Gardasil vaccine (human papillomavirus quadrivalent vaccine recombinant) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Gardasil vaccine (human papillomavirus quadrivalent vaccine recombinant)

Second dose taken about 1.5 years after the first but before age 15. Read that actually your immunity improves the longer you wait between doses (but it still must be before age 15 if you want to avoid 3 doses.)

Side Effects forgardasil vaccine (human papillomavirus quadrivalent vaccine recombinant) - User Comments


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It's been weeks and I am no better. I was appalled to find out it clearly states these symptoms have been identified and doctors are still using it. It did not help my pnuemonia symptoms either and there several other drugs that could be used. This product should be taken off the market - doctors ar not paying attention.

It works but not worth the side effects I had to stop after 6 days I couldn't make 10 :-(

Went back to my doctor who has advised me to stop taking zyban because of the hives, this is a bad side effect apparently. I am sorry to stop taking them as I have stopped smoking now for 4 days which is amazing for me. Very little cravings with zyban

Anxiety attack caused by macrobid

Nausea which went away after first 10 days, maybe fatique not sure if it is mistakes I have made in diet change.

While no drug is perfect, I am someone for whom Dilaudid worked wonders. I had it post-op twice--once for abdominal surgery and once for spinal surgery. I had a PCA pump for the spinal surgery and was only on Dilaudid about 12 hours or so. I wish I'd been able to do that with the hysterectomy--I had to call and request it, which meant I was already in a lot of pain by the time someone got there. They only allowed 3 doses over a 24 hour period, which wasn't sufficient. For post-op pain, this is the best thing I've had. However, I know it doesn't work well for everyone--sorry about that and hope you can find something that does.

After a torn Achilles my walking was somewhat inhibited. Prescribed Repatha & took it until my insurance said I had to switch to Praluent. My triglyceride & LDL numbers have improved dramatically. BUT after taking it for a little over a year, I can hardly walk due to leg pain & weakness. I'm never taking this drug again. Hopefully the symptoms will subside & I can get my life back.

Only MINOR side effects. The most annoying was feeling really tired and sleepy all the time. Metallic taste. Nausea only if I didn't eat sufficiently BEFORE taking a tablet.

I wish I had figured out the cause of these symptoms sooner. Because my medical picture is complicated, and I am in my 40s, I did not associate what I was experiencing with the BC pills I was taking. I have been off the pills for 24 days and have lost 12lbs.

Increased anxiety the first week or so as well as blurred up close vision. Longer sexual stamina. Minor upset stomach if taken on empty stomach.