Cytomel (liothyronine sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cytomel (liothyronine sodium)

I'm still taking this medication. "I am on NDT plus Cytomel. Medicare appears to have removed thyroid hormone replacement drugs other than Synthroid from its formulary, so cost is a challenge. T4 only did nothing for me except make my TSH come out normal on lab tests, so, I am sticking to the regimen that has worked for me for 15 plus years regardless of cost. I take the NDT Mid-morning and the Cytomel early afternoon. Knock on wood, so far I have avoided Diabetes. "2024-still no Diabetes and have been able to come down to 190lbs fro the 240-250lbs I was when on just Synthroid.

I have been on nearly every anti-depressant out there but Cytomel actually works. There are none of the side effects you get with SSRIs. I wouldn't even know I was taking anything except that I'm not teary and sad all the time. I don't need a nap as soon as I get home from work. I was on Lexapro, Wellbutrin and Clonazepam. Now I only take clonazepam. Truly wish all doctors were more open to prescribing this. Levothyroxine (T4) did nothing for me and so I had to go to my therapist to request liothyronine (T3) as my primary doctor just would not prescribe it. They only test TSH (mine was around 7.6) and don't pay attention to symptoms. It's maddening.

Hypothyroidism/Resistant depression

Increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, hot flash, 30 pounds weight loss

Before, I was on Synthroid 137 mcg and never felt right. I was always tired, depressed, gained so much weight even if my hormone levels were normal. Finally, I convinced my endocrinologist to prescribe Cytomel 25 mcg and decreased my Synthroid to 125 mcg. I feel great, I have energy, not depress anymore, more alert. My quality of life is so much better. My DR says that my T3 levels are a little high but he said that my pituitary gland seems to adjust and is working really well. I also take DHEA 100 mg to prevent adrenal insufficiency.

high lipids, low temp, low sodium,

After over 20 years on statins which I was intolerant of and Repatha to lower cholesterol, a friend asked if thyroid had been checked and informed me that high cholesterol used to be used to diagnose thyroid issues. After checking into it, I was given a trial of cytomel. After a month my blood labs improved---AST, ALT were in range as was sodium which had always been low. Platelets size which had always been large were normalized, cholesterol was under control, mind fog was gone, and my temperature which had been running around 95 F went up to 97. I am furious that no one had bothered to try this route 2 or more decades ago. I feel like they were slowly killing me before. I have learned that there are mutations many people carry that prevent them from correctly converting thyroid hormones and those people will still test as "normal" using current thyroid tests of TSH/T4reflex, thus missing people like me.

extremely hungry and gained 15 lbs. made me very sleepy and just "off". i would never take it again

We added t3 to increase my t3 levels. What a horrible experience I have awful leg and arm weakness excessive sweating head and feeling very off. Been off of it for 48 hours and still having all the side effects.

Palpitation's even at small 5mcg dose. I would use Taurine to off set palps.. ITCHY PIN like sensation's on arms after 1yr use! Like needle's coming out of skin! took about 3 weeks off use to rid of it. I use natural desiccated NP hormone during the Cytomel.

Chest pain, heart palpitations, bloating, fatigue, low energy, dry cough.

Had to cut the dose to once a day, which hasn't helped much. Giving it one more week.

Insomnia, frequent bowels, anxiety, palpitations

Prescribed this for mild hypo which I am not even sure I had. It has been a true nightmare. Still not able to sleep 4 months after discontinuation.

I was taking Cytomel to help my T3

Since starting this medication I have headaches, feel funny in my head, unbalanced, have blurry vision.Do not feel like sitting up! Very uncomfortable feeling.Plans quit it.

Everybody is different, but this medication does not seem to be working for me.

I started on 2.5 mcg and am dosing up every 10 days while watching my heart rate and temp. So far it has helped my depression. I noticed a change almost immediately and was so grateful. No weight loss or other benefits yet, but I am hopeful.

Developed severe edema with rapid onset—gained 40lbs of edema within 3 months.

Worked effectively but had to discontinue due to edema

Tremor,headache,night sweats ,mimicking menopause. Rapid heartbeat from anxiety thinking of impending doom. Difficulty sleeping. Before this med I was ok. I take pychiatric medicine for all of these problems.

Headachy and less energy than before - basically the opposite of what I expected to happen when adding t3. I already take Levoxyl which was helping and I thought this med would give me an extra boost and help with my stalled out weight loss, but it actually makes me feel very hungry especially at night. Not sure if I should stop altogether, try the name brand, or increase my dose but right now I am not liking the effects at all.

