Muse (alprostadil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Muse (alprostadil)

intense pulsing at base of penis; warm and tight feeling in scrotum; numb and tingly feeing in head

The first few administrations of muse required some coaching from a health care professional who was knowledgeable and had access to resources on administering the 1000 microgram dose as well as the side effects. Had to pull foreskin completely back before inserting the applicator. The muse started to work at the base (very warming) which was starting to expand before the rest of it. During the expansion at the base, the blood vessels started to pop out so massaging helped to move the suppository to even the development of erection. Finally, there is the urge to ejaculate before the muse takes complete effect-especially the first few times. It is important that this happens to lower the intensity of the previous dose. The ejaculation was forcible and did not require a great deal of stimulation.

When I first started to use Muse I had a mild burning sensation. The more I use it the less I have this problem.

I am pleased with Muse. I use 1000mcg pellets. I've learned that you have to follow the instructions to the letter. Urination directly before insertion of the MUSE is a huge plus in getting the drug to work. My Urologist suggested a small dab of Surgilube on the applicator tip before inserting into the urethera. This helps slide it in and minimizes discomfort.*Note using it in conjuction with Actis is a plus for me. I don' t know if they suggest this but I think its a great combo.

MUSE (ALPROSTADIL): This medication is used to treat male sexual function problems (erectile dysfunction). It works by helping the blood flow into the penis to achieve and maintain an erection. This medication is not for use in women or children. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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