Tigan (trimethobenzamide hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tigan (trimethobenzamide hydrochloride)

Drowsiness, Dizziness, Diarrhea, Headache

I was prescribed this medicine to due to nausea caused by ulcers. For the two days I was on it I felt like I was on a heavy tranquilizer. I did nothing but sleep and use the bathroom. Everything took a huge amount of effort to accomplish and I still had the nausea!! I could not wait to get this drug out of my system.

It didn't do much to stop the vomiting or nausea.

No side effects except slight drowsiness for about 1/2 hour.

I have been taking this drug for years and is the only one that helps my nausea but doesn't make me so sleepy that I can't function.

slight headache occasionally, but I experienced fewer side effects than compazine.

extreme stupor, confusion, Parkinson's like freezing, falling asleep in the middle of activities, hallucinations

I had to go to the emergency room because my reaction was so bad.

great, no noticeable side effects. took meds for nausea and vomiting during menstruation. am allergic to synthetic hormones, which gets rid of menstrual nausea. have been taking tigan for years.

Side Effects fortigan (trimethobenzamide hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Besides being horribly unpalatable, Peridex messes with your taste buds. The label mentions the possibility of slight taste disturbance, which is a huge understatement. The severe loss of taste is an almost unbearable side effect and all-around terrible experience.

As stated by others here, take the recommended dose and go to bed asap, you will have no issues. I have taken the drug on and off for about three years with no additive issues. E.G. for 7 nights, then break for 22 days, then back on for 7 nights. The person who stated this is a 'dangerous drug do not take', I have a question for you; 1. how much more addictive and dangerous is alchohol?? 2. Are you a doctor?Last but not least, unfortunately some people have to take a hypnotic such as Stilnox - like me, I have no worries great family etc, but work unusual hours, hence sleep architecture can get muddled up. This drug has helped me greatly in not falling asleep at the wheel on the way home from work - take note people, as that is a big bonus

cold/allergy symptoms, joint pain in hands & fatigue.

weightloss, loss of appetite, picky eating, dull feeling like i was slow and couldn't comprehend things correctly. elbow pain

They take care of my pain. I take them as prescribed. I don't abuse them.

cronic depression/panic anxiety

I think that protonix may be helping but the sideffects are bothersome

Sore knees, always hurt. I took the medication at night to help relieve the pain, but it persisted through the day. I went to Crestor after having the same effects from Lipitor

Just like the rest of you I had the affects of paranoia and restlessness. But, I also got a kinda severe side affect. My jaw locked up and my tongue started feeling and doing weird things. They took forever to finally give me some benadryl to fix it. I had this happen twice because of the time it takes to leave your system (24 hours.)

Used this for first time at 9:00 PM. By 2:30 in the morning I was lying awake in a state of panic. Heart was pounding, eyes and teeth hurt and unable to calm myself. I had extreme salivating in my mouth as if I was about to become nauseous. I spent the next 2 hours praying that this medication would quickly leave my body. I will never touch this stuff again. I would rather deal with the allergy symptoms.