Minocycline hcl (minocycline hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Minocycline hcl (minocycline hydrochloride)

Really sick the first week. Headache, dizzy, off-balance, sleepy, dehydrated, not focused, dry eyes. Kept taking it still ill. Not doing well with this medication.

Made me so sick the first week prescribed for acne.

My entire body aches. I feel like my chest has a cement brick on it and I've been winded incredibly easily. It's healing my acne but I can't take the fever and feeling like I want to crawl out of my skin. I'm on day five of being in bed and I'm concerned at how long this will last.

Urticaria, mood swings, severe depression and feelings of loneliness, fatigue

This pill ruined my life. I had never had allergies or hives before it. Now seven years after taking it for less than a month I get hives almost every day triggered from foods I was never allergic to. The hives were so bad at first I had to take steroids. Dieting and exercising did more for my acne than this pill. I hate this pill, it should be banned for acne usage. Terrible and extremely unhappy. Wish I could give it less than one star, DO NOT TAKE!

HORRIBLE! I feel sick, weak, fatigued, no motivation to do anything :( im in bed dizzy. THIS IS THE WORST

some fatigue, sun sensitivity, nothing I can't handle.

Blood panels taken once a year are all normal, so it is not affecting the kidneys or liver or spleen or any internal organs in any negative way. Has erased all symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis tho I need to stay on this (I alternate with vibramycin) forever. Now take Mon thru Friday and off on weekends. Alternate months with Vibramycin so that my teeth will not turn grey.

Nausea, Dizzyness, Short Breath and Vomiting.

First 5 days I had no problems on the Minocycline. I was taking it with food and water twice a day (Morning/Evening) and noticed a slight difference in my acne- I was (and still am) using Retin-A and Clindamycin lotion on my face. After 5 days, I continued taking Minocycline twice daily WITH FOOD but because incredibly sick shortly after taking it. Day 6 I felt dizzy and slept most of the day, and Day 7 I became incredibly ill and after just making it into my work at 9am, I left and puked when I got home. After I stopped taking it, I continued to have a headache the next day with slight dizzyness but past that I felt fine.

Diahrrea **ONLY when first starting, just like most antibiodics.

I experience a "cleansing" effect when i first started, haha, but it works really well on my acne! My skin is so clean and glowy, and it used to be horrible. That's a miracle for a hormonal teenager!! :)

This drug helped my acne but my doctor had me go off of it because it was causing me to have persistent fatigue and abnormal blood tests. I've since stopped taking perscription acne medication altogether and switched my makeup from liquid foundation to mineral makeup and my skin has cleared right up! It may have been the makeup I was using to cover up my acne that was causing it in the first place. My skin was pretty bad for close to 15 years. I highly recommend trying mineral makeup (like bare minerals) and see if it helps your skin.

loss of appetite except for craving of salty foods, occasional headaches and dizziness

Dizziness/vertigo, aches and pains all over body, difficulty breahting, some chest pain, headache, overall feeling of sickness, extreme fatigue.

Took Solodyn (time released version). Was fine at first. After a week, developed a headache and a general blah feeling. At two weeks, developed the rest of the side effects. Stopped the drug for 3 days, restarted, and side effects returned within hours. Did not work for me. I think I may have an intolerance to all tetracycline drugs as I reacted badly to doxicycline in the past.

Very effective in clearing up the rosacea. However I had a very mild case and it was treated early.Still, I wish it was known why anti-bacterials are needed for skin diseases. Is the skin "dirty"? Seems like nutrition and topicals could be a better solution than long term antibiotics.

This did absolutely nothing for my acne.

I don't think I've had any side effects.

It's been great for my skin. Really helps the acne. I get my liver checked periodically because it can be a side effect but have had nothing wrong. Great drug for acne.

Nausea if not taken with food or milk.

Staying on it is the key (as with most acne drugs). You're looking at 8 weeks before you see a real difference, but once it kicks in, it happens fast. My doctor took me off it for awhile this year (because my skin looked SO GOOD) and left me on my other two (Nicomide and Retin-A) and within two months, my cystic acne had come back. I'm 8 weeks in to my new prescription of minocycline and my skin is clear again. My general practitioner was worried about liver function after being on it for so long, but I've had several labs done and they all looked good.

I broke out in a red bump rash over my forearms. Side affects went away after I stopped taking

MINOCYCLINE HCL (MINOCYCLINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Minocycline is used to treat a wide variety of infections. It may also be used along with other medications to treat severe acne. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as tetracycline antibiotics. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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