Tetracycline hydrochloride (tetracycline hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tetracycline hydrochloride (tetracycline hydrochloride)

Side Effects fortetracycline hydrochloride (tetracycline hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Severe depression, suicidal, severe withdrawal when weening and since (it's been over a month).

headache, sinus pain, chest pain.

Started at 2x150mg SR a day. When I take one theres a definite peak an hour later, increased color contrast and color-related hallucinations. I also feel like I can hear -everything-. Disconnection is gone entirely, I feel like I'm actually part of the world around me, but somehow I also feel fuzzy and withdrawn. I'm less nervous in social situations. But I've become more blunt, like it's broken the part of my brain that usually keeps me from hurting peoples feelings. Thats my biggest long term worry; I have a hard enough time making keeping friends as is. I haven't slept AT ALL in 3 days, and am mentally exhausted. Today I skipped my second dose out of desperation for a good night's sleep. Loss of appetite, I am 5'10", 130lbs and I can't afford to lose weight. Smoked a pack a day, now down to a pack in 3 days :). This is only day 4, I want to quit but I'll reserve judgment for a month, but insomnia, loss of appetite, and intense confusion and mood swings (and increased panic att

I can walk around for no more than five minutes without my feet starting to burn. I did not anticipate becoming an immediate invalid.

within the last two months ive been seeking treatment and the first meds they gave me was Effexor XR and i had tremendously bad side effects with it. was then transfered to paxil which so far is better but im not totally sold on the idea that this is the perfect drug for me. My main problem is sever anxiety and i mean severe in the stongest sense. My depression i can't i cant actuallly feel it so its harder for me to except it. Basicly if youve read these who can figure out that im lott and looking for answers. Any responders i would like to talk more about my situation cause just like in most cases there are a lot more underlying problems that contribute to my problems. Thanks for anyone who listens this is my first time ive wrote in one of these forums and im looking forward to see what can come of them.

Severe arm pain in the first 24 hours, together with headache for 3 days. 7 days later discovered painful lymphadenopathy of supraclavicular node and under arm (same side as the injection) .

shakey, were hot, not hungrey, stomach aches, a lil nausious

I literally had to meditate to relax and calm down. Had to take my acid reflux medicine to make sure I did not develop a full flare up in my stomach. Eating plain foods like bread, potatoes with nothing & water. That will be the extent of my food intake until the effects of my first Claritin subside. I'm not sure I will ever take this again. I truly need to find another alternative that's not 24hrs. Going forward I will stick to 4-6hr doses JUST INCASE. Did not have any of these side effects with Benadryl, with the exception of the drowsiness.

ANy one on statin drugs should read the Businessweek article from Jan. 28, 2008. Research done by scientist, not pharm. companies. I quit taking it after reading this article. Useless, harmful drug!

Within 4 days of taking my first (and last!) monthly pill, I began suffering tighness across my ribcage, followed by increasing joint pain in my shoulders, wrists, elbows, neck, back and legs. Within 10 days I felt like I had been hit by a train, and could barely function with the pain. My doctor immediately took me off the prescription and added it to my medical records as a severe allergy. She prescibed heavy pain medication which needed further supplemental pain meds for over 60 days. The pain returned in regular waves like a residual time-release doses for another 6 months and included regular Night-Horror" dreams with kicking and punching reactions that often hurt my wife. Over the course of a year, I had gradual diminishing effects, and feel now totally flushed of Bon-Evil after 2 years. Only 1 pill did this to me, and it was hell.