Luxiq (betamethasone valerate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Luxiq (betamethasone valerate)

swollen lower lip. burning itch on my scalp, heart palpatations, jittery feeling all the time, sleeplessness, joint pain

I stopped taking the drug after realizing it was causing all these miserable symptoms.

I use it once a day for about 5 days then wait about 3 weeks and do it again.

very good control of scalp inflammation.

LUXIQ (BETAMETHASONE VALERATE): This medication is used to treat skin conditions of the scalp (such as psoriasis, seborrhea). Betamethasone works by decreasing the swelling (inflammation), itching, and redness. It belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. This medication is a medium-strength corticosteroid. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I'm iron deficient, but I'm not supposed to take my iron pills b/c it can interact with the coumadin. Before my GP made the correlation I was told to eat leafy green to up my iron, another thing that can cause blood to thicken. I have been on extremely high dosses of coumadine, currently down to 10mgs. The doctors don't know why my protime won't stabilize, they suspect I might have thrombophilia and that the thing that almost killed me in August, could possibly have saved my life. I'm also a bit at a loss due to the fact that every doctor I have, and believe me there are a lot, talk about their disdain for the drug, but are at a loss b/c they have no alternative. It seems a bit hopeless.

Headache got much worse. Tightened throat, severe nausea, dizzy, muscle aches.

Horrible depression and irritability. Became very suicidal.

Dizzy, Fatigue, insomnia, cant think, Weight gain, this is a bad drug!

Weight gain, sugar cravings, sleepiness

I would never recommend this to anyone and I wish I was educated about these "possible issues" before it was prescribed.

Mixed feelings, i was having mild panic attacks daily which were getting steadily worse and desperate for somehting to help, at first the medication was a relief but the side effects, especially nausea and sleep disturbances are driving me mental. Also although my rapid heartrate and other psysiological symptoms are gone i still get anxious for no reason, so i dont think il continue with it.

Took 20mg at 8:30pm. Went to bed at 10:30 and woke up at 3pm with stomache ache. At 8:30am got out of bed but did not feel rested and pain about the same.

THIS IS POISON! DONOT START TAKING IT!!! Yes, this worked wonders for my anxiety, in fact, it's the only thing that really works for me; however, if and when you decide to get off whether by choice or because you've reached tolerance, you will go through absolute hell because of withdrawal. Be prepared to experience hell on earth for about 18 months after you stop. DO NOT stop cold turkey. You can have seizures or die. Talk to your doctor about tapering off but even then you will go through hell. Valium is meant to be prescribed for temporary use (no longer than 2 weeks). My doctor and many other doctors prescribe benzos (Valium, Xanax, klonipin, Ativan, etc) for months or years. Benzos are dangerous!!! Do your research before you put this poison in your body!!!

After 2 days I broke out with penil thrush also I was very tired feeling while on this drug.