Antivert (meclizine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Antivert (meclizine hydrochloride)

Dry mouth, jitters, headaches, tired

It helps my vertigo, but I feel really tired and have had horrible headaches since day two of taking. I don't think popping ibuprofen is worth not feeling the vertigo I get sometimes. Usually just motion sickness related but I take it for car rides every day and I don't think I will continue

Worst medication I've ever taken in my life so far. Made me have awful anxiety for two days straight, super dehydrated feeling, could barely walk or move my hands, and couldn't still shaking.

I will never take this stuff again and do not recommend it for vertigo. Two weeks later I was still having vertigo, so I went to the ENT, they did the Epley and Sermont Maneuver on me and was fixed in 1-2 days.

I'm usually sensitive to meds, so took only half of a 25 mg pill. I was prescribed this for vestibular paroxysmia, a nerve disorder. It reduced my vertigo a bit, enough so I could read. It helped me sleep.It makes me feel very spacey. I have also been feeling weirdly upset, and I think it's a side effect.

I have had horrible insomnia, and if nothing else, this did help me sleep.

Did help a little with dizziness but side effects were 100 times worse than the dizziness,Terribly irritable, confused, foggy, severe anxiety will never take again!

I took this at about 3 p.m. today it was prescribed to me and it about 7 p.m. got very tired. The next day I woke up and tried to go to work and couldn't because I felt so drunk that I was afraid to drive. Had to take the day off from work and slept all day and felt generally sick and foolish. Could not shake the dizziness and tired and drunk feeling. They send the kids from the neighborhood yard my mother's will squeeze all

This was prescribed to me due to congestion in the inner ear causing vertigo. Made me feel drunk all day and extremely drowsy. My vertigo went away it’s very hard to function like this all day either.

I get vertigo attacks, which last for days. Doctors *think* it's inner ear related. The first time, vertigo spun out of control, I would have jumped off a bridge if it couldn't be controlled with something. Second time, it didn't work AT ALL. It made me extremely, irrationally angry. I yelled at my family for 3 days and there was no relief in my symptoms. My body is getting better without drug interference.

Anger, anger, anger!!!! This drug does nothing to help with vertigo, it simply interferes with your brain activity!!

Blurry vision. went back to er for vertigo and they gave me diazepam it works great. Urgent care gave me prednisone had no problems with that

Tired, seemed like I count stay awake, headache dizziness, anxiety worst.

I hate this feeling, worst headache after taking it then before. Can't seem to keep my eyes open. Whole body just feels strange.

A life saver if I get a dizzy spell. I usually cut my tablet in half and if that is not enough i will take the whole pill. Works well

Drowsiness,tired and feels like sleepy for whole day.

Hard to wake up and stay awake. Grogginess feeling usually lasts all day. Also feels like I am in a dream during the day. Does help with nausea.

Taking 1 full tab before bed time then 1/2 tab after waking, then 2 more 1/2 tabs q 4-6 hours. Repeat. Total 50.5 mg daily. Supposedly side effects wear off after taking it for awhile.

Helped with vertigo but put me in la la land. Slept all day and got extremely disoriented while driving. Took two days to wear off. I would advise first time Used to try a low dose first and increase after if no negative side effects. Do not drive until you know how it effects you.

All drugs can effect some people negatively. So take your first dose at home and not before going anywhere especially driving.

Amazing drug, as it wont react with the other medications I am taking which caused me severe nausea. I now take it as I need.I did experience extreme dizziness one time when I got off the bus, thought I was gonna faint.

Vertigo, Dble visn, Could not walk

Works great. No episodes since I started taking this. Am very grateful. Also take Xanax, Klonopin, Restoril, Neurontin, Diovan, Simvastatin, and Norvasc. Antivert has been a great drug for me and helped me alot. It does not interact negatively with my other medications.

Poor energy level,sleepy, coughing

Helps with dizziness until I lie flat on my back.

Very bad reaction to this med broke out in hives and slept 11 hours relieved the dizziness but I'd rather be dizzy than itchy all over and that tired

Very woozy And TiredDoes help with my symptoms of vertigo. Instead of taking a whole pill, as of today cutting back to half two times a day.

Labyrinthitis (inner ear), vertigo

Knocked me out flat - fell asleep on my desk. Made the vertigo way, way worse after 2 doses. Feel like I am floating even 18 hours after last dose and am really pissed off about nothing!

I don't take any other meds and am extremely healthy other than the virus that caused this vertigo when lying down or to my left side. Now the vertigo is CONSTANT. Doc told me to discontinue use. This stuff is AWFUL - I can't even function!

Vertigo seems worse. Very tired and vertigo is worse.

Side Effects forantivert (meclizine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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It worked, but at too much of a cost. I will never take this antibiotic again.

Horrible insomnia, feelings of terror (anxiety), pounding, rapid heartbeat.

I have a history of depression that I'm wary of w/BC, a history of clear skin that I'd like to maintain, so after some comments I'm worried. I'm also having a libido problem (depression, not pill related) that I don't want to exacerbate so I think I'm going to switch to Ortho Tri-Cyclen. Does anyone with a history of depression have any reviews about either product? Much appreciated

I got Crohn's at the age of 10, which itself stunted my growth and left me malnourished because I couldn't absorb nutrients. The abdominal pain was escrutiating! Words cannot describe how bad it hurt! The only reason I gave it 3 stars is because, in spite of all the shitty side effects, it masked all of my severe pain. It worked within 2 hours of a flareup or discontinuation. So for my severe pain and malnutrition, the benefits outweighed the risks. I was nothing without this drug.Too bad the treatment itself also stunted my growth in addition to the disease itself doing just that. It also won't make you pretty. At all. And that was really rough, being female, and in adolescense, with cruel schoolmates constantly telling me how "ugly" I was, as if I could help it. It made my formerly straight, smooth manageable hair into a frizzy puffy unmanageable mess, and that was permanent to this day, long after being off of it.My first GI tried cold-turkeying me off when I was 14, and I only lasted 8 days. It hurt like hell to eat, to even look at food, and I had an awful fever. After calling the GI, he got me back at 20 mg, and I felt great within 2 hours.As an adult, I got an even better GI who tapered my dose gradually over the years.Thank god I've been in remission for over a decade so far and haven't needed that crap for a while.

depression & increased sex drive

First,only and last time taking this drug. DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG OR STOP TAKING IT ASAP! I spent $150 for it as my insurance did not cover it. Seems they developed a money saving strategy to stop covering anything related to coughs or colds during the months of October thru February (flu season). How slick of them because of course you don't know this until you go to retrieve your prescription. I experienced extreme vomiting which really threw me for a loop because supposedly you can take this drug with or without food. I had just finished a very hearty Sunday dinner, took my med and not even 15 minutes later, it was happening. Vomiting, sweating, etc.I strongly advise anyone against taking this medicine. Be the opposite of Nike and JUST DON'T DO IT!

I cannot believe what I am reading. I have had all the side effects. Will never take again.

Hallucinations, irritability, Extreme shoulder and neck pain, basal skull headaches

mitral valve prolapse with pvc's

Very good sleeping pill. Knocks me out in about 25 min. I take it most nights but it's especially helpful for the insomnia I get starting a few days before and during my period.