Dibenzyline (phenoxybenzamine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dibenzyline (phenoxybenzamine hydrochloride)

Stuffy nose, vision changes, and shortness of breath.

DIBENZYLINE (PHENOXYBENZAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat high blood pressure and heavy sweating due to a certain tumor of the adrenal glands (pheochromocytoma). Phenoxybenzamine belongs to a class of drugs known as alpha blockers. It works by relaxing and widening blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


Related User Reviews

Went to Dr. after slight spotting for almost two weeks. Last normal period was almost 3 months ago. Figured it was just pre-menopause problem. Dr. put me on 10mg for 5 days to induce a normal period after an ultrasound showed I did have a build up of endrometrial lining. Only real discomfort while taking the pill was a slight headache last two days. Other than that felt fine. No weight gain, irritability, or any of the other problems noted on this site. I did, however, keep spotting. Mostly after my nightly gym routine (1/2 hr. weights; 1/2 hr cardio). Medication did the trick because I started a period day after taking the last pill. Did have heavy bleeding and cramping with this but over the counter analgesic did the trick. I'm just hoping the bleeding does not last too long. Don't want to end up going in the other direction now.

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Switched to weekly Taxol after one dose of TaxotereI hear many oncologists don't use taxotere

I have only been on Yasmin for four months and had noticed all these symptoms but didn't attribute them to the pill until I read all these comments. I am going to my GP this afternoon and intend to come off yasmin immediately!! Fingers crossed I'll feel my usual self again asap!!

Currently taking generic version of Topamax and doing a great job on relieving my migraines. I went from 9 a month to less then 1 a week. Started at 25 mg and worked up to 200 mg, once I reached 200 mg I no longer could sleep as well. Usually get about 4 hours of sleep a night. Melatonin is helping a little. Other side effects mentioned: tingling, sinus, etc went away after a few days with each increase dose. I did have to split the dose to 100 mg 2 times a day. I am thinking of changing the dose down to 150 mg and see if this still controls the migraines and allows me to sleep better. Wish me luck :)

I was very tired the first day or two, now not as bad, the dizziness is still bad and I urinate all the time. The dreams are probably the worst side effect. I am having nightmares every night since I started wellbutrin SR. If not for the bad dreams then I think it would be more tolerable

S/p quadrupal wisdom tooth extract.

Talkativeness, jitteryness, much worsened insomnia, hyperactivity, restlessness and behavior resembling the manic phase of bipolar disorder.

Not impressed at all. Not sure if it's working or not because I have "silent reflux " so I have no symptoms. 🤷🏻‍♂️

This med gave me my life back. I started out on .25mg about 15 years ago and I helped me sleep well. It helps my mood far more than my prozac 20mg. Keeps me stable. I have tried most of the usual bipolar meds but always came back to this one.