Dermatop e emollient (prednicarbate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dermatop e emollient (prednicarbate)

doctors had prescribed several other creams prior to dermatop and dermatop is the only one working, it takes a few days to see a change but it really works

Non greasy, and gentle around my eyelids. Helped with the dry patches of exczema on my eye lids and around the thin skin around my eyes.

DERMATOP E EMOLLIENT (PREDNICARBATE): This medication is used to treat a variety of skin conditions (e.g., eczema, dermatitis, allergies, rash). Prednicarbate reduces the swelling, itching and redness that can occur in these types of conditions. This medication is a medium-strength corticosteroid. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have taken atarax since I was in secondary school year 9. It has been a very good drug for me but it makes me drowsy but only when I take it sometimes if I take regularly the I don't get drowsy. It helps a lot calms my skin down if itchy. I would recommend this to exzeema who suffers from a lot of itching.going abroad to hot countries also helps. I was the worse case bandages being hospitalised and the lot if you are bad then get dr to refer you to st Thomas hospital in Westminster it is one of the best hospitals with all the good doctors in dermatology. My daughter had exzeema aswell by taking her to a hot country Pakistan really cured her exzeema. I'm still taking atarax but only if needed and no more scratching at nights for me cause I'm partially cured in not as bad I used to be.I hope this helps.

I've been struggling with the fact that I take anti-depressents for a long time. I didn't really feel that it was doing anything for my depression, although it did help me sleep and it decreased the pain associated with my bladder problem. My medical history is so fuzzy, though, that I can't remember if my bladder problem developed after I started taking Imipramine for depression and then it simply helped to regulate the pain once it was in full swing. I decided two months ago to stop taking my medication (I was at 125 mg a night and now I'm down to 75 mg - I'm taking it slowly!) and I feel so much better. I was really concerned that I wouldn't be able to sleep once I stopped taking it, but my sleep has gotten better (it's less difficult for me to fall asleep) and so has my bladder problem. I feel best about the fact that I no longer feel like an 8 year old girl and that I'm starting to discover my sexuality. Oh yes, the dry mouth. When I am nervous my mouth dries up so much that my lips stick to my gums and there's nothing I can do to unstick them - highly embarrassing and unpleasant!