Metastron (strontium chloride, sr-89) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Metastron (strontium chloride, sr-89)

Side Effects formetastron (strontium chloride, sr-89) - User Comments


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Topical for pre-cancerous lesion

Two weeks ago I had a pleurodesis, which is glueing the inner and outer pleural membranes of a lung together with talc or other modality. This is because of fluid buildup from advancing breast cancer. After the surgery the hospital nurses and technical staff commented that I hadn't had epidural anesthesia. The other pleurodesis patients they knew had epidurals, because of the significant pain from the procedure. I had just general anesthesia. I said, yes it hurt, but at its worst I didn't begin to hurt as much as I did on average every day during the four plus months that the Boniva reaction hurt me. We just looked at each other in silence.

I took the maximum dose of Pravachol after being on Zocor for over a year. As with Lipitor, Zocor was making my muscles hurt, especially in my lower back. Doc had me try the max dose of Pravachol to see if it would resolve the pain, but it didn't.I have been completely off of statins for 8 days and feel great! First time in many years.There must be a better way!

Since starting on Premarin 5 years ago I've gained weight, I have joint pains and get so stiff its like I'm 95 instead of 35.I have done all the things I did before Premarin to lose weight only to get on the scales and find I've actually ADDED pounds. I have decided to stop taking it and see what happens.

Insomnia. Fatigue. Hyperactive feeling the first few hours.

Only a five to get at the top. I used to love it but after reading the comments of several women and realizing all the sypmtoms i am having are probably caused by this im am appalled! This is awful stuff and it cant believe i even took it for so long. It is not good for relationships with signifigant others and really has affected my life ie: almost lost job due to increased reactions to stress and moodiness. Dont take this crap! Now begins the painful process of weaning myself off this drug, if your considering, dont ask a doctor for the side affects and risks, look at the real commentary, the stuff they dont tell you about at the doctors office. Its just not worth messing with your body, be a true female and let nature take its course.

Dreadful stomach crampsand that has lasted for 2 daysand I only took 1 tabletwould not take them again

I stopped taking the drug after the second pill. The day after I stopped taking the medicine, I started to have a dry cough. The doctor prescribed doxycycline as a replacement and I had a different reaction to that. Thankfully, they think the infection is gone, so I don't have to try a third antibiotic. I am still dealing with the chest pain almost a week later and contemplating going back to the doctor to ensure that my lungs will heal.

With my RLS, only able to sleep 2 hours/day, for the past 18 months. The sleep deprivation was making me a vegetable. Worked up to 2 mg/night of ropinirole, and sleep soundly for 7-8 hours, without kicking. A miracle!! Just plain saved my life and sanity!!!

Methyl prednisolone 6-day dosepak. Started feeling side effects when I noticed it bringing down the inflammation. Side effects seem to be subsiding as inflammation is returning. Evil drug. Hoping I haven't done myself irreversible damage.