Acam2000 vaccine (smallpox vaccine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Acam2000 vaccine (smallpox vaccine)

I'm no longer taking this medication. I had terrible leg pain right after the first shot. However, about a month later I had a herniated disc, so the leg pain might have been caused by the herniated disc and not the shot.

I had terrible leg pain a few days after after the first shot. However, about a month later I had a herniated disc, so the leg pain might have been caused by the herniated disc and not the shot.

Side Effects foracam2000 vaccine (smallpox vaccine) - User Comments


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I was completely out of it for 24 hours. My family said I came out of my bedroom to greet guests who stopped by, and again to cook dinner. I remember nothing at all. The plus would be that I wasn't in pain.

Was on Lexapro for almost a year, but went off due to sex-drive issues. I lost 2 lbs when I switched to this drug and it helped my anxiety even more. My sex drive improved mildly, too. This is a fabulous medication and I'm very satisfied with it.

This has been a life saver compared with daily pain from endometrioma, severe period cramps and living my life in pain. After my first injection i had my normal period but thankfully on my second injection last month i had no period. I will take my third injection at the end of this week. This is in preparation for IVF as i've had 2 unsuccessful one's. I am hopeful it will end well.

complete lack of sex drive, random mood swings, depression, anxiety, irritability, random weight gain... helped my acne though pretty quick..

I gained 40 pounds while taking this medicine.

Hyperhidrosis ( face and scalp)

This drug did what it was supposed to do: lowered my eye pressure. However, being a runner both before and after this medication was prescribed to me, I discovered almost immediately that it was difficult for me to run the same hilly routes as before. I believe that the beta-blocker has a tendency to retard the heart rate, as I found it difficult to reach and maintain my target heart rate. Using the occlusion technique when administering the drops was of some help, but I still noticed a big difference when my eye doctor eventually switched me to a different medication.

Until I found and read this site, I thought my symtoms were due to perimenopause. When I asked my doctor about it, she simply changed my medication to another one (which didn't help me and I switched back to Claritin-D). Thank you for the comments. Now, I don't feel alone in my misery and may get a chance at relief.

Pressure and ringing in the ears, unexplained rashes, very bad insomnia, some stomach problems.

Sure it makes me a bit sleepy, but I can now deal with that! I was put on this due to lots of lower back issues. I was taking 5 mg 3 times a day, but I never took that much! 2 weeks ago I went to my doc and she pushed me up to 2- 5mg pills in the afternoon and 2- 5 mg pills at night! It has REALLY helped me alot with both PMS pain and my lower back issues