Phenergan (promethazine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Phenergan (promethazine hydrochloride)

A dreadful experience. Yes, I slept. But horrible nightmares (I rarely remember my dreams). The next day was hell. I could barely get out of bed. Felt so drowsy and spaced out all day - almost hallucinating. It wiped out a whole day. I'm amazed it can be bought over the counter. It's obviously a dangerous drug.

I was vomiting due stomach issues. It made me sleepy.

I rather be sleepy than suffering from nausea and vomiting.

Took it to prevent nausea after surgery. I thought it would also help me sleep- WRONG. It made me feel sleepy yet kept me wide awake. Such a horrible feeling to experience all night long. I tried it several weeks later for insomnia and experienced the same jittery wide awake effect.

It makes you sedated/drowsy. The oral tablet is best. It will also enhance other medications such as pain medicine so be careful. I have received it in the Hospital through IV and I would advise caution here. It will blow out the IV shortly after getting it, and it burns. I always need another IV. I only get zofran now through IV in the hospital. The oral phenergen is fine.

I got this as an IV injection due to severe vomiting, I started hallucinating within a half hour. I tried leaving the hospital and had to be properly sedated because I had such an adverse reaction. It was awful

Haven't helped with sleep so far. Taken for insomnia caused by anxiety. Last night was still awake at gone four. Next day I've noticed my anxiety has increased will feelings of nausea and nervousness all day

Made me extremely anxious, at one point I was in fetal position in a bathroom stall scratching my skin and crying because it made me itch so bad. I felt so out of it, I was nodding off every 10 minutes, couldn't concentrate, had dry mouth. After taking it for a while my vision and hearing became slowed/distorted? My short term memory was extremely bad, but hey! at least I could sleep!

Helps with the morning sickness but knocks me out for 6-8 hours after taking it.

Extreme drowsiness but okay cause i took it after work when i got home and at at bedtime. Ive also recieved this in the hospital for continuous emesis. I wasnt too crazy about an injection so i refused that, but not too happy about having a nurse shove suppositories up my butt either and that was after the dreaded rectal thermometer made its visit.

For allergies I received this medication in suppository form also described medically as PR (PER RECTUM). The plus side? Boyfriend gets to give them to me.

Severe hangover, drowsiness, difficult to get out of bed.

This is a great drug but dosage is important. It said on the back of the box to take 1-2. I thought to myself 'it wouldn't be very sedating seeing as you can use it for allergies' - very big mistake. I was stupid enough to take two 25mg tablets on the first night. It stopped me waking up multiple times in the night which was great. However, it was extremely difficult to get out of bed the next morning, I felt relaxed and high. I also felt drowsy for the entire day after. In my opinion this should not be over the counter medicine. I am going to try taking just one tablet a night to see if it helps without giving side effects. Otherwise I will just ask my GP for something better. Be careful with this drug.

Extreme tiredness, moodiness, skin tingling/feeling prickly

Phenergan is the only thing that really helps my nausea. It causes a lot of grogginess, topped with normal pregnancy fatigue and it is very hard to function. I need to lay down and nap around 3-4 times and day and go to bed around 8pm. It carries over into the next day. At times I will cry for no reason, nothing triggers it (usually 40 min after taking). I had it administered at the hospital by IV when I was extremely dehydrated, it must have been a high dose because it almost felt like I was messed up, as if I'd been given pain meds but I hadn't.

Take one before bed regularly on bad days but not every night. When I have the opportunity to sleep well (childcare) I take 2 tablets and it works wonders! Not too groggy in the morning either but perhaps that's where I am used to taking them now.

I take Vimpat and Acetezolemide for seizures. My neurologist prescribed this medication due to nausea associated with Migraines I have due to a TBI. My seizures had been well controlled but when I started this medication they became active, I became depressed and aggravated after taking for a week.

I feel like I'm not here very frightening

Restless legs some nights only

No other side effects....Cetainly have helped me sleep ....

Extreme fatigue, heavy muscles, anxiety increases, loss of coordination, restlessness

Works like a charm for getting me to sleep through the night but the side effects the next day are something else. The fatigue I feel is like nothing else I've felt before, I have no energy to even lift my arms up, I try to sleep some more but can't as I feel anxious and restless.

Took it to combat anxiety/insomnia side effects of antidepressants. Worked like a charm, slept quicker than I ever had, whole body felt heavy the next day though. Slept for a good 13 hours.

Took 2 hours to get in my system, once it hit me I was not able to concentrate properly it made my memory of past events seem to trigger at a much slower pace than within a normal time period, it was like visually hallucinating but with the memories of a few seconds like what you did in the before being brought to the present with flashing memories of these events almost like my mind was having shocks in a suprised state as these images reached me in the form of flashes.Also made my hyper and very angry before it actually kicked in, 50mg is way to high as a dose in my opinion this drug is no joke, occasionally cause randomised pain upper neck, and my stomach seemed to react oddly with bouts of emotion that I really do not get a lot in life so can't explain that, basically very emotional teared up at a very fast pace.The next day it caused all of that day absolutely tired, completely drained and exhausted, lasted overall 2 days from a single dose.

My advise would be to do this short term, everyone has a different reaction as you can tell by these comments alone, but if prescribed it start with half the dose I did just don't jump straight to the highest dose.

Body felt extremely heavy and like I didn't have complete control over body movements.

Went to the ER with severe vertigo. I was given Phenergan, never had it before, never will take it again.

Side Effects forphenergan (promethazine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Been on Provigil 200mg twice a day for over a year & it helped tremendously for a while, but found it wasn't as effective as it had been. Instead of increasing dose (and because there was a great offer to cover $50 of the co-pay for Nuvigil), I started Nuvigil this week & can say that I haven't felt this productive (work & home) in 2-3 years. Hope I don't get any side-effects, because I'm loving being the person I remember being!

Definitely agitated, not hyper, but a noticeable "high" feeling.

Helped with symptoms but want to go off it due to anorgasmia

Brain was so wiped out the morning after taking first dose, I couldn't focus enough to read the morning news. Shortly thereafter, body had a horrible tic attack. The rest of the morning, my brain was a complete fog - sat at my desk at work and just stared at the papers in front of me, unable to read or comprehend anything. By far this the WORST medication I have ever taken. It should be removed from the market.

I saw my Mother and Aunt suffer from severe osteoporosis and I don't want that to happen to me, but I am concerned about what this drug is doing to me. I'd like to find a natural alternative.

Terrible Nausea all day especially in the morning,always tired, losing taste buds, Mood swings it’s terrible actually feels like the first symptoms of pregnancy

Withdrawal from this drug is horrific. It's been compared to heroin withdrawal. Severe sweats, chills, nausea, electrical shocks in the brain, indigestion, to name some. Oh. .. and my blood pressure shot through the roof for a few days. I'm on week four without and my brain is still trying to recalibrate itself. Not sure how long it's going to take to be better. Hopefully soon. The worst of the withdrawal is gone. My moods are up and down which is normal. Hopefully they'll stabilize soon as well. Good luck to everyone trying to get off this drug. Hang in there. It WILL get better.

Massive leg cramps & possible sciatica

The gold standard of anti-anxiety medication. But take a crumb, if you can. And only when needed. Nothing works better. Resets everything: From scary stomach twitching, to dizziness, to rapid heartbeats, muscle tightness and doom. One of the best drugs ever invented. Take a crumb! 2.5 mg MAX. Breathing exercises and a bit of Valium, along with moderate exercise. Total relief

It's definitely not for chronic pain in my opinion.It may work for some junkies out there that want to feel some kind of head change cuz it totally screwed up my head.