Kytril (granisetron hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Kytril (granisetron hydrochloride)

Best anti emetic i have ever used, very effective

it works reasonably well, though not perfectly

Tried this drug after compazine and zofran had no effect on my nausea. Same story with this one. It did absolutely nothing to help my nausea.

My 11 year old - Chemo Therapy

My son doesn't respond to meds that usually help others. He started Temodar last week for his chemo and had alot of vomitting the first night. We gave him Kytril the following 4 nights about an hour before the chemo and he had no vomitting at all. Seems to have worked fine. We had tried Zofran alot previously and it did not help.

To prevent anesthesia nausea/vomiti

Kytril was given to me during surgery to prevent the horrible nausea/vomiting I typically suffer from as a result of the surgical anesthesia given. What a miracle drug this was for me as for the first time in my life, I was free from the horrendous vomiting that has plagued me after all other past surgeries. Normally, I would be sick an average of 3-5 days post-op with such severe nausea/vomiting, I would became weak and dehydrated. Kytril prevented all these side-effects and my recovery from surgery was a breeze because I did not have to contend with the vomiting. Kytril is truly a wonder drug and I give two thumbs up for its effectiveness!!

Side Effects forkytril (granisetron hydrochloride) - User Comments


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The benefits of Cymbalta by far out weigh the side effects. I noticed a benefit from the drug within the first few days and felt like a new person within a couple of weeks. My fibromyalgia pain is basically gone. My husband and my children comment on what a good mood I have been in since being on Cymbalta and I can tell myself such a difference in my anxiety level. I feel like a new person. It is hard for me to even imagine all of the horrible side effects and experiences that so many people write about on here. Give the drug a chance and time to work for you. It worked for me.

I haven't been able to walk properly for two years because of my OA. Between exile from my sports and the chronic pain, added to a history of major depression, I spiraled down into a major depressive crisis. Doctor put me on Cymbalta about 10 days ago and the positive effects were almost instantaneous. Within three days I was able to think more clearly, control my behavior, concentrate on work and finish something, and I have been walking much, much better and in much less pain. I'm on 60 mg and have actually never felt better in my life since I'm usually more or less depressed (though with a basically good attitude). I plan to stay on it at least until after my hip surgery and perhaps longer. I can imagine for some people it's not the right drug, but it has saved my life.

Thinning hair, extreme fatigue, awful joint and bone pain. Most distressing is the loss of the use of my hands. I have developed carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands and I am in alot of pain. Insomnia and hot flashes are also troublesome.

I had to check my pulse every time I took it because I run a slow pulse 50 sometimes below 50 it took about 3 months before it stayed around 60

OMG I just want the pain from the yeast infection back. Within 1 minute I started to feel like a had a entire community of fire ants living inside me. I have tried to get it out but the burning continues. This is worse than giving birth.

It works great for getting to sleep, but im wide awake 3 hours later. It you stay up past a certain point you become fixiated on a task and can act in ways, do things, and not remember a thing.

I have tried Ambien in the past-- only works for about 2-3 hours then restless night. Restoril works. I have taken it 5 times over two weeks. It gets me to sleep fairly quickly, I sleep fairly well, I dream, the next morning I feel groggy. Now for the caveat! This drugs creates horrible nightmares and I NEVER have bad dreams. I have very troubling dreams-- one night rattle snakes in my kitchen were after me, fast too, I woke my self up. Another dream I walked in a room and the door locked behind me, the room was filled with yellow jackets. Yes, all the experiences one doesn't want to embrace. I wake up, afraid to go back to sleep. I get one terrible event 4 out of 5 times I take it. Oh, and another bonus to Restoril-- it stays in your system for 48 hours. I can tell my dreams don't return to normal for 2-days after not taking it. I may try taking a lessor amount, but am afraid of the dreams.

Lexapro has completely stopped all anxiety and panic attacks. It saved my life. I was at my wits end.

I started having feelings of anxiety and worry, usually about work issues. I thought maybe I was just reacting to stress at work, however my feelings were totally out of whack. It would last 2-4 days, where I had trouble concentrating, lost appetite, and just had a feeling of dread. Then it would go away, and I would be fine for a few days. This cycle continued for almost 3 months. I was so confused by this, I figured I might need some psychological help. Then it occurred to me this all started at the same time I had started on simvastatin. Anxiety didn't seem to be a listed side effect, but I was desperate, so stopped the simvastatin. The anxiety continued for about a week, then totally stopped. It is 3 weeks now, no more anxiety, I'm back to normal! I still can't believe the effect, especially since I was on a very small dose (5mg). But the facts don't lie. I'm really scared to start on another statin now, not sure what to do.

Horrible nightmares. I wake up feeling like I am coming out of a terrifying situation every morning but have no real memories of what the situation is. It's just the worst experience I've ever been through. Except for not sleeping for nights at a time. Also I have no memory and am drugged feeling all day. After I take it at night it makes me higher than a kite. I am sure some people would pay for such a high. I can't stress how horrific I feel waking up after this drug. Also I sweat and the smell is awful. And my muscles are so tight in my neck all the way down my back that I can't move my head.b