Synthroid (levothyroxine sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Synthroid (levothyroxine sodium)

Severe tendon issues in several parts of the body, including trigger fingers on all 10 fingers. Extreme constipation. Extreme dry skin. Severe joint pain and pain in palms and soles.

I had a thyroidectomy 5 years ago and was on NP Thyroid with no issues whatsoever for years until my MD retired. Now, nobody wants to prescribe it because of the pressure from Big Pharma/the National Thyroid Association. Shame on them and our entire medical community. My new MD put me on Synthroid. I did well at first, for about two weeks. Then weird things started happening: Extreme constipation (impacted stools). Extreme dry skin (peeling). Joint pain. Extreme hand/palm pain. Foot pain. Then one morning, I woke up with one locked finger. I thought I typed too much. After a week, all 10 fingers were locked every morning. After another week, they started locking during the day too, and the pain has been atrocious, to the point of crying. Of course, MD says it's not due to Synthroid. But what else can it be!!!??? If you start anything new (Rx, supplements, food) and suddenly develop extreme issues out of the blue, it's usually not a coincidence. I discovered OTC dissecated thyroid Iwhich I found thanks to a comment on this website), and I'm going to try that. Nothing to lose. I'm in so much pain I don't want to keep living like this anyway. My foot is in a boot. All my fingers are braced. I'm doing therapy for frozen shoulder. WTH!?

I'm no longer taking this medication. Updating as requested. Still not taking this med and fear the day when I might have to again.

Was on synthroid 100 mcg 27 years ago which in subsequent years was reduced to 59 mcg due to the development of dizziness, gastrointestinal symptoms etcIn October Endocrinologist in response to TSHOf5.4 but normal t 4 recommended that on weekends I take an additional 50 mcg pillThree months later started having palpitationsDidn't link the two initially and them muscle weakness and hand tremors and dizziness. Realized there was a possible connection because symptoms would exacerbate two to three hours after morning dose. I stopped the extra dose and brought this to attention of endocrinologist who refuses adamantly to see a connection.I do not feel wellIt is very hard to get an appointment these daysBut have been able to get one 10 days awayWill also go to a new GPSince existing one despite my enumeration of symptomsInsists that it is not the synthroidVery distressed

Was fine on synthroid 50 mcgEndo increased it to additional 100 mcg on weekendsThree months subsequent to increase gradual emergence of myriad symptomsFelt extremely sick ,palpitations that were audible nocturnallyChange in BM patterns, muscle weakness and general fatigue ,blurred vision. Hand tremors ,body shaking from inside. Both GP and endo dismissive and extremely condescending .was incredulous at the decline over such a short period, didn't know how to proceed because it was obvious that sone doctors are extremely rigid and do not have the capacity to deal with idiosyncratic deviationsBoth insisted that blood levels were fine and emphatically indicated that I should continue in synthroidI was convinced it was synthroid because I noticed anecdotally that a couple of hours after taking itThe feeling of not being well would emergeStopped taking the extra dose and then stopped taking the regular med but resumed out of fear that prolonged cessation would put me into hypothyroid stateHave an appointmentD t with another endo

Blurry vision, chest flutters, depression, anxiety, brain fog, shortness of breath, things feeling not real

Extreme anxiety and panic. Fatigued. Dizzy.

Graves Disease & Thyroidectomy

Heart palpitations, acid reflux, anxiety, allergy issues, sinus issues, dry skin, hair not as thick as it use to be, hair shreds a lot when combed through, shorter menstrual cycle

My levels have been normal through blood work. Have to continue to watch how much I eat to lose weight gained through pre-thyroidectomy weight gain. Still counting calories and having to exercise just to maintain weight. To lose weight I have to eat 1,100-1,200 calories a day. Energy level fluctuates, hands very dry, scalp very dry, sinuses and allergies all year long now, and since my other medicines I take interact with Levothyroxine I have to take them 4 hours apart.

It's the best medicine for me. I have been talking med for 30 years.

Anxiety, insomnia, rash on my shins, dry eyes, anger, irritability, nausea

Hypothyroid after Graves' Disease

Not the first time I've been on it...I haven't done well with Synthroid since the manufacturer changed in back in 1982-83. Since then I always get too nervous while on it, can't sleep right, tend to get chest pains on left even if dose is supposedly OK by labs...yet, I have a lot of low-thyroid symptoms that never resolve, either. Messes up my breathing, too, and energy level is never good on it...have tried so many other drugs & doses over the years...only Old Synthroid version really helped me.

I still wish they would bring back a version of Synthroid that is closer to what they made in 1982-83, when they changed a couple of "inactive" ingredients on it, the assaying method used, and possibly where they got the raw materials from. I haven't had a good quality of life at all, since they changed this drug--I am out of new drug options to take...been on so many, over the years--natural ones, Tirosint, combining synthetic with T-3, back on Synthroid here and there...different generics and brands....I'm sick of it. Some of us need more options, and I wish I had a good one, now. Working on petition to get better treatment for thyroid patients--in memory of my brother Jordan, a Hashimoto's patient who also couldn't get the help he needed. Please email me if interested in signing.

Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism

I didn't think I would be one of the many people online who hate this drug, and yet here I am. My TSH was on the upper end of normal so my doctor recommended I try Synthroid to see if it would help my awful symptoms from Hashimotos. I have no side effects from Synthroid except two: unbearable, debilitating fatigue and weight gain. I exercise constantly, track my calories and eat healthy. My weight was the same for 1 year before Synthroid. After Synthroid, I immediately gained 5 lbs. I have to sleep all day, 24/7. It's like being on sleeping pills. I told my doctor and she said "that's unusual." It really feels like doctors don't care about our well-being at all. I can't wait to get off this medication, but for some people, they can't. There needs to be a better way to deal with our thyroid issues than apathetic doctors and this ridiculous drug.

Horrible! Last night I slept only 3 hours. Tonight, no sleep at all! Headaches and nausea, daily! Experiencing anxiety and nervousness. Hyper and restless. Ridiculous increase in appetite! Can't get full. Called my doctor yesterday and she recommended that I stop the meds. I pray that things get back to normal soon!

Over and over....stop restart.....insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, weight off now and going thru withdrawals.....will never restart....I did better off....

Hypo more in winter but better in spring and symptoms are all common side effects of synthroid....but I feel like I've gone hyper now!

Labs look great. I feel like dying. Horrible way to live.


very bad insomnia, internal shaking/vibrations after years of use, hair loss, anxiety and panic, Heart palpitations then led to a-flutter and second med

worked well for quite a few years but needed to keep increasing the dose then move to brand then increase the dose then I stopped converting and needed to add liothyronine. worst symptom now is the internal vibration when waking.

tachycardia,skip beat,legs cramp

Eye Twitching, Lip Tingling, Dry eyes, weight gain, anxiety, panic attacks, constipation, dry skin, hair falling out.

Synthroid in low dosage seems to work for me, but then my blood levels are not good. When the doctors increase the dose to 88 mcg, I have all of the side effects listed above.

Even on a low dose 25 mcg I had jitters HR 90s palpitations and migraines with tinnitus. I need 75 mcg to take the TSH down to normal.

Levothyroxine generic wasnt as bad even if its supposed to be the same T4 med.I switched to Armour Thyroid with far better results.

SYNTHROID (LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM): Levothyroxine is used to treat an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). It replaces or provides more thyroid hormone, which is normally produced by the thyroid gland. Low thyroid hormone levels can occur naturally or when the thyroid gland is injured by radiation/medications or removed by surgery. Having enough thyroid hormone is important for maintaining normal mental and physical activity. In children, having enough thyroid hormone is important for normal mental and physical development. This medication is also used to treat other types of thyroid disorders (such as certain types of goiters, thyroid cancer). This medication should not be used to treat infertility unless it is caused by low thyroid hormone levels. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

3 yrs. ago I began getting frequent anxiety attacks for no known reason. I was first put on Lexapro, then Wellbutrin (which didn't help), then Paxil. Between Lexapro and Paxil, though they worked for anxiety, I also gained 20 lbs over the 3 years (my eating habits didn't change). If I wasn't depressed before, I sure am now with this weight gain from the antidepressants.So, having enough of that, I switched to another doctor, who prescribed Klonopin, 1/2 mg. on an AS NEEDED basis only. I first began taking 1/2 mg. twice a day as a preventative, but, thankfully, my husband reminded me that I should only take it IF I need it. So now that's what I do and it works great -- stops anxiety attacks fast without side effects -- but make sure you don't take it regularly as a "preventative."

On this drug for 2 days and felt wierd. Dilated pupils were very annoying and I didn't sleep after the first pill so today I am so tired. Feel foggy, disconnected and I'm sure this is partly from no sleep. Just called the Dr's office they said disc. b/c of the many side effects already. I wonder if I stayed on it a few months how I'd feel but to scared to find out esp after all the other bad reviews!

panic attacks, obsessive thoughts

This was one 500 mg dose and about 6 hours after taking it on an empty stomach (I have no experience with medications and did not know better) I could do nothing but lie on my side or back-- no standing without throwing up. It cleared up the infection quickly, however I did not feel the same after it should have been out of my system. After taking the pills, I had tremors that were bad in the morning. I felt weak and could not walk. I had a low fever (below 99.4) and my mind was foggy and I could not concentrate. I forgot things very easily and felt depersonalized. It has been a month now and I'm feeling better. I don't know if all these symptoms are related to the Flagyl, but I thought I should mention them anyway as I felt perfectly fine before ever taking this.

I've been on this drug for 15 years. At the start it was fine, but then in a short time I felt that I would die if it was not by my side. I continued to need more and more. Up to 10 mg a day. It finally stopped working for me because my body became almost resistant to it. I finally ended up drinking to get the same effect. Needless to say, that ruined my life at the time. Once I figured out how to deal with my fears, social problems,and way of thinking in general,that is the only way I could get off this stuff. BE VERY CAUTIOUS! IT RUINED MY LIFE FOR A LONG TIME.GET THE RIGHT DOCTOR! IF YOU HAVE AN ADDICTIVE PERSONALITY... TELL THEM! Go see a Psychologist first. If your Psychiatrist was like mine then they will keep feeding it to you. Please be so very careful.

Tastes like rubber and salt water.

tingling in feet all day long the day i take fosamax;it wears off as the week progresses.i take 70mg once a wk, my first yr.on it. I often have bloated stomach, no matter what i eat. am taking calcium carbonate powder as well -daily except the day i take fosamax. often wonder if it all that calcium is really doing the job. I probably will stop taking fosamax after conferring with my doctor

I took this for one day, and stopped due to the extreme side effects. I'll go back to my doctor for something else, but will never take this again. I don't usually have any reaction to any prescriptions.

Tender breast, headache, nausea and vomiting, irritable

Infection following leg operation