Lost weight, felt much better with energy until the debilitating body cramps and increased BP and heart rate kicked in!

I tried taking generic T3 and had no side effects for a couple of weeks and then the severe back pain and legs cramping down to my toes started. My BP increased 30 points on some days and heart rate increased making me feel chest pressure. These side effects happen when the medicine was wearing off especially at night. Switched to Cytomel and same problems. Have been taking 1/4 pill twice a day and still having horrible side effects! Maybe it's the fillers?Lost a few pounds.. why is it so hard to help some of us? It's such a common problem yet there is no cure? Medications have to be adjusted constantly? I'm seeing a Cardiologist this week who helps with getting your body healthy using a low carbohydrate diet like Keto. I've been doing Keto for over a year but gained 12 pounds over the last year.. Cytomel helped me lose some weight but I'm afraid of the side effects. I can't wait to talk with Dr. Nadir Ali! Look him up on FB...

Muscle weakness, sticky sweating, anxiety, insomnia.

I can't convert T4 to T3 post op thyroidectomy. I thought this would help, but it was a nightmare. It's been 3 months since discontinuation and I still can't sleep with a TSH of 6. My hands are still sticky. And I'm still anxious.

Nausea. I feel energized for a couple hours after taking it but after it wears off, I feel almost more tired than when I took it.

After a blood test and doctor noticing I have a low t3, he put me on cytomel. I feel like I already need a higher dose. I feel energized for a couple hours after taking it but then it dies off. I am hoping by going up in my dosage this will not only help with my energy levels but will help me lose the 20 lbs I have gained this past year.

Dizzy! Giving it 1 more week to see if it subsides

No adverse side effects. I find that it changes my sleep pattern greatly depending on when and how much I take. If I take it in the morning, there is no effect on my sleep...meaning I sleep lightly, wake every 1-2 hours, and am fully awake after 4 1/2 to 5 hours without being able to return to sleep. If I take it at night prior to bedtime, I sleep 7 hours most nights and sleep deeply. I may wake up after 5 hours, but then easily return to sleep for 1-2 more hours. I've found I need to take the full dosage at night. Taking only 5 mcg at night had no appreciable effect on my sleep. It also took several weeks of returning to the full dosage at night to fully restore a restful sleep pattern

I currently take Liothyronine but have taken cytomel in the past. I could tell no difference between the two.

CYTOMEL (LIOTHYRONINE SODIUM): Liothyronine is used to treat an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). It replaces or provides more thyroid hormone, which is normally made by the thyroid gland. Liothyronine is a man-made form of thyroid hormone. Low thyroid hormone levels can occur naturally or when the thyroid gland is injured by radiation/medications or removed by surgery. Having enough thyroid hormone helps you stay healthy. For children, having enough thyroid hormone helps them grow and learn normally. This medication is also used to treat other types of thyroid problems (such as certain types of goiters, thyroid cancer). It can also be used to test for certain types of thyroid disease. This medication should not be used to treat infertility unless it is caused by low thyroid hormone levels. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have decided to stop taking this due to the suicidal thoughts that I have been experiencing. This is extremely out of character for a happy, bubly outgoing individual. I took this 14 days before my period and found that I got a high then felt like I wanted to jump of a bridge or in front of the train, which is frightening when the urges get overwhelming. Becareful when taking this medication, these thoughts came from nowhere and disturbed me severely.

regulate periods, contraceptive

The 150 Mg does not control my BP at all. The 300 Mg does not control my BP. Very erratic BP at both levels. I dislike this medicine intensely.

Terrible pain in my right shoulder and bicep muscleswas getting hard to raise my right arm.

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bruising at injection site, bloating during ovulation

I have been taking 200mg vaginally 3 times a day to help with the lining of the uterus. It has been 4 days since the transfer and I have had breast tenderness for the past 2 days and cramping throughout. Although some cramping may be from the procedure. Otherwise, I have not notices anything that I can directly associate with this medicine yet.

Irregular bleeding/periods (had IUD, did not use bcp)

It is a drug and people can heed these warnings -

After these experiences I stopped immediately.Can't imagine anyone accepting these side effects is it me that is allergic? I am not allergic to anything else and tolerate new things easily.Other meds include multi vitamins and slow release tramadol for pain.