Levitra (vardenafil hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Levitra (vardenafil hydrochloride)

Flushing, stuff nose, red eyes

Used to take levitra on demand few years ago and was super satisfied until I thought to myself it's a bit expensive let's try to find a cheaper alternative.I switched to viagra generic and it worked ok, didn't give me the crazy hardness of levitra but it was fair enough. I kept using for around 5 years, lately I noticed that it's not working anymore in the current dose. Unfortunately I discovered this in a shameful situation while meeting a new woman and with a bit of stress and viagra completely failed me. It looks like it has been doing a placebo effect on me lately without me knowing especially that I noticed decrease in performance without really attributing it to the lack of potency of Viagra. I thought it was age or being tired. Until I decided to stop viagra and move back to levitra generic since it's no longer on the markets, and I just took 10 mg and it was really effective, gave me that hard erection again and restored my self confidence. I think i would take 20 mg in case I was planning to make sex multiple times in the same night. I hope it's efficacy won't slow down with time as viagra

My doctor order to me 10mg levitra, but I took 20 mg ,it doesn't work for me

Occasional failure to get erection

Occasional flushing stuffy nose

Now well into 2nd year using it for enhanced lovemaking usually one a fortnight or month on date nights/w/es. Find I can have sex twice and again in the morning. Wife loves the thicker harder erection and dresses to tease and please - she describes it like a steel rod.

Eschemic episode fake stroke momentarily lost all body control I required medical attention to see if I was not having real stroke. I workout 4 to 5 x a week. I will never use this drug again. Nurse who provided medical attention said the same thing happened to her husband This drug is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.

Will not use again, side effects too severe.

For a 40 plus year old man that able to rock hard and do it 3 times within 90mins really enlighten my life style.

Though my health and fitness are good, due to BPH I had trouble consistently maintaining an erection. My urologist prescribed 20 mg Levtra, but wary of side-effects I let it side on the shelf for about 10 months before finally giving it a try. The directions said to cut the pills into fourths and start with 5 mg, so I did. 5 mg worked very well with no side effects. I've found since that cutting the 5 mg chunks in half and taking 2-3 mg on successive day works even better--I can maintain my erection both days and on the second day have amazing stamina and drive. My erections are rock hard, they last for an hour or more (my girlfriend and I are in no hurry), and my orgasms are incredible. Levitra makes me feel young again and works great. Wow, wow and wow pretty much sums it up.

I have never had any side effects when using Levitra. When I first felt the need to use sexual enhancement medication I used Viagra. It was reasonably effective but I quickly abandoned it because of the side effects: especially the slightly blurred vision and headache. I then went on to Cialis, which didn't have such side effects but was far less effective in what it is supposed to do. To my immense relief I then found that Levitra not only is very effective but also gives me no side effects at all!

Though I had no real erectile dysfunction, I noticed my erections losing some of their old strength. My partner is younger than me, and though she could easily arouse me enough for intercourse, I knew I wasn't as big and hard as I used to be. So I began to lose a bit of confidence in my ability to satisfy her. After unsatisfactory attempts with Viagra (side effects), Levitra has given me back everything I used to have - and more. My erection is hard, and I think somewhat thicker than it has ever been though no longer. [I have no 'before' and 'after' measurements, but it seems that Levitra expands the blood vessels widthways, rather than lengthways.] Certainly I get a fantastic feeling of being fully 'pumped up' - like pumping up your biceps with weights - and of course women tend to find extra girth more satisfying than extra length. The other, entirely unexpected benefit of Levitra is that it reduces the urge to ejaculate. I can perform intercourse for much longer (like a pornstar!) and even after ejaculating I stay quite hard, so it doesn't need much more stimulation to be ready for another round. Levitra really proved its worth this summer when we took part in a foursome with a couple on holiday. I had no fears of failure. My partner joked that it was the sight of the excessively large bulge in my very brief swimming trunks (caused by Levitra the night before!) that attracted the couple on the neighbouring sun loungers. Maybe she has a point!

