Tirosint (levothyroxine sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tirosint (levothyroxine sodium)

I've been on Synthroid 125mcg for 20 years without any issues. Until Covid caused me to have awful stomach sensitivities. Cut out gluten and lactose and endo switched me to this fancy higher end clean medication. Let me just say - I tried to make it work. Endured six months of PAIN. Thought I was dying or being poisoned. Saw every doctor and had every test imaginable done…. Low and behold I stop TIROSINT and within 3 weeks my pain is finally going away. The INSOMNIA was next level - staring at the ceiling for hours. Heart palpitations. Shortness of breath. Joint, muscle, tendon pain. Headaches. Moon face. HAIR LOSS (first 3 months - clumps). High BP. Heart rate 120-150. Dizzy. Sweating. Awful menstruation. So scary and sad that others are going through this without answers - wish I had known sooner. Back to Synthroid. :-(

Poison - extremely potent and absorbs improperly causing you to have both hyper/over medicated symptoms and hypo symptoms!

Hypothyroidism and Celiac disease

Chronic insomnia on Tirosint and cannot function as a person. I cannot sleep on this medication. It has been a huge waste of money and I feel ashamed for wasting my mother's money. God help, I cannot get any rest on this medication. I fear I'm getting so depressed and suicidal. I need good rest to escape this hell, the insomnia is so extreme. I can't get sleep for 2 - 3 days straight. I need help.

after 2 weaks permanent headache, swelling, weight increase, insomnia, inquitetude

Last 120 days, joint pain, muscle pain, weight gain, cold feeling

Went back to levothyroxine and symptoms cleared in 30 days

Horrible side effects, blurry vision, stiffness, pain in feet, weight gain ,sadness, hot flashes. Dr keeps reducing dose I'm down from 75 to 25 mcg and still same side effects

Severe joint and muscle pain leg cramps toe pain and cramps weak dizzyness depression weight gain stomach bloating .

Insane joint pain. Insomnia. Dehabilitating migraine and jaw pain. Beyond irritable. Cannot function properly. Very anxious and overwhelmed. Was really hoping to like this medication. Currently feels very similar to generic Levothyroxine emotionally. The one good thing is I have not had the dermatitis issues, overheating and the heart palpitations I had before. Ultimately I don't know what else to try!

Tirosint saved my sanity, and probably my life. 5 different Endos were uncaring, arrogant and rude. They insisted I had to take Synthroid which made me suicidal. I have since learned that Synthroid is the drug of choice because it is the 'darling' of Medical School I found Tirosint out of desperation, when yet another physician insisted I take a compounded replacement hormone. I ended up in an Emergency Room with every symptom of a full-blown heart attack. She'd knocked my TSH up to 59.0, and I suffered through an onslaught of other medical procedures.

Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism

I had to come off of Synthroid due to Gastro side effects. Tirosint has been a Godsend and I have no side effects whatsoever. I was on the same level of medication for over 5 years and only recently had to up the medication due to C0vid affecting my thyroid.

Highly recommend despite the many other negative comments I see on here. I hear a lot of other people have very positive comments as well

Horrible, at 1st worked great and then jaw pain, eye pain, feet hurt so bad could not walk, gained weight, even Thu my numbers were great, bloating. Arm pain, burning in forearm, extremely painful joint and muscle pain. Took my self off yesterday, and feeling much better, waiting for Doctor to call,, never again will I take this poison!!!

Feel terrible on this medication no matter what dosage I take. Wired, but tired. Cannot sleep, worst insomnia ever. Started at 50, reduced to 25, no improvement with insomnia.

I do not recommend this medicine. I am experiencing blurry vision. I stopped taking this, and I am going back to Synthroid.

Extreme joint pain, diarrhea and made me irritable.

Massive hair fall. Felt as if I was dying. It was poison

My doctor insisted I go on Tirosint and refused to have me on t3 only therapy. I had tried t4 3 other times with previous doctors. This woman insisted there was something wrong with me & I must be depressed. Well she sent me to a psychiatrist & the psychiatrist told me she had thyroid issues & her doctors told her the same thing! I went off Tirosint and found a Functional Medicine Doctor, expensive & worth it

After many years on synthroid and never being able to get my levels in normal range my doctor put me on tirosint. After being on it for 1 month I began to lose enormous amounts of hair. I called my doctor and he told me it would go away, that it's probably due to my thyroid levels normalizing. Well now it's 8 months later and it's worse and he refuses to switch the medication. I have called his office and also had appointments and he tells me he does not think its the tirosint. Well I never had this issue until I started so common sense would tell anyone that a new medication needs to be used because this one is causing side effects. People are starting to notice that there is something wrong with my hair. It is half the thickness and I have areas of baldness. I'm Seeing a new endocrinologist next week and I need to get off of this right away, hopefully this hairloss isn't permanent because I literally have handfuls each day that fall out.

