Humira (adalimumab) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Humira (adalimumab)

I'm still taking this medication. Sinus issues - have had several bacterial lung infections - irritated bladder.

Started to get relapsed (not as bad) so now take weekly Humira.

Worked pretty well for my arthritis


It worked well at first in July 2022. But by January 2023 it felt like shot was giving me only days of improvement. My hands swelled, fingers, total hip surgery that never healed well n swelled previously got worse. Swelling on left hip from bottom of scar to above my hip bone. Fatigue got bad then worse.. heavy hair loss.. Depression, crying about everything wrong in my life. Then i went numb i couldn't express myself. I Couldn't have a normal reaction..I felt frozen some days. No emotion. Migraines galore. I have trigeminal nerve disorder and I have ear damage. I couldn't tell what's hurting.. I am a cancer Survivor of a nasty cancer that affected my mouth and brain.

So Dr suggested to add Methotrexate to Humira, but nationwide shortage since last year. I just finally got it and I felt really ok and more energy for 2 big days. Then today I woke with a #10 migraine that's lasted all day. Drs won't admit that any of these issues exist. Swelling, depression.. I really thought methotrexate was helping me yesterday. I'm gonna go to ear nose throat to check ear drum and see my Neurologist this week. I've decided this can't go on and I'll get off Humira. If headaches are from it. Even if methotrexate helps what's going to happen if pharmacy says oh we can't get it again for months. Humira alone is doing something bad to me.

Tightness /tension in upper back spine. Dizziness, headache, anxiety, tinnitus, extreme night sweats and fainting.

I would not recommend anyone take this. While it helped with my fatigue the side effects were terrifying and worsened with each dose.

After taking Humira for 2 months I got bumps on my chest and back which eventually turned into blisters. They covered my entire body including my scalp and private part. I started losing chunks of hair. I am unable to go shopping because of the blisters on my feet. I am now in an electric chair. All of this because of a boil like bump. Humira is a highly dangerous medicine. I wouldn't prescribe this to anyone.

Humira did not get rid of the HS bump I was taking it for.

Started with a dizzy spell here and there and then led to feeling lightheaded with minor headaches. Fatigue started in as well as weird frequent heart palpitations. Then I started having panic attacks anxiety and depression for the first time in my life. Medicine did help with flare ups but I stopped it. Now on anti depressant. Not worth it, as I'd rather have a flare up! Stick with the devil you know!

This drug is poison. I was on it for 2 years and I had clear skin for the first time since I was 7 so I really did think it was a wonder drug. Except, it almost killed me. I was becoming paralyzed from the extremities inward. I had teams of drs working on me and a nerve biopsy sent to the Mayo Clinic proved that Humira destroyed my nerves. It didn't stop there. Humira ate away at my connective tissue and internal organs as well including my heart and my brain. Now I am left unable to work nor am I able to do most things I used to enjoy. At age 34, Humira took my life away and left me destroyed. Please heed my warning and learn from my experience. If I would have combatted my psoriasis with proper nutrition and stress management instead of turning to a "medicine" I would be in a totally different place. Now I am jobless, homeless, and without a future all because of this horrible poison. My life is over but I hope and pray others will not have to go thru what I have. God bless.

Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis

I took my first dose on 7/31. The next day it felt like I was hit by a truck. It felt like a hangover. Ever since the first dose I have been experiencing constant headaches and this overall dizziness feeling. Besides that it's helped with pain and my psoriasis had calmed down so much. It's not red and irritated anymore, it looks more like discoloration on my legs. My arms are pretty much clear now and this all after ONE dose. While It's helping with my disease but the headaches and dizziness aren't worth it. I feel worse physically bc of the constant feeling of dizziness. I take my second shot on 8/14 and I'm nervous to say the least.

Take with caution and always listen to your body.

When I started humira 2 years ago all the pain I had virtually went away besides occasional minor flare ups. Some stiffness still lingered but pain was no longer an issue up until recently it seems like the humira has stopped working and all the pain I had before has come back.

Thought it was a miracle drug at first but now disappointed it seems that I've become immune to the drug. I go back to my rheumatologist this week.

Extreme fatigue, heaviness, breathing is difficult. Tired, RA symptoms seem worse including stiffness in hands.

psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis

psoriatic arthritis somewhat improved, bur now gave me stage 2 kidney disease. also, palmoplantar psoriasis. episodes of extreme fatique and depression, insomnia.

had to stop as advised by nephrologist, apparently it can cause total kidney failure.

