Simponi (golimumab) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Simponi (golimumab)

Some headaches, pretty bad pain in wrist, pain in hips, vision seems to be worse, elevated ALT and AST levels, have gained 10 lbs in 2 months.

Hard to tell if these symptoms are from the medication or if my body is just falling apart. I see MD soon. Don't feel worse, but don't feel better.

Used to stop working after 6 weeks so my Dr. put me on infusions every 6 weeks.

Severe Fatigue, easy bruising, headache, tingling, achy,

Stomach and bowel issues greatly improved, pain and inflammation improves a couple of days not long.

Cirrhotic arthritis, arthritis RA

Very tired and flu like symptoms-yeast infections and weight gain. No pain relief and joints are still swallowed. I'm also a dietetic 1 and am very concerned about the side effects from the med with high blood pressure and lowering my immunity to infection.

I feel worse than when I started. All my joints are very painful. Hands, wrists, fingers, feet and toes are red and in excruciating pain. It hurts to walk! My neck and hips are hurting like crazy. I don't think this is for me.

Headache, muscle pain, hot flashes, electric shock like pains

Has helped reduce redness swelling and pain in hands

Injection today no side effects do far. Had it about 5 hours ago.

Tingling, pins & needles, and loss of sensation in extremities (paresthesias)

It worked REALLY well for like 2 years. Then, I foolishly stopped taking it for like 6 months since I felt great and had no inflammation. Inflammation came back, so I restarted treatment. A couple of days later I felt a tingly sensation on my right foot and had little/no feeling on my left (inflammation did go down though). It took like 4 months for these to go away after stopping treatment. Now I can't go back to taking Simponi.

Psoriatic arthritis and Psoriasis

1st infusion now 2nd next in 8 weeks Neck is much worse causing muscle spasm twitches in mid back. Poor sleep because of pain.Back is very itchy a little in scalp.

Works on pain sometimes but after the infusion I feel really tired and depressed. My stomach gets upset too. I take it once every 2 months. Been more than a year. Benefit has already plateaued. Think I may try something else.

Increased psoarsis, red face and extreme exhaustionBut over all i forgot i had arthritis. A year ago i was about to be hospitalized and in a wheel chair. Today i can run. Sometimes feel sick after a few drinks

Non radio ankylosing spondylitis

Worked brilliant for almost two weeks then wore off to stiff painfull joints and back. No energy, tummy issues.

If i could take more often that would be great.

Intense ongoing shoulder, neck and arm pain. I never experienced this before. Now in both arms. Not taking ever again. Doc talked me into third injection. Going on something else as soon as I can. Has anyone else experienced this? Doc doesn't seem to care.

Tingling and numbness, blurred vision, tremors

Tingling, numbness, blurred vision, tremors

Reduced vision, numbness, tingling, balance problems, upper respiratory infection .

By the time I got home from my rheumatologist office my pain level started dropping dramatically, he used the inject pen- didn't feel anythingI haven't been able to leave the house with horrible fatigue

Although I have extreme fatigue, it's early days and I want to give it 3 months

Flu like symptoms, runny eyes, sore throat, swollen glands a few days after the enervation but it subsided. Helped lessen pain and inflammation overall in 2 weeks. Swollen ankles but not sure if it's related to the meds.

Heartburn, some weight gain, headache

Almost immediate relief from chronic pain. Miraculous. Only into 6th week of infusion.

Could barely walk easy

SIMPONI (GOLIMUMAB): This medication is used to reduce pain and swelling due to certain types of arthritis (such as rheumatoid, psoriatic, and ankylosing spondylitis). It works by blocking a protein (tumor necrosis factor or TNF) found in the body's immune system that causes joint swelling and damage. By reducing joint swelling, the medication helps to reduce further joint damage and preserve joint function. Depending on the type of arthritis that is being treated, this drug may be used alone or in combination with another drug called methotrexate. This medication is also used to treat a certain bowel condition (ulcerative colitis). It is used to help lessen symptoms of moderate to severe ulcerative colitis (such as abdominal pain/cramping, diarrhea, bloody stools). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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