Edex (alprostadil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Edex (alprostadil)

EDEX (ALPROSTADIL): This medication is used to treat male sexual function problems (erectile dysfunction). It works by helping the blood flow into the penis to achieve and maintain an erection. This medication is not for use in women or children. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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nausea resulting from kidney stones

I'm glad to say that I will have come to my 6th and final shot on 12/4. I had an ultrasound on 10/10. The largest fibroid went down a little but not significantly. I guess we'll check again the first of the year. I haven't had a period since August, only minor spotting which has been great. Picked up a little weight but looking to lose after surgery. My main goal is to get these large fibroids out of my body and hopefully be able to conceive.

i am relatively young to be using this particular drug, and may represent something of an anomaly on this board. nevertheless, my sole experience with viagra was pretty remarkable. there is a bit of literature out there that states that the orgasm delaying effect of viagra is not very significant. in my case that was far from true. my erection was hard, long lasting, and allowed me to bang like a porn star. the only problem was that it was somewhat difficult to climax--even after an hour and a half of more or less continuous copulation. i took a 100 mg dose, and in the future will cut that by at least half.

Headache, weight gain, depression, suicidal thoughts, confusion

I'm a stay at home Mom of 4 year old twins and needed something to mellow me out and not make me so anxious! This drug gives me very high energy, I don't sleep at all (if I ever get to sleep it is only for a couple of hours), anxiety is higher than before, headaches and neck pain out of this world, temple and face tenderness from clinching my jaws, I’m very nervous and shaky, I seem to snap at my kids more easily and also have notices rapid heart rate. I have liver problems (not liver disease but tests show it doesn't junction properly) and my right side has been very tender and painful. I don't recommend this for anybody with any type of liver problems. I'm so fatigued from no sleep. Needed this for my anxiety and chronic worry - it DIDN'T help at all!!!!

It worked when I took it years ago, but this time have experienced side effects that aren't worth it.

2 sons take it--in one son, age 20 months, no adverse side effects and he has been on it since he was 10 months old. He has Chronic Lung disease and asthma. HE also takes singulair and Xophenex daily. My older son, now age 5, was diagnosed with asthma towards the end of last summer and began taking flovent 8 months ago. We have seen dramatic shifts in his mood, behavior, and ability to focus. He was a golden child at his preschool last year, and this year, from the first day (2 weeks after starting Flovent) he has become impossible to manage. Same room, same teacher, same class as last year. The only thing that changed was him going on flovent. It has taken us a while to pinpoint, but we are pretty sure it is a reaction to the flovent and have begun to take him off the flovent. We are seeking alternatives that have less of an emotional/behavioral effect. He also recently began taking albuterol as needed.

I noticed no side effects whats so ever.

D/P D/R extreme sickness and tremors in am and out of it the whole day. Paranoia of people noticing this and they do. extreme anxiety. I'm sooo afraid. Can't think strait eyes burn and have alot of eye trouble. Symptoms have gradually came on. Started out on .05 3X now .05 1X. Feel crazy.

Sleepiness and drowsiness.Kind of warm and fuzzy until I got accustomed to it.I take 4 mgs a day now.