Pletal (cilostazol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pletal (cilostazol)

PLETAL (CILOSTAZOL): Cilostazol is used to improve the symptoms of a certain blood flow problem in the legs (intermittent claudication). Cilostazol can decrease the muscle pain/cramps that occur during exercise/walking. Claudication pain is caused by too little oxygen getting to the muscles. Cilostazol can increase blood flow and the amount of oxygen that gets to the muscles. Cilostazol is an antiplatelet drug and a vasodilator. It works by stopping blood cells called platelets from sticking together and prevents them from forming harmful clots. It also widens blood vessels in the legs. Cilostazol helps the blood to move more easily and keeps blood flowing smoothly in your body. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I am currently trying to work through the yeast problems because this drug has made such a huge difference to my asthma. I went from using my albuterol inhaler 8 times a day to once every other day or so! I will try and work out the Yeast issues with diet if I can so that I can stay on this drug. I would hate to have to give it up.

My pain has certainly eased off, hoping it will last after I have completed the course, otherwise it is a operation which I would rather avoid. I was two minded at first after reading reviews,but my doctor really thought we should give it a go, but must say everyone reacts differently to all medication and I do not regret it at this point in time. I am also on HRT which seems to help with the side affects.

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As this med has really done it's job, that is helping me sleep. It works great - it a matter of deciding how worth the side effects are, it seems like some have a low tolerance some high. I have a very high tolerance. My husband only needs to take a 1/4 of the 10 mg generic and he is out like a light, no side effects. I take 1 x 12.5 CR, and sometimes 1/2 that amount more and it does not work.. I am seeing my dr and asking for something else to help. Something like Pamelor and old tried and true med... As I think the Ambien increases my depression, and sometimes gives me this weird out of body feeling.. Now that I think about it, it might be what is effecting my concentration at the office... Bottom line I would recommend this to someone for short term use, that has exhausted all other options.