Propylthiouracil (propylthiouracil) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Propylthiouracil (propylthiouracil)

I have medical sensitivity to start with. Couldn't tolerate the first medication for hyperthyroidism. So I tried the second one which was propylthiouracil. Started with just a quarter of a 50mg pill a day. First day I felt really weird inside my body. Little pain in my chest, abdomen, neck. Real dizzy and air headed. My breathing was a little uncomfortable. The second day seemed to go easier. But, the third day went awful. I had bad sensations inside my body. In my chest, my neck. My stomach felt bad. I felt so bad I started to cry. My ears started to ring. Especially with noise. My head hurt. I have two more weeks before I see my endocrinologist.

It's been very unpleasant experience for me unfortunately with these hyperthyroidism medications.

Easily agitated, insomnia, thyroid isn't responding.

Dizziness, mild lower stomach pain, mid and lower back pain, tiredness increased

Was on Methimazole in February 2019 until I got an allergic reaction to the medication in December 2019. Doctor switched to Propylthiouracil 100MG twice daily. Less than 15 minutes of taking the medication dizziness starts and so follows the stomach pain along with fatigue.

Sickness headache body pain extreme tiredness

Severe itching, red rash/bumps over lower body, pain in stomach.

I was placed on PTU 7-8 years ago, because I had a reaction to Carbimazole and back then as far as I can remember I was fine. For some reason 7-8 years on things seemed to have changed?

Stomach pain, racing heart rate, pain in the right side of the stomach, nauseous, heavy chest, sore throat with phlegm

I have had severe side effects,and the bad news is this pill was not effective as my t3 and t4 hormones level are even higher when compared to the levels before I start this drug. Feeling so sad.

Digestive problems, shortness of breath, joint pain and irritability.

My original doctor wanted to inject radioactive iodine into my thyroid, which I refused. She wanted to remove my thyroid, which I refused. I agreed to take Propylthiouracil, but she did not warn me about any side effects and then I moved interstate, where my new doctor was concerned about the strength and frequency of my dosage, so I stopped taking it immediately.I changed my diet. No gluten, no grains, no refined sugar, no processed foods and minimal dairy. 30 minutes of exercise daily. 30 minutes of sunshine daily. 2 litres of filtered water daily. My readings returned to normal after 3 months and I am not on any medication or any supplements.I still have digestive problems, which are attributed to the long term effects of this drug.

Took alongside thyroxin for 12 months. Despite normal blood levels I began to put weight on throughout the period of taking the drug.

I have never been able to lose the weight, my thyroid is now under-active as it was before the brief period of over activity and I now take 100mcg of thyroxin daily. I believe that the drug has somehow permanently changed my metabolism and would never take it again. I believe that the consultant should have waited to see if my thyroid levels dropped to normal on their own for a couple of months instead of wading in with this over-zealous use of propylthiouracil drug treatment. Now, no matter what I eat or whatever exercise I do, nothing helps at all with my weight.

After 1 year,I began to have back pain then--excruciating pain on right side of abdomen. I also had no appetite. I reported this pain to my doctor who advised an abdominal sonagram. On checking the internet for contraindications, I found that my symptoms indicated my liver was being negatively impacted by the drug.I insisted on stopping the drug immediately although I was told that I could just lower the dosage.

Even if your initial reaction to this and other drugs is okay, your doctor should continue to check for and advise you of all side effects. A bad side effect doen't always appear immediately; it can occur after long term use.

Hyperthyroidism/Grave's Disease

I was diagnosed with this condition while trying to get pregnant and was put on 100 mg of PTU for mild hyperactive thyroid. I have more of a problem with how the endocrinologist handled my case than the PTU itself. The most noticeable side effects I have had, which occurred early on, was weight gain that would not stop, fatigue, and rapid heart beat. Before taking the PTU I hadn't really lost weight due to hyperthyroidism, so the weight gain was not a good thing. The endocrinologist had me on 100 mg a day and would not lower the dosage to stop the weight gain. I since moved on to a different physician and I only take 50 mg a day now which has been the norm for the last eight years. I have not been able to loose much of the weight, but I have not gained anymore due to the med. One nice thing is that when you are pregnant hyperthyroidism goes into remission and you don't need to take the PTU. I had to pick it back up about three months after giving birth - I became exessively fat

The biggest thing I wonder about with this med is why they can't make it coated. The taste is awful!

chills, low fever, muscle aches, sore throat, fatigue

I used PTU successfully during my last bout with Grave's Disease. This time almost immediately I had a bad reaction. I saw 3 doctors over 2 weeks who all failed to look into the symptoms thoroughly and I ended up with a low white blood cell count.My pharmacist gave the best advice early on about the symptoms!

