Levoxyl (levothyroxine sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Levoxyl (levothyroxine sodium)

Caused weight gain in stomach, edema (retaining water weight) moodiness, but then I got foot neuropathy and could barely walk, caused Charlie horse at night.What are they putting in these drugs to cause such horrific side effects?

Will be changing drug due to these side effects!

It's fine until 2 hours after I take it then I fill like I'm nervous heart racing anxiety then it's goes away after 3 hours then I'm fine

I take it on a empty stomach in the morning, wait 30 minutes before I eat. About 20 minute later I start spitting up alot, nose stop up, feel congested alot tired over my body or fatigue joint hurt too.

Like it causing me to have acid reflux or something.

Feeling cold indigestion body feeling compressed an stiff join pain lost of appetite.

Irritability, mood swings, brain fog, depressed, dry skin, hair loss, insomnia, fatigue, loss of mobility, change in appetite, change in libido.

Started out hyperthyroidism, never treated! Develop Graves’ disease and goiter, doc killed thyroid with radioactive iodine, became hypothyroidism put on Levoxyl 100mcg for a few months then I stopped takin med. my choice. Lived fine for about 3 years became pregnant put back on Levoxyl 127mcg for 2 years then I stopped takin med, my choice! About 3 years later developed a nodule went an saw doc put on 200 mcg Levoxyl my symptoms were crazy it was like I was havin a stroke! A week later ended up in hospital loss all function extremely week docs thought that it may be myxedema coma, kept givin me 200 mcg Levoxyl, kept havin these episodes they pushed it up to 275mcg got my TSH level normal but vitals were fine so they didn’t know why I was still having episodes but released me could barley walk needed a walker! Saw doc a couple days later he changed med to 127mcg Levoxyl. Still havin these episodes but not as severe like in hospital! Now doc changed med to 127mcg synthroid and I’m terrified to take it! I wanted Armour thyroid or something natural! I’m scared I may end up in hospital or worse!

Seems each batch is different. My thyroid numbers will be fine then when I take a new batch everything is out of wack again. I’m going back on synthroid.

Muscle aches, joint pain, weakness in arms and legs, foggy brain, trouble remembering, depth perception problems, tiredness

I started taking Levoxyl when my insurance company no longer paid for tirosint. I slowly started getting joint and muscle pain especially in my right arm. As time went on it got so bad I couldn't touch my right arm to my left shoulder or hook my bra in the back anymore. I became so lethargic and tired and I had a hard time driving and couldn't sleep on my right side. My hand would go numb and I couldn't lift my right arm up over my head or lift anything heavy. I went to several doctors and I got diagnosed with possible fibromyalgia, arthritis, toxic mold poisoning. Even had a MRI for possible Multiple sclerosis but the results came back negative. My doctor did X-ray to see if I had a rotator cuff issue or possible fracture in my right arm. Just looking for answers I looked at side effects of Levoxyl and I called my doctor and got a new prescription for Tirosint and immediately stopped. I noticed a huge difference in two weeks. It's been six weeks now and Im feeling better and back to life. I can't believe the reaction I had to this medication! I literally thought I was dying and it scared the heck out of my family because they could see me deteriorating. I pray this is helpful to someone searching for answers.

Levoxyl has given me my life back. I was on it for about 10 years before the recall. I have just switched back to it and finally feel like myself again.

This stuff is crap. I can't even walk. Cramping and crying and anger. I could just scream. I am a diabetic with borderline hashimoto. Meaning my numbers have always been where they are. But they changed the qualifying numbers for hashimoto so now all of a sudden I have it. I dont believe everything they say. This is the second medication I've been on and both are worse than anything I ever felt without the meds

Horrible tendinitis in both Achilles tendons that went away 5 days after stopping Levoxyl. Went from hiking 5 miles in the mountains to barely able walk 3 blocks on the sidewalk. MAJOR weight gain. 15 pounds in 3 months- no previous weight problems. Will probably try Synthroid or Tyrosint next.

Levoxyl is Gluten Free while many other generics have gluten.

Persistent hair loss for nine months and not getting better. Going to Dr today for a change.

This thyroid med may work for some but not for me.

Does a good job in bring my T3 & T4 in proper range. Very pleased.

dizziness, fatigue, headache, insomnia, heart palpitations, depression, weakness.

