Unithroid (levothyroxine sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Unithroid (levothyroxine sodium)

I was taking Levoxyl for 2 years when it suddenly became unavailable due to manufacturing issue. My Dr switched me to Unithroid for time being. 4 days later I feel terrible on it. I noticed anxiety and inner shaking/tremors and skipped my morning dose today. Feel better already. Calling Dr. today but am so discouraged because I had issues with other drugs in the past until I was put on Levoxyl and now it is unavailable.

Hair loss, diarrhea, bone pain, depression, anxiety, slow heart rate, dizziness, panic attacks, exhaustion, cold hands and feet, extreme nausea

Switched back to synthroid yesterday.

This drug did help me with my fatigue. I have had diarrhea and stomach discomfort for about three weeks now It's so bad I can't leave the house without fear of needing a bathroom immediately. It comes on fast and is crippling with crampsHard to get my doctor to respond to phone calls I thought it might pass but as of tonight I can't take it anymore so I'm getting off of it immediately

Heat intolerance, palpitation, irregular periods

Weight gain, heart racing, dry skin, fatigue

Been taking Levoxy since year 2000, was switched to synthroid & had mega problems, put back on levoxy and wow lost weight was like a different person! THEN...Had to be put on this because Levoxyl was pulled off the market last fall 2013. NOW I have extremely DRY eyes now, all fatigue has returned, joint pains returned big time, hair loss and up 20 lbs! but according to my doc my levels are perfect... I am a fitness trainer, eat low carb and no sugar, work out 5 days a week and still have this!

so what good does it do to take a drug that is obviously giving a false positive on the blood tests but the symptoms are horrible... why even take medication if it is not working... this is synthetic stuff and the doctors refuse to diagnose by symptoms and use some ancient standard for blood tests and refuse their patients on real natural thyroid replacement like Armor! WHY?

side effects = weight gain, extremely dry cracked skin, dry eyes

i do like this better than synthroid... i had a really really bad reaction to that... i'm on 50 unthroid now... even though i'm not happy with the side effects, my doc says my numbers look better... idk... maybe the side effects are temporary????????

I was in severe hypothyroidism. Finally diagnosed with hypothyroidism with TSH @ 88 and trace elements of T3 & T4. Had all symptoms and very severe they were - weight gain, extreme fatigue, no libido, yellow skin, puffy face and eyes, allergies, no sweating, low pulse, extremely low heart rate, carpal tunnel syndrome (tingling in extremities), brain fog, confusion, couldn't concentrate and losing my mind. I can't imagine how I could have continued to live that way. I cried on average 3 hours everyday and all sensory abilities (vision, hearing, taste and smell) gone

Finally found a dr. who did a simple blood test for determination of thyroidism. I was in such bad condition that first week on meds I called emergency twice - extreme fever and heat, panick attacks, etc. Was because my body "started its engines". On day 2 I had immediate mental relief. Depression completely vanished. On meds - 100 mg for approx. 5 weeks and I am a new girl! Lost 22 pounds and sweat at the gym like I was 20 again and all the tingling gone! This dr. saved my life. I was close to myexdema coma. My face looks normal. Hair has stopped falling out and I pray every woman gets a thyroid test performed every year. No person should live like those suffering from hypothyroidism. It was beyond a nightmare for me. I too told my children they have their mother back. I can't say enough good about this drug! It is the brand form otherwise known as eltroxin and my energy levels are beyond what I ever imagined. A good diet, workouts most days of the week and t

none at this time, but I will keep you posted.

I only started the medication two days ago and I started feeling better immediately. my energy level has returned and I am feel great.

Counter Side Effect of Lithium Carb

While taking Lithium Carbonate I experienced the side effect of EXTREME thinning of my eyebrows. It took two years of using the Levothyroxine but my eyebrows finally look like before.

hashimotos thyroiditis/hypothyroid

none that I can recall, some hair thinning as with most thyroid replacements but it has been tolerable so far

I was taking Synthroid and still having a few problems with fatigue, etc. My Doctor recommended I try Unithroid though I am not sure of the difference in the 2 drugs. Fatigue seemed to resolve once I got to a higher dose.

I seem to have a little more energy, that's all I really notice. I could not handle the cold before, and it has helped that, but the side effects aren't good. I think I will try a natural supplement.

No side effects, but it doesn't seem to be very helpful. I still have all my symptoms: cold, hair loss, difficulty losing weight. But my T levels are normal according to the Dr.

UNITHROID (LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM): Levothyroxine is used to treat an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). It replaces or provides more thyroid hormone, which is normally produced by the thyroid gland. Low thyroid hormone levels can occur naturally or when the thyroid gland is injured by radiation/medications or removed by surgery. Having enough thyroid hormone is important for maintaining normal mental and physical activity. In children, having enough thyroid hormone is important for normal mental and physical development. This medication is also used to treat other types of thyroid disorders (such as certain types of goiters, thyroid cancer). This medication should not be used to treat infertility unless it is caused by low thyroid hormone levels. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Seroquel has been the only medication that I stayed on for more than a year or so. Even though it has been (very) difficult to deal with the weight gain, it seems worth it. My depression decreased dramatically very quickly. I don't think it helps my anxiety all that much, though. I am considering switching because of the weight gain, but I am glad it has helped me so much!

weight gain, sexual dysfunction, inability to experience and express full range of emotions (they got blocked leading to long term physical illness), short term memory problems, low energy, low motivation to make needed changes.

Let a UTI go for a weekend and it spread to my kidneys. Was very sick when I went to urgent care, and was even sicker on the medicine. After three doses, I was not feeling ANY UTI/kidney symptom relief, started sweating, then fainted then vomited at work and went back to the doctor and switched to bactrim for UTI and kidneys. Will never take cipro again if it's not absolutely necessary.

Continual revolting taste in mouth. Feel woozy and irritable. Loss of energy. Sore spots like ulcers in mouth and swollen/sore throat. Basically makes you feel ill.

Severe depression, severe leg pain, contraction of muscles, parkinson like tremors of legs and arms, vomiting. Most symtoms went away after 3 days off the drug.

I am a physical therapist and I could not make sense of this until I did research on side effects. I am having surgery in 2 days. I am discontinuing drug immediately.

about a week in taking the pills i started getting extremly tired, headache daily there was this throbbing in my head daily. Some days were more intense than others. The weight gain i can't believe that advertisers actually say that this pill cause reduction in weight. My boops got soo heavy at first i was happy but then they started getting out of control they are soo heavy and tender. My Stomach is bloated. Just before i stopped taking the pill i had headache soo intense that i threw up and fainted that was when i knew i had to stop taking them immediately.

When I first started this pill I was an emotional nutcase for 2-3 months and would cry about everything. Eventually that lessened up and isn't an issue anymore. My weight stays about the same, I haven't gotten pregnant, I have short and light periods, it didn't cause acne, and I didn't lose a bunch of hair like I did with the Nexplanon. My main complaint is that for a week or so before my period my breast get pretty swollen and tender to the point where I can't lie on my stomach comfortably, and I also have intense cravings for sweets. Other than that I'm satisfied.

I've been told i have GERD and EE

tinitus ongoing, dry mouth, anxiety, racing heart first few days, extremely decreased sex drive and insomnia.