On 300 mg a day my hair started falling out. I cut myself down to 200 mg a day and it stopped. Doctor approved the reduction of the dose. Otherwise it worked on my symptoms: lower body weakness, pounding heart, trembling in hands.



Bad stomach pain literally could not lay on stomach, esophageal pain, quick exacerbation of mild chest congestion to bronchitis,pain in right upper quadrant, neuropathy pain presently already had was exacerbated. When stopped started with intractable nausea on medicine for nausea presently still being evaluated for that have to see gastroenterologist.

PROPYLTHIOURACIL (PROPYLTHIOURACIL): Propylthiouracil is used to treat overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism). It works by stopping the thyroid gland from making too much thyroid hormone. This medication is not recommended for use in children. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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If you take any antipsychotic long enough you risk becoming blind.Blinking over 200 times a minute which would prevent you from passing a reading eye exam, you cannot read, and you look like a freak. I could not see what I was writing while I was typing it when I was blind. My dose was lowered from 140mg to 20 mg and then I could read again and the rapid eye blinking blindness stopped, and I am determined to stop taking this poison. I was a lucky to have survived and gotten my sight back, but I still have the liver problem and I do not drink alchohol or use other illegal drugs so all liver issues would have to be psychiatric drug related. Plus now my heart is being monitored with ECGs.I have such slowed thinking that I may not be able to work after graduating from college in a technical major with honors. These drugs took 15 years of my life and might destroy my future. It made going to school alot harder than when I wasn't taking them. I am so sorry I got mixed up with psychiatrists, therapists promoting drugs, and social workers. That was the biggest mistake of my life, because they all just try to get me hooked on another disabling drugs. I could post all the torture I endured on the other drugs but it saps my energy to describe the torture and I am already weakened.

Cytomel definitely helped improve my thyroid numbers but the nausea became too much and I discontinued it

My doctor is a moron, or probably a barber!

slight weight gain, headaches, moodiness when time for inj.

I had received rocephin in the past help clear upper respiratory infections and had never had a problem with it. Now I can not have any cephalosporins or penicillins or carbapenems. Learning to live with this and wondering which antibiotics will be safe in the future. I am also allergic to Sulfa.

Side effects build over time, itching is difficult to deal with, did not impact sex drive though like other SSI's though which was nice but not worth the itching. Weigh gain was neutral in beginning but changed after about 12 months on medication.

This medicine has taken the joy out of my life. I was given this for nausea in the hospital and I wanted to die. I was thrashing around and crying for the anxiety to just stop. Now I'm left with tremors more than a month later. I don't want to be alone, I cling to those around me and beg for the pain to end. It's not let up at all and I'm so scared that I'm going to spend the rest of my life terrified, anxious, joyless and miserable. I'm currently on an anxiety medicine and seeing a therapist. I have back to back panic attacks when I don't take my Vistaril. I wish the ER doctor would have told me about these side effects before administering this medication. Now, I don't know when this pain will end and I want my life back so badly.

Slight tingle in throat once I took the pill 30min in very slight cotton mouth ears seem stuffy 2 hours in upper body itching and mild headache pressure.. mild burn in abdominal area .....icy hot feeling in upper body head pressure still there some feelings subside now Extreme fatigue! I can't do this

None really, alittle energetic for an hour or so after igesting it.

I am sleeping better on this and losing. Love it! I kind of tested it at first, ate a lot, ate stupid stuff, ate too much. I only gained maybe 2-3 lbs. When I just ate normal, good food, 2 -3 meals per day and did not overeat, I started to lose weight. Skip the sugary stuff, be lowish carb or you will get some serious indigestion.One reason I started taking this was because regular dieting was just not working anymore. I am eating the way I did when I was younger and now with the jardiance, it is working.