Salagen (pilocarpine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Salagen (pilocarpine hydrochloride)

Severe abdominal pain. Some diahrea previous to that. No sweating at all

First dose in morning causes nausea and hypersalivation with feeling that I will vomit. Overtearing of dry eye as well. As day goes on nausea is reduced but hypersalivation continues. Will give it time.

no noticeable side effects - Plaquenil kept my Sjogrens symptoms under manageable control - when Salagen was prescribed in addition to Plaquenil, there was no improvement in reducing the symptoms - did not work

Very disappointed, was my last hope.

Thrusting and headaches. This is my 2nd try with this drug. I already lost all my upper teeth from dry mouth so I need to be patient and make this work.

Sjogren's Syndrome/Burning Mouth

Occasionally I have experienced excessive sweating and/or cold chills within 20 minutes of ingestion. I noticed if I spaced the doses out further apart, the side effects decreased greatly.

Salagen has improved my quality of life with Sjogren's Syndrome and Burning Mouth Syndrome. My pain has been greatly reduced as I actually have saliva! Occasionally I have more saliva than I really want, but I'll take that!

Severe sweating/hot flashes for at least the last 6 months. Been taking Salagen for at least 4-5 years or longer.No side effects other than a runny nose for the first few years.

Not positive the hot flashes are from the Salagen. ??

Mainly profuse sweating as well as chills and runny nose.

It definitely helps produce salvia and dry mouth. But the side effects are getting harder to deal with. However I'll continue taking it as I'd prefer the side effects over a dry mouth.

For the first week I was warm but never really experienced the flushing. I do have more frequent urination.

Mouth would be so dry. Now I have saliva. I could sleep through the night if I did not have to urinate. This has been a great improvement.

Makes my throat feel restricted hard to sleep

feel flush about 20 minutes after taking this medication. makes you sweat and help with saliva and tear production. I've also lost 15lbs since starting this medication.

It's a good idea to drink plenty of water while on this medication because it will cause you to sweat. Before I started taking Salagen I had hardly any tears or saliva. This drug is well worth the flush feeling.

I haven't had any side effects which amazes me because I'm very ultra sensitive to medications. I'm taking one {4 times a day.} It helps to relieve my super dry mouth especially when I'm trying to have a conversation. I've had a dry mouth for so long it's a relief to have a normal amount of saliva. I've gone so long without having any saliva that it took me awhile to get use to having any. I had a huge grin on my face the other day while I was concentrating on my computer work because I actually drooled. Thankfully I was at home and not in public! There's nothing like a woman walking around town drooling with a big smile on her face. It's a blessing to have any sort of saliva. I feel badly for the people who have experienced side effects with this particular medication. I realize that no two bodies react the same, but Salagen is working great for me. I would recommend this medication to others if they are able to tolerate it :-)

I'm happy that Salagen works great for me!

Profuse sweating - I had to change my clothes 3 times in one night. Chills, head ache, and hot flashes. Also, one night I had so much saliva in my mouth that I woke up in the middle of the night choking on my own saliva. A very scary experience!

Just note that I am generally sensitive to medications that I take, but I did not expect these side effects.

Strong pain in ducts on roof of mouth. Right submandibular pain. Difficulty swallowing.

I won't be taking it again. Not sure what I'll do.

Initial dosage (while I was in radiation treatment)was 1 pill 3X per day. For the first few months I had flashes of sweating but adjusted. I am now (for several years)taking 1 pill 4 times per day. I have no adverse side effects.

I had Stage IV throat cancer requiring surgical removal of the submandibular salivary gland (rt. side) and 7 weeks of radiation, which greatly reduced the salivary function. I am quite dependent on Salagen at this point. My system has adjusted to "expecting" the boost to salivary function every 6 hours--for talking (I teach), eating, living. My quality of life would not be good without Salagen. It has helped me a great deal.

Dry mouth due to Sjogren's Syndrome

flushing and sweating briefly 20 minutes after taking it.

Works great for me. I only wish that the effects were longer lasting. Had to add a fourth dose to make things more comfortable.

I take 10 mg when I wake up, 5 mg in the afternoon, and 5 mg at night. I do experience (periodically) sweating in the morning about 20 minutes after I take them. It only lasts about 10 minutes and then, I'm fine. There are no other side effects for me.

My life prior to being prescribed this medication was a ZERO on a 1 to 10 scale. Talking was uncomfortable. Kissing my husband, out of the question, life was miserable. At first I was less than thrilled by the medication but I kept taking it. After about 2 months, it was miraculous. Life was a 4 or 5 out of 10, which anyone with a dry mouth will tell you is AWESOME. Now, I have been on it for 4 months and now it's a 6. If it doesnt get any better than this, that's fine. I am happy, able to talk, sing, kiss.....I will never again be without this medication. I highly recommend it to EVERYONE.

Repeated hot flashes and sweating.

It is a sanity-saver when I can't stand the dry mouth any more or have to take part in a conversation. However, the duration of the improved salivation is so short and the side effects are so unpleasant that I prefer not to take it regularly as prescribed (3 times per day).