I am 26 years i try yesterday one levitra for fun with my gf i am in holidayI just feel a heart rate and little headache just one round i make sex and nothing else similar like before, not errection not strong not like write in answers in searching for levitra what is the problem can u confirm ?

I am 26 years i try yesterday one levitra for fun with my gf i am in holidayI just feel a heart rate and little headache just one round i make sex and nothing else similar like before, not errection not strong not like write in answers in searching for levitra what is the problem can u confirm ?

Difficulty in maintaining erection

Occasional flushing, stuffy nose

I have found that one definitely needs to be stimulated for it to work best and so we plan our use ( once a fortnight) to a night or w/e out of town where my wife can leave her bra and inhibitions behind and dress to show off her breasts & nipples and the rest of her very curvaceous figure in sheerish tops and short tight skirts. We both know what we are going for and this heightens the anticipation for good sustained lovemaking as does to be frank the attention her displaying her mature 55yo figure gets from other guys. We both enjoy her getting this attention and although we haven't done anything about it our w/es are on the agreed basis of 'no limits' sexually and fantasies are harmless. We look forward to these special adventures and that also stimulates reasonable non enhanced love making in between. The real difference is non enhanced I am good for one climax with Levitra a really good hard erection, which she notices, comments on and enjoys, and 3/4 climaxes.

Slight flushing and stuffy nose.

I'm pretty healthy man, non-smoker. I simply wanted to try Levitra (10 mg) in order to compare it with Stendra (100 mg). Both pills work just fine, although it took almost an hour for Levitra to start working versus 15-20 minutes for Stendra. Plus Levitra caused known side effects while Stendra did not give any side effects at all. Erections were strong and prolonged, my wife was satisfied. The desired result was achieved.

Felt a little flushed while it lasted and exhausted after I put it to the test with my wife. No other side effects but smiles. Viagra (25mg) gave me a wicked headache that no aspirin or Motrin could cure. Cialis (10mg) s good for 2 days but not a rock hard erection for as long.

By far Levitra made me the hardest - rock hard for a good hour or so at just 10mg. My wife (42) was very pleased indeed with my prolonged and slow thrusting that she had a couple of nice prolonged orgasms to my one with her second. Six hours later she wanted more. Levitra did not fail me - without taking more. When she is happy, I am happy.

Slight flushing and nasal stuffiness. Head ache the next morning

Tried Levitra as an alternative to Viagra. Pretty much the same results for me. Was able to get an erection when sexually stimulated through foreplay about 30 minutes after taking the drug. Erection was long, hard and thick. Was able to satisfy my wife and myself by maintaining an erection through penetration,climax and ejaculation. My wife was pleased that I was able to thrust for so long without losing my erection. Erectile dysfunction drugs work for me and would recommend them if you are having such problems,

Could not get an erection. I, as well as my wife, feel frustrated

Sometimes couldn't suatain an erect

Huge increase in performance - erection really hard and lasted for nearly 90 minutes and two climaxes. Got another erection in the morning and third climax. Wife and setting helped with romantic meal in hotel and staying over to set the scene for my first test with the drug. Her going braless in public with short skirt and stockings helped make it a truly awesome experience

Difficulty maintaining har erection

Stuffy nose, light headedness, difficulty breathing. Feels like lungs collapsing sometimes.

Works like magic every time. I split 20 mg six ways. That way effects are minimal and it gives me 30 of good sex, until ejaculation. Then it goes down, and doesn't bother like higher dosage does

Bloated,headache,hang-over, fatigue, nasal congested.

It did it's job. I was able to decrease the side of effects by not drinking alcohol (on day of usage) eating small healthy meals, but most importantly drinking a lot of TEA!!! it made using this drug very tolerable and decrease the side affects to a minimum.I know everyone is different but drinking tea around 4-6 cups doing usage has help me the most.. if your dealing with this problem it's worth a shot guys .. Really hope it helps you as much as it has help me because those side are brutal.

Headaches, nasal congestion, coughing, overall flu-like symptoms for days afterwards.

The erection it helped produce was great, so it did what it was supposed to but the side effects were brutal. It would be impossible for me to take this medication and function on a daily basis.

