Minocin (minocycline hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Minocin (minocycline hydrochloride)

Every time I'm given a new prescription, I have to ease my way into it because a lot of medications makes me sick. And its a good things I did because this medication is horrible. I had to have dental surgery and my doctor, being concerned of having a 6th episode of septicemia, was trying to prevent that while having so much dental work.Its horrible, dizziness, bad headaches, chest pain, extreme fatigue and diarrhea. I called my doctor and they told me to stop taking it.

Minor at first, but after two weeks I broke out into an allergic reaction. Hives, itching, swelling, etc. It's been three weeks and my hands are still messed up, swelling and inflamed.

Although it cleared up my head acne (I think), I wouldn't recommend it. I've had good luck in the past with keflex, ask for that instead.

Once it got in my system after a few doses I became so nauseated I couldn't function. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and refused to continue the medication. I had to go to urgent care. I don't know how long I'll suffer with this nausea but I hope it goes away soon. I'd rater have acne than feel this way. I can't care for my kids, work, or do my school work in this condition. I just feel like I'm going to die.

Horrible! I started to have lupus like symptoms. Chronic joint pain in wrists, knees, ankles, toes, Fingers, kneck, jaw. Swelling, discolored patches of skin and decrease in liver function

I never received any warning on this medication. Never had a liver functioning test and was never told about the side effects. Something in this medicine is horrific, poison! It can't even be given to pregnant women as it will harm the fetus. Discontinue if you have any of these symptoms.

Severe joint pain hives really bad stiff joints tired diarrhea racing pulse chest discomfort had to go to dr 2 x prednisone injection and pills benadryl helped too.

Severe joint and muscle pain in neck, elbows, wrists, and finger tips. itchy/swollen fingers, especially the tips. red big bumps that seem to be filled with fluid that turn into mild rash on forehead and on the inside of my wrist. Rash/dry skin on eyelids. Hyperpigmentation of an existing canker sore.

It has been ~10 days since i have taken Minocycline and my symptoms have lessened, but are still present. mainly the stiffness in joints, especially knees and fingers and new rashes that continue to popup on my forehead and inside of my wrist.

Had severe dizzyness, extreme debilitating fatigue, body aches, nausea, heart palpitations.- i've been off it for 5 days and stillfeel like hell. The body aches and dizzyness have gone away but the severe nausea, extreme fatigue, weakness, are still here and it feels like i have depression.If anyone else has experienced this after stopping the meds please tell me how long it took to recover, im seeing such horrible effects. PLEASE EMAILME.

IBSD causing acne/inflammation

Helped get rid of so much painful suffering cured it enough was able to stop meds ever since

Joint pain, racing heart, fever, nothing changed

It was awful I would recommend this medicane to anyone !

Fatigue and major joint and muscle pain. The worst pain is in my calves and neck. Today though, I sneezed and felt like I had pulled a muscle in my head (which I don't think is even possible). I feel like I walk like the tin man.

Haven't noticed any improvement yet concerning the bacterial rash on my face. All will be worth it if I can get the rash to go away.

I initially had a little dizziness but that went away. I have absolutely no side effects, which is rare for me.

I am experiencing frequent urination. I previously was on this medicine 3 years ago, the dosage was higher and it cause me to have severe itching so I stop. My new doctor prescribed it last week, now I can't stop using the bathroom.

I was on minocycline for a while and it worked great, but I had these pesky pimples that would not go away for anything. So I asked the dermatologist to put me on something stronger and he put me on Bactrum. Well, Bactrum did not help at all so we switched back to minocycline. A few weeks later I was experiencing unbelievable joint pain, swelling and fever symptoms. I couldn't move without every joint aching. We went to a bunch of specialists, but none of them thought it was the medicine. My aunt finally told me that a friend of my cousin's had a similar reaction. So I stopped the minocycline and have been recuperating.

Depression, fatigue, aching bones .....& moreIt did help improve my acne, but with these symptoms I rather deal with my acne another way .