I hated it. The day after I switched to Naturethroid, all side effects were gone. I still have to build up to enough of a dose, but experiencing great relief. Levoxyl gave me hyperthyroid symptoms, even though I was not clinically hyperthyroid.

No side effects unless dosage is too high or too low.

The drug has adequately controlled my thyroid condition

Whole upper body pain numbness and stiffness with joint pain esp. in the morning. Diminishes gradually but never completely. If it werent for this pain i'd love it. But before taking it i was so sick i couldnt get out of bed. I traded one illness for another

I had a slight increase in energy and appetite.

I did try Synthroid, but it irritated my lungs. This could be due to the dye in the Synthroid, I'm not sure. I called the Pharmacist and she said that Levoxyl probably had the least side effects of the Thyroid meds. I tried it and had no problems. I am still taking it today. Just drink a lot of water with it, since it can dissolve easily in your mouth.

Hunger, feel too hot when first take it and then too cold for the next 18 hours, JOINT PAIN, and non-improved hypothyroid symptoms.

I have been on every dose imaginable and sometimes combination with T3. I still have syptoms of hypothyroid BUT feel even worse when I get frustrated and try to stop taking this. (Reason for giving it a 2.) According to blood tests my free T3 and free T4 and all other pituitary hormones are in normal range so not sure why my hypthyroid symptoms persist.

i started on 25, and now am on 25/50, alternating. i've seen improvements already, and i was very, very sick for years. i think most of the people here who have complaints couldn't find the correct dosage, or perhaps when starting this medication hypo symptoms appear/worsen for a short period before they get better? i'm very happy with levoxyl. it's gluten- and lactose-free, it's well-regulated, well-tolerated, and seems to work well.

After having taken levoxyl for 8 months my arms started to get numb and I ended up with a terrible pain in the muscle in my upper right arm. Plus we were always adjusting my dosage - one dosage would work for awhile and then we would have to either increase it or decrease it depending on returning symptoms. I have since switched to Naturethroid and I feel great. Arm pain went away, as did the night sweats and general body achiness.

LEVOXYL (LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM): Levothyroxine is used to treat an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). It replaces or provides more thyroid hormone, which is normally produced by the thyroid gland. Low thyroid hormone levels can occur naturally or when the thyroid gland is injured by radiation/medications or removed by surgery. Having enough thyroid hormone is important for maintaining normal mental and physical activity. In children, having enough thyroid hormone is important for normal mental and physical development. This medication is also used to treat other types of thyroid disorders (such as certain types of goiters, thyroid cancer). This medication should not be used to treat infertility unless it is caused by low thyroid hormone levels. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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First week- nausea, dizziness, tired, sleeplessness, decreased appetite. After that, delayed ejaculation, sleeplessness, teeth grinding. All side effects are now gone except teeth grinding (bruxism), but that is being treated with a low dosage of klonopin.

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on 32 mg daily with 25 mg HCTZ. BP running 114/60. I feel good overall!!

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Miralax is an effective medicine for my chronic constipation. However, every time I use it, it takes 4 or 5 days to work. Currently I've been instructed by my doctor to take one capful every day for one month. I'm not sure how much longer I can stand the gas and bloating though.

I started taking lupron after two major surgeries one to remove my left ovary and to untie all my reproductive organs that had been glued together by the endometriosis and the second to remove both fallopian tubes and right ovary. Everything was badly infected. But honestly lupron isn't as bad as everyone says. I learn to deal with the hot flashes and headaches. A small price to pay to be pain free!!!!

Brother committed suicide I believ.

I took Claritin last summer for my allergies and it was great. I took it yesterday for the first time this season and it knocked the symptoms out. Unfortunately it also knocked me out... I'll try taking it at night for a while. I don't want to move it to my list of meds that used to work, but I just might have to.

occasional hot flashes(not that bad), light headedness, still some endo pain(but not as bad as if i wasn't taking anything).

NO HIGHS which is important to me. The pain JUST disappears. Hydrocodone 5-mg/350-mg for break thru pain. Not all doctors know how to prescribe pain med's. I worked with a pain specialist (Voted Best Pain Dr.) to find what worked for me and what didn't. Kadian much better than pain patches for me! I've had to increase the amount over time but this amount is working for me. I'm not pain free but I now have a life.