Cialis (tadalafil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cialis (tadalafil)

CIALIS (TADALAFIL): Tadalafil is used to treat male sexual function problems (impotence or erectile dysfunction-ED). In combination with sexual stimulation, tadalafil works by increasing blood flow to the penis to help a man get and keep an erection. Tadalafil is also used to treat the symptoms of an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia-BPH). It helps to relieve symptoms of BPH such as difficulty in beginning the flow of urine, weak stream, and the need to urinate frequently or urgently (including during the middle of the night). Tadalafil is thought to work by relaxing the smooth muscle in the prostate and bladder. This drug does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, hepatitis B, gonorrhea, syphilis). Practice "safe sex" such as using latex condoms. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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WAIT A FEW MONTHS, your body has to adjust before you can be sure the side effects are actually an issue. I had tender breasts, constant hunger, and spotting at first (maybe more, but it's been a while since I started it and I'm happy enough with it that I don't remember too much to complain about).

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hardcore burning, odor, rotting flesh, redness, soreness, can't walk

I described this to my doctor and she didn't seem so concerned. I think when our doc's prescribe things like this they don't take the time out to research the drug themselves, so they can't warn us of these horrible side effects. For some, they do more harm then good.

I can't hold anything - everything slips from my hands, can't grab tightly, knee joints and finger joints snap back and forth, can't stay asleep. I am seeing my onco today for some recommendations. If none, I am going off the medication. Each day that goes by, something else hurts and stiffens up. I can't imagine what will happen in five years. This is no quality of life - even being alive. I can't even get myself dressed.

Starting dose of 50mg kept me up all night as though I had drunk a pint of coffee but side effect stopped when halved tablet to 25mg ( apparently sub theraputic dose ? ) 25 MGS works well for me with no side effects. Sex drive not much diminished. Not gained any weight and rarely need sleeping meds any more. So far so good !

I was unable to sleep for 3 days straight, and was very hyperactive during that time. When I was finally able to sleep, I really crashed - slept like the dead for 12 hours.

The only problem with taking my .5 mg 3x/day of Clonazepam is when I run out when waiting too long to get to the dr's office. There is an obvious addictive factor to it. I experience great anxiety and panic attacks if I go off it cold turkey like that. By the 5th day I am totally desperate! I don't like that. I do like it better than Ativan or Xanax. It does help me fall asleep when taken with my 12.5 mg Ambien. I also take 75 mg/day of Effexor XR and find that my depression, anxiety, and insomnia are kept at a minimum. I do NOT like being so dependent on Clonazepam but it's better than feeling panicky and anxious 24/7. FYI-recently tried Seroquel for insomnia instead at 150 mg/day. A nightmare-weight gain-awful drug!!