After my first shot I felt great but at 2 months I started getting migraines. Then at 3 months I started getting extreme RA flares. I stopped taking Humira at 4 months and again had an extreme RA flare. More painful than anything pain I had before starting this biological. I would not recommend!

worst rash I've every had ( eczema, ) head to toe.. my feet are inflamed red,itchy blisters. my head full of bumps itch and its even on my vj

Hot flashes sometimes moody frequent colds, get sick more often than not but I get through it. Small price to pay.

I was diagnosed in 2004 with colitis and anklelosing spondylitis. The first doctor I saw wanted to immediately take out my lower colon and then would wear a colostomy bag. I had a second opinion and started drug therapy the usual steroids. These did not work. I met a very good Ruematologist she suggested humira. Since I have been taking this medication I have no flare ups for colitis or AS basically in remission. This medication saved my life. I don’t like sticking a needle in my leg every 2 weeks but considering the alternative and I have been there almost did not make it out of the hospital because of this, I will continue to take this medication until told otherwise.

Painful joints, numbness in hands, extreme hair loss, low vitamin counts, fatigue, cannot fight any infection, sinus infections, itching, lowered immune system and shingles.

It has helped me somewhat with my disease. Not in remission at all. Still have stomach pains, rashes, stomach gurgles, fatigue.

Hot flashes that last about 5-10 minutes frequently.Minor joint pain and back pain and stiffness.

Humira helped me a great deal. I'm not vegan, I still eat all of the things I'm not supposed to. And I still get cramps and tummy-spasms occasionally, but while I've been on Humira, my fistula got to the point where I could get it removed. I'm not in constant pain and only have problems occasionally instead of all the time.

Mood swings, depression, some rage that I've never experienced before.

Psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis

HUMIRA (ADALIMUMAB): Adalimumab is used to reduce pain and swelling due to certain types of arthritis (such as rheumatoid, psoriatic, juvenile idiopathic, ankylosing spondylitis). This medication is also used to treat certain skin disorders (such as plaque-type psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa). It works by blocking a protein (tumor necrosis factor or TNF) found in the body's immune system that causes joint swelling and damage in arthritis as well as red scaly patches in psoriasis. Adalimumab belongs to a class of drugs known as TNF blockers. By reducing joint swelling, this medication helps to reduce further joint damage and preserve joint function. Adalimumab is also used to treat certain bowel conditions (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis) and a certain eye disease (uveitis). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Generally, I have found protonix 40 mg to be effective. I still think prilosec is better.

This was a miracle for me! I now have regular BM's which has NEVER happened before! I would go 2 weeks without going. I occasionally have to bump the dose up but not often. I am truly amazed at some of the negative comments here. Of course Miralax is going to cause some gas! It's also going to cause diarrhea if you take a large dose i.e. prep for a colonoscopy--that's kind of the idea. Miralax did not cause your sore throat, your runny nose, your itchy dry skin or foot pain. It takes several days to work if you start with a small dose. It isn't an instant cure (for those who complained that 1 or 2 doses didn't work.)

It might be great for a woman, but I prefer to be able to pee.

No big side effects from taking the drug(30 mg/day) other than zero sex drive. The problem is getting off this drug. I had severe confusion and "brain zaps" when stopping the drug, and I was on a low dose. Consequently I'm now trying to taper off it (I'm in my 5th week) and and just can't seem to stop it w/o getting brain zaps. I'm down to 5 mg/every other day and if I try to stop taking it for longer than that the severity of the brain zaps increase. I would not recommend this drug unless all other options have failed.

I was not informed of these side effects when I started taking it or would not have. I have had a sensitivity to the sun for several years & my doctor knew this. I will be sure he knows this.

heart attack hardening of the arteries and nerve damage in my feet

I also found Hydergine at 4.5 mgs helped and the amino acid l-carnosine 1000 mgs twice daily; each seemed to help in different ways. Dilantin I found to be excellent at calming.

Was great in beginning, after three months developed extreme vomiting, sometimes 5 plus times a day

First vaccine in September. Felt like I was about to have the flu, but got better in 2 days. The second vaccine a few days ago. The first night I had chills, fever, body aches, headaches and nausea. It felt like the worst flu. Started to feel better the second day, but only fully recovered after 3 days. The first day was just awful.

Leg pains, and possibly chest pain. I am also taking Metformin,Toprol XL 100mg, Low dose asprin 81mg.