Marinol (dronabinol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Marinol (dronabinol)

MARINOL (DRONABINOL): Dronabinol is used to treat nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy. It is usually used when other drugs to control nausea and vomiting have not been successful. Dronabinol is also used to treat loss of appetite and weight loss in patients with HIV infection. Dronabinol (also called THC) is a man-made form of the active natural substance in marijuana (cannabis). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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depression, muscular aches, headaches, backaches, chest pain,irregular menstruals, and many many more.

Heart palpitations, rib soreness, anxiety, and headaches

I was trying it out before a trip

Effects were as expected: within 1 hour began passing essentially yellow liquid. I didn't experience any nausea or bloating, but I had prepared myself mentally for this. The volume of liquid to drink IS very overwhelming. I did feel chilly, but it may be more as a result of not eating for 31 hours.

Prior to MANY surgical procedures

Wow does this burn! Day 1 and the burning is so intense I needed to look up side effects. Thank you everyone who wrote in because non of my friends ever experienced burning when using this product. I am now using an ice pack to numb area and it's so hot that the ice is melting! Guess I need a painkiller now too. Oh the joys of being a woman...

While Trivora helped me with several physical issues such as severe back acne I had been struggling with for 5 years and lightening my normally extremely heavy periods it had its down sides. The medication substantially hurt my mood and I developed some extreme paranoia and small details that I never would notice had me in tears. The moods cannot be predicted either, they are not only during my period week, they continue through-out the month. I have been trying to wait it out for the full 3 months recommended, but now that I am onto the first week of my 3rd month, I am positive I will be switching when the time comes.

Never weighed over 165 lbs. at age 60. In the time I used it, I gained 30 lbs. Also had full head of hair that has thinned and receeded tremendously over the same time.

I took only 2 doses and in the last 2-3 weeks is when these symptoms began. Motrin is not helping.....I had no idea it could be side effects of this drug....I received no warning from my doctor. I will not continue, it is much to painful.

Symptoms are not obvious especially if combined with other drugs so you don't notice it poisoning your body. It's like my body is telling me it's full of poison but I'm not listening because my brain is so tired and pain is so bad all I do is sleep