Even though I was taking this with food/milk, I experienced the worst heartburn I've ever had. I had to go off the medication because of it.

Lupus like symptoms. extreme swelling that moved throughout the body- swollen knees, elbows hands,ankles. that would get worse with movement rash under skin that would come and go in different. areas, extreme fatigue. blisters on bottom of feet.

Itching on neck and the middle of my back. Headaches.

Although I was on Minocycline for a short period of time it was beginning to clear up my acne. However, the side effects indicated that I was allergic to the medicine. I would definitely recommend this medicine to those that know they aren't alergic to it.

weight loss (water weight), ringing in the ears, weakness, yeast infection, possible LUPUS!

I took it a few years ago when I had a bad breakout. Got rid of my acne, but when I started to feel weak I went right off. Honestly I don't think anybody should go on this drug or anything in the oral acne treatment category. People should be warned of the possible life changing side effects of ORAL acne medication. I went back on another low level acne treatment called solodyn despite my resistance. I gave in anyway to cure another bad breakout (due to stress). After three to four long months I finally saw results. My acne got worse before it got better though. Unfortunately, as soon as my skin cleared up I got a BAD case of ringworm. Turns out the solodyn changed my immune system and I couldn't get rid of the nasty fungus until I went off the med. After taking a blood test my lab report came back positive for antibodies. Now I have to go back for more tests to see if I have drug induced lupus. I'm writing about solodyn b/c it is in the same class as minocycline. Everyone should be aware of the risks involved with all oral acne antibiotics. If I had a choice I would rather live with the occasional acne than have lupus.

Side Effects forminocin (minocycline hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Permax does help my restless leg, I am glad I found a Doctorthat knows how to treat this problem.

dizzines, joint pain, upper right abdominal pain under ribs, back pain under ribs, also right side.

I've always had high metabolism and low appetite, was 6'3", 150lb and hated it. In two months, I gained thirty pounds and have never been happier with my self-image in my life. This was the miracle drug I had been waiting for for years and while the side effects were annoying at worst, they were well worth the advantages.

I have taken two so far and on Monday I will call the doctor to tell him of my extreme exhaustion, headachiness, and lack of appetite. Should I increase my calcium intake>???? I will ask him.

Taken it before occasionally for seasonal allergies, noticed the drowsiness, grogginess, and fluid retention. Took it two days in a row for the first time and 18 hours later I'm still groggy, miserable, anxious, irritable, dizzy, and pretty out of it. I rarely cry but I feel right now like if I encountered any setbacks I'd break down. I feel physically and emotionally weak and have no willpower to get things done or concentrate at work. It makes breathing feel like a conscious effort, exacerbated by the anxiety. I can't imagine taking this for any length of time and I'm never touching it again. I can't wait for it to clear out of my system.

Don't believe your doctor about it being a nonadictive painkiller. After I had been using it a while, the pain killing effect went away, but I now needed it to keep opiate-like withdrawl symptons at bay. I finally woke up and quit when I lost the opportunity for a major job advancement. I failed to finish the qualifying test in time because of an Ultram induced stupor. Ultram is bad news for some of us. I am still having insomnia problemsn because of my adiction to this medicine. Be sure you don't become a victim by staying on this drug long term.

Possible weight gain. Gone up a bra size! Tinnitus- not sure if this is MS or drug related. Fatigue.

While it did help clear up the shingles, I am not taking any more of this medicine. I cannot function or concentrate at work or home.

At first, I had no side effects. Until reading this forum, I thought I was coming down with Parkinson's because I have a chronic shake! I don't drink or smoke and eat well, healthy life style. Now I shake, I have chronic headaches, very vivid and wierd dreams, disoriented, heavy night sweats and a vague feeling of being disassociated. I've gained weight and it only helps my RLS a little. I think I'll go off of it and just exercise my RLS away, gotta be better than walking around like a shakey old lady.

This med should be taken OFF our pharmacy shelves and out of circulation. It is BAD NEWS.