Thyrolar-0.25 (liotrix (t4;t3)) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Thyrolar-0.25 (liotrix (t4;t3))

Side Effects forthyrolar-0.25 (liotrix (t4;t3)) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Very mild nausea the second day but no side effects after that.

Original prescribed 50mg had hangover next am cut back to 25mg,now dose is perfect for sleep aid

Loss of memory and almost the loss of my good life

Halfway through the three months I started to have a lot of stomach trouble. Had to use the bathroom right after I ate. This was my first experience with toenail fungus and I wanted it gone so I stuck with the lamisil. I just had to plan my eating schedule around my activities. My liver function tests on the last day of taking the medication were better than the tests I had before I started. I'm generally healthy and my toenail looks so much better, it's almost grown out. My doctor gave me a topical to put on the nail as an extra precaution for the next few months. I was nervous about taking this drug, but it really wasn't that bad.

terrible taste in mouth, indigestion, headache, body aches and fatigue

100mg - started working within 2 weeks. Took the edge off the anxiety and depression200mg - even better but the side effects started kicking in then

The worst thing about this drug in my opinion is that I developed acne. I've never had acne before and it has been awful! I've finally got the situation under control thanks to a new regimine. I just recently started taking the shot again because I couldn't remember to take my birth control pills. I was taking the shot for about a year the first time and had to stop taking it because I was sick of the acne and I lost so much weight. I know a lot of people said they gained weight, but I lost so much weight the first time around that I looked unhealty. I was wondering if anyone else has heard of this.

I think it helped with anxiety, however, it made me so tired. I didn't want to go to work each day because I was so tired. The day dragged by and would wake up each day at 5 am. Seemed like the tiredness took away the anxiety

This med is the only med that relieves the pain & numbness of neuropathy for me. I've tried Trileptal, Elavil, Lyrica, Neurontin & a couple others which never helped me at all. It's a really expensive med (over $300.00 a month), but I purchase Cymbalta overseas for a lot less & write it off as a deduction on my taxes at the end of the year. I'm sorry to hear so many folks have such a problem with this's been a Godsend to me!

awareness of heart beating, very rapid pulse, panic attacks, lead to attack of tachycardia which was about the most frightening thing I have ever experienced.