I sometimes have a dull headache after, but nothing serious. Also, for about a day after I get impromptu erections.

Why does anyone take an ED pill?

Actually no real effects at all. I have tried Levitra several times only to disappoint myself and my wife. Tried again tonight, took one-half and gave it an hour, didn't work so I took another. Little effect. What now?

LEVITRA (VARDENAFIL HYDROCHLORIDE): Vardenafil is used to treat male sexual function problems (impotence or erectile dysfunction-ED). In combination with sexual stimulation, vardenafil works by increasing blood flow to the penis to help a man get and keep an erection. This drug does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, hepatitis B, gonorrhea, syphilis). Practice "safe sex" such as using latex condoms. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I'm on day 3 now and most of the side effects have worn off or at least lessened. I think you just need time for your body to get used to a new medicine. It felt like I was on a major coffee overload. And of course with all those side effects it does lead to moodiness and anger fits. You just lose it easier with the nausea, jittery nerves, lose of sleep. Now I just have insomnia, mild headache, mild disorientation, probably can't taste or smell as well as normally but it's probably a good thing because I'm allergic to perfumes as well as grass and pollen. I've had allergies for years but I started taking this medicine because of eye lid swelling that is getting out of hand. After trying the 12 hr doasge for 2 weeks with some improvement, my doctor gave me the 24 hr allegra and flonase to try for 10 days to see any improvement. Honesty I have seen no improvement yet so I can't say if this medicine is going to work..but at least I can tolerate the side effects for the next 7 days.

I only got one shot because it is awful. Doctor told me irregular bleeding could be a side effect. 2 week long periods are quite annoying. Morning sickness and early weight gain, and people asking if I am pregnant. Have been coming off for 2 months and have gained more weight, more 2 week periods, no more sex drive or even opportunities with 2 week periods coming every 21 days. I was very fit, still eat better than most, but have to buy bigger clothes because of a lousy shot.

First week I experienced the gastro symptoms with very bad nausea. After that went away, no further problems.

made me more anxious than i was before i started taking it, extremely sleepy, very difficult to concentrate.

Depression, SEVERE mood swings,irritability, increased appetite, fatigue and acne(?)

MIGRAINES, did not treat mittelschmerz (severe ovulation pain), sharp pain in breast, tingling in left hand

I think Wellbutrin might help you if you do not develop intolerable side-effects. Since it is a stimulant, it can get you out of bed and going if you are lethargic from depression. At 150MG, I had some positive results with just a very dry mouth and a little dizziness for a couple of days, but when the dosage was increased to 300MG, I began to develop bad side effects. Unfortunately, I cannot tolerate the therapeutic dosage and have had to decrease it to 150MG and add Cymbalta. I was not on 300MG long enough to know if that would have sucessfully managed my depression. If you suffer from anxiety, this might not be a good choice for you. I knew going into it that Wellbutrin might increase my anxiety, but the SSRI's don't work for me. I did get some benefit from the lower dose of Wellbutrin, so I am hoping that the combination of the SNRI (Cymbalta) and Wellbutrin will manage my depression. All of the side effects I experienced are common with Wellbutrin; unfortunately, I just had too

Dry mouth, slight dizziness, mild euphoria. No other side-effects.

I was diagnosed with a macro adenoma at age 17, and started Dostinex with my Prolactin level in the 900s. I got my period within about 6 months. At age 21, my doctor suggested stopping Dostinex for 3 months to see if I still needed it (the tumor had shrunk so much that it was no longer visible on an MRI for quite some time). Upon checking my Prolactin level, it was very high, but no tumor growth was visible on MRI. Resumed Dostinex and stayed regular until getting pregnant with no problems at age 24. Throughout pregnancy and nursing, I was off Dostinex for 26 months, but there was still no tumor growth visible, though my Prolactin levels were quite high. After I stopped breastfeeding, I resumed Dostinex and started having regular cycles after about 3 months.

had to take twice as much as I did with Maxalt - leaves gritty sandy substance in mouth - does not dissolve properly - nauseated; makes me gag