I had partial thyroidectomy which left me with hypothyroidism. I was started on TIROSINT and felt horrible on this drug but could not tolerate other forms of levothyroxine so I tried to take as little as possible to get by.I had great hair loss, extremely dry irritated skin rashes, severe joint pain, profound muscle weakness and felt generally ill.Dr. kept telling me these symptoms were being caused from my hypothyroidism - WRONG!!I stopped TIROSINT and everything cleared up. I was of course left with my borderline hypothyroidism but these symptoms are better then the horrible adverse reactions from TIROSINT. I switched to ARMOUR THYROID and an over the counter thyroid supplement by NATURAL SOURCE RAW THYROID which can be ordered on line and this changed my 4 year nightmare.My hair grew back my rashes went away and my energy has been restored, and I tried everything.I'm hopeful this helps someone else out there that suffered like I did. I have no health problems and have never taken even an aspirin in my 69 years with great health so I knew exactly what this drug and all levothyroxine did to my body it poisoned it from my point of view.I do hope you will all demand your dr. give youan RX for Armour and try OTC NATURAL SOURCE RAW THYROID it gave me my life back.Many Blessings

I have swelling in left leg with rash (red)my leg is big as my butt,I'm experiencing headaches, blurred vision,can't walk, hips beginning to hurt ,get emotional causes me to blow up or cry no patience, Mt tongue has gone numb,dry throat, I have taking Tirosint 30 to 1 hour before eating, I saw my Endo.he laughed and shook his head at me told me not to listen to pharmacist cause they don't know what they talking about told me he would not put me on Armour it would mess with my heart since I have heart problem ,I don't have heart problem per 2 heart Dr.s and ER Dr.s My "WEIGHT HAS GOT UP TO 400LBS"THIS IS NOT NORMAL I don't eat much,"on Pamplet that comes with medication states can give you heart palpitations and shortness of breath which I to have experienced my body just not right can't even get dressed sometimes.I was told if you don't quit putting food into mouth you can either die or live I don't eat much and I can't walk hardly because of this medication. I can't take generic synthroid or Brand Synthroid it gives me issues it's been over a year and half I might try this again to see if my levels and symptoms go away and levels come down.I developed Arthritis symptoms so I went and bought Arnica Montana to help with over all pain it helps, eye drops for eyes,cold med by Boiron for sinus drainage. I WANT TO SHARE WITH YOU ALL I HAD EMERGENCY SURGERY ON MY INCARCERATED HERNIA AND I DIDNT GET TO TAKE TIROSINT FOR TWP DAYS MY LEG WENT DOWN RASH WENT AWAY,AND M

I have to find some help another Thyroid med so I can enjoy my life and my leg will go down they say its lympedema I don't think so it's from medication I even talked to CVS & Ingles pharmacist they think opinion too. Have Happy New Year.

I feel like I'm being poisoned! My doctor won't listen. Shakes, weak, tired, drained

Hypothyroid after Graves' Disease

Extremely nervous shortly after taking some; hit me very strongly--probably due to the gelcap form of it & few ingredients, so some of us will absorb & use it faster (I was told, later on). Couldn't sleep well with it; many symptoms of high and low thyroid, at the same time. I only stuck with it so long because I was out of options, and it did seem to want to help me better in the first months with some symptoms...but still very hard on me to take. Dr. had me take it with beta-blockers for awhile, just so I could try to get benefit from the Tirosint. It was still hard. In the end, I couldn't take it any more. I felt it was contributing to periods that wouldn't stop, and were too heavy. That was final straw. That did eventually get better after getting on some natural thyroid drug, although that failed me in different ways, later on.

I like the idea of Tirsoint, but it was too strong for me to handle, even spreading it out throughout the day with five 13 mcg. gelcaps. I was only able to do this because of Tirosint's Patient Assistance program, which was very helpful at the time and paid for me to try this kind of dosing (I couldn't have afforded it, otherwise, so thanks to them for giving me the chance.) I really wanted this drug to work, but for me, I just kept getting hit with how super-strong it was on me. I am out of options, once again, and have to keep working with various thyroid meds that have failed me, already. We need more options. Only thyroid drug that helped me well isn't made anymore. It was an older version of Synthroid--manufacturers made changes to Synthroid in 1982-83, and I haven't done well, since, on anything. And I've tried so many of these drugs, natural & synthetic, at different doses, etc. Maybe Tirosint can work for some; I hope so, but for me it was just too much to deal with.

Decresed dose in August 2021 from 25mcg to 13.9mcg. eyes are causing so much trouble double vision, floaters, dry, skin extremely dry and itchy, swollen fingers, hands wrists ankles knees, headaches, tremors, heart palpitations, extreme debilitating (at times) anxiety but no one really believes me. Extreme fatigue! Just overall bad feeling even though levels are within mid normal range... Idk what to do! So sick of feeling horrible day to day. Some days are good but so exhausted for days and days after good days, can't function! Memory is horrible. Idk if its Tirosint or not. But I do not feel well at all. So shaky and irritable that I don't want to go around ppl.

TIROSINT (LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM): Levothyroxine is used to treat an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). It replaces or provides more thyroid hormone, which is normally produced by the thyroid gland. Low thyroid hormone levels can occur naturally or when the thyroid gland is injured by radiation/medications or removed by surgery. Having enough thyroid hormone is important for maintaining normal mental and physical activity. In children, having enough thyroid hormone is important for normal mental and physical development. This medication is also used to treat other types of thyroid disorders (such as certain types of goiters, thyroid cancer). This medication should not be used to treat infertility unless it is caused by low thyroid hormone levels. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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