Hot flashes and profuse sweating, starting about 20-30 minutes after taking the drug. This is followed by chills since I'm so damp from the sweats! The amount of saliva in my mouth does increase for awhile, but initially the sensation is uncomfortably reminiscent of what one experiences with nausea prior to throwing up. Not pleasant. After about an hour of these sensations, my body returns to

I take one 5mg Salagen tablet 3 times a day after meals. My Dr. would like me to add a 4th dose before bedtime, but I doubt I can tolerate that since I would be taking it without having eaten a meal. I really don't care for the side effects, especially since I'm experiencing additional hot flashes the rest of the day due to menopause.

SALAGEN (PILOCARPINE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat symptoms of dry mouth due to a certain immune disease (Sjogren's syndrome) or from saliva gland damage due to radiation treatments of the head/neck for cancer. Pilocarpine belongs to a class of drugs known as cholinergic agonists. It works by stimulating certain nerves to increase the amount of saliva you produce, making it easier and more comfortable to speak and swallow. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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been on 37.5 75, and now 150mgbeen on and off it over a year, cause i just cant stand the side effects which make me sick as hell, it seemed to work better at the start now its just f-ed up and i feel i gotta get on it to make myself feel anything other then what i feel without effexor, i wouldnt recommend this drug to anyone

I like how after a week on Welbutrin XL I just didn't feel like smoking anymore and i have smoked for 7 years. I had decreased appitite which i didn't mind, at first i had to force myself to eat, then it started to gradually come back. I catch myself getting dizzy sometimes and I am very Shakey. The first week when I was still smoking i could not even hold my hand steady enough to light the ciggarette and a coworker noticed my hand shaking when i was moving the mouse. The WORST side effect and the main reason I am quitting is the dry mouth. Not everyone gets this but mine is so bad i am drinking probobly 12 glasses of water a day. Not only is it just uncomfortable I am constantly chewing gum because I am afraid I will havy stinky breath from the dry mouth. Overall I could live with all the other side effects, if I didnt have this dry mouth (which didn't occur till about the second week) I would definatly keep taking this product.

Crestor of 20mg per day has reduced my bad cholesterol from 290 to 116. My good cholesterol is around 50. I reduced my intake of Crestor to 10 mg per day and the Doctor notice that my good cholesterol declined right away while the bad stayed at about 116. My doctor now wants me to add 10mg of Zetia to get my bad level below 100. I have asked about the soreness and the Doctor said it is because I am overweight, 290 pounds. I have been at this weight for several years and never experienced this kind of soreness or fatigue. I have made significant changes to my eating habits eating very little red meat, lower fat foods, and eating a more balanced diet. I am not good about exercising regularly.

Severe stomach ache: 12 hours after taking, and after I eat a meal, I get a severe stomach ache. So severe, I can't talk. Stomach ache is excruciating for about 2 hours and then quickly disappears and I am fine again.

Taken for two days - Dripping nose, light headed, dizzy, palpitations - this medication is awful - I am discontinuing use.

I have tried several antidepressants over the last 20 years. I was skeptical about another drug but this one has changed my life. I realize that anxiety was the major cause of my depressive symptoms, effexor effectively eliminated the daily anxiety letting me face problems and challenges with a clear head and see things with appropriate perspective. Everything in my life is moving forward again, I can make good decisions, I have optimism about recent changes in my life: a new career, a wonderful love (and sex) life and the future. Keep trying to get help, don't give up, even if effexor is not for you, there are so many other possibilities if tried under the supervision of a trusted psychiatrist.

People should be aware of the possible allergic reactions of this drug.

don't feel nothing stil take reg. 0.5mg 3x daily(3months) on top of 1mg xr daily am able to focus a lil better but not much but I am a woman HAHAHA

Went to ER on day 2 pill of 3. Extreme sweating fatigue feeling morbid. Evil spirit drug made by witches! This is not good. Be prepared for HELL! I am a strong man and this almost killed me. No more medicines for me. I took this in the past and it did not do this. Generics from some place trying to kill people. Maybe Big Pharma getting people sick with mental illness. Stay away to stay sane! Some people dont get the contaminated kind of Z pac.

Lower back, ovarian, and abdominal pain decreased the first 2 months after my 1st injection. Chronic nausea disappeared, only to return around the 5 month period, although it was not daily as it was before. Various pains returned after about 2 months and steadily increased until it was worse than before starting treatment. After 4-5 months of Zoladex, I had to start on a buprenorphine transdermal patch in order to try and keep the pain under control. Due to my increase in pain and other symptoms, I had another laparoscopy 7 months after starting treatment, to remove endometriosis from bowels, ureters, ovaries, fossa douglasi. Obviously Zoladex did not help with my endometriosis as it was found during my surgery.It is now 8 months after my last injection, and I am still suffering from all side effects reported. My state of life is much worse than it was before starting the treatment and I would not wish this upon anyone else, especially those who also suffer from endometriosis or adenomyosis.