any other symtoms sorry again if the word that is capalized i am sorry for any missed spelled owrd if it cuase you anger learning problem and a scholl that didnt beleave the doctors or my parents but i be

Depression/Social phobia/Pain/ADD

I've been off the medication for 7 days and feel weak. Very worried about my cough, loss of voice and severe numbness in my arms and hands. I will never take this medication again. I hope the symptoms I am experiencing will eventually go away with time. If not then I will have them forever.

I take 200mg at night. I can't take it in the morning, as I am not a morning person to begin with, and I have start teaching at 7:45 each day. If I took it in the am, I'd probably forget where my classroom was located and that I was a science teacher. So, I take it at night, and it has worked wonders for me.I can deal with the tingling in my feet, and I've only drank about 3 beers in the past exchange, I've had about half the migraines. This drug is not for everyone, though. It has a number of potential side effects, and you need to be in close contact with your doctor should a problem arise.

This week though, I had the MONSTER of headaches and stuffiness out of nowhere. Monday I was starting to feel foggy; couldn't complete simple experiments in school. Tuesday morning my head was swimming so bad I couldn't even walk. Head was stuffy, throat dry, chills, fever, it was bad. aches and pains were worse than what they previously were; back/neck were killing me besides my head throbbing. I skipped my dose Tuesday and Wednesday, then took it as early as I could this morning. I was having terrible night sweats; getting up twice at night to change clothes and go to the bathroom. I'd get the shakes/cold trembling out of nowhere. Even at times during the day I'd sweat profusely then stop. It was almost like my hypothallamus intermittently lost control of my bodily temperature.

My throat still hurts while on it; however the pain is tolerable and I am able to function through the day until my virus works its course and I am finally over this horrible sore throat!

I was suffering from shortness of breath frequently during the day. Anytime I was moving fast, walking stairs, or walk fast I would get shortness of breath. I was using other medicine to take when a got those symptoms but I didn't feel it was helping. Soon as I started to take this medicina Breo Ellipta I saw a big improvement. I could walk fast, do stairs. Now, I have not taking. I get the synthom only sometimes not too often. I had used the sample from my doctor. I went to buy is over $300.00I didn't buy, I wanted to see if I am not taking it would not return the shortness of breath. Now is about a week and still I am not that bad. I get now much lighter the shortness of breath and not too often.I am waiting if can deal without the medicine maybe I won't take anymore. If It return and i feel the discomfort, I would buy. But I was very surprised after 1 1/2 year of suffering I am feeling much better.

My period is regulated now to the day. My acne has cleared up alot, although I still have a few breakouts right before my period.

Have been taking Sporanox for a few days to eradicate yeast infection. In the meantime, I decided to purchase the Monistat cream to help with the burning & itching. What a mistake!!!!I used Monistat years ago many times without a problem so am wondering what the deal is now. Don't use this product.

Heavy bleeding when i wasnt on my period, spotting, crazy mood swings, pimples i never had before, no weight gain though.