Staxyn (vardenafil hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Staxyn (vardenafil hydrochloride)

Unlike other drugs in this category of meds, Staxyn did not cause acid reflux because it is placed under the tongue to dissolve and enter the blood stream rather than the GI tract

Side Effects forstaxyn (vardenafil hydrochloride) - User Comments


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My email is [email protected] Contact me if you are experiencing what I did...Another board memeber did the same for me and I couldnt have been more lucky to have someone to talk me down/hold my hand. Flagyl reaction is/was the worst thing I have ever experience in my life. I took it a year ago and had the physical side effects but not the mental ones so we all believe it reacted with A DRUG I WAS ALREADY TAKING (ambien, meds for ADHD, etc). Had I been alone and the mental issues did not subside (lasted 1 1/2 hrs for a few days), I could have easily committed suicide (just fyi, I am as emotionally/mentally healthy as they come). It is THAT BAD.

Within 10 minutes of taking my first dose (1TBSP) I started to feel 'off'. I began to feel weak, dizzy and spaced out. I tried looking for the 'severe side effects' for this medication because it really was begining to feel as if I was getting a real buzz from it, which was not becoming a pleasant experience.Finally after about 20 searches, I found a site that said: If you experience dizzyness, trouble swallowing, lack of muscle strength, coordination and rash, go to the hospital immediately.Which is exactly what happened!Rushed to the hospital - my throat began to close up, had trouble breathing, bp dropped, my mouth and face muscles began to involuntarily pucker up, and I almost fainted several times. I had a rash that went from the top of my neck to the bottom of my stomach and also on my hands and chest. It was hell!Apparently I was having quite a serious allergic reaction to this medication, and apparently it is rare. I don't have any other problems aside from hypothyr

EXTREME ANXIETY! Racing heart, feeling doomed, shorness of breath, loss of appetite and trouble hearing.

Severe lethargy, depression, a numb feeling inside and out. No emotion, inability to make decisions, a feeling of despair, foggy brain, constipation, confusion.

Ugh, the fever, headaches, dizziness, nausea, stomach cramps and muscle spasms were unbearable!

Disgusting metallic taste, dry mouth, stomach pain. I took this medication about 8 years ago and had forgotten this symptoms. With just the first dose, I couldn't sleep, and the little time I could sleep I had very weird dreams and felt very anxious; I thought something aweful was about to happen.

not ovulating; irregular cycle

I'm pretty tough but finished course 5 1/2 days out of 7. Sleeping problems, diarrhoea, stomach pain and continual nausea. Eye pain, tingling in face. General malaise. Very depressed didn't want to do anything. Especially first couple of hours in the morning. REALLY spaced out, like my head had pressure and was going to explode, I was panicking severely, went to emergency doctor for re-assurance, paranoia. Disorientation and unsteady on feet.

I went off this stuff recently -- had to do it slowly. My doctor suggested taking a pill every other day for a couple of weeks, then increasing the number of days in between doses slowly. I took me abut 8 weeks to get to where I was taking one pill every five days. I feel so much better, even though the first several weeks were hell because of the acid rebound. I took DGL (a chewable licorice extract) when the acid bothered me, tried to keep the number of Tums down, too had burning mouth, arm, etc., horrible, until finally my body got used to it all after about six weeks. I was tempted many times to go back on the stuff, but I toughed it out and I am very glad I did.

Headaches, hot flushes, night sweats, weight gain, bloating