Arestin (minocycline hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Arestin (minocycline hydrochloride)

Pain in treated areas. Inflammation and swollen.

Took forever to work and it wasn't cheap, two of my teeth were infected after a deep cleaning, gums wouldn't stop bleeding. One healed within two weeks and the other was more serious and took like four.

I had a deep cleaning about a month ago and there were two gums that were infected. Dentist scraped the area clean, applied and within a few days it cleared up. I was worried that I was having an allergic reaction but no.

Side Effects forarestin (minocycline hydrochloride) - User Comments


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sleepless night,dizziness,panic attacks, migrain headaches, joint pains,numbness tingleness,and vision problems.

While adjusting to it i was ready to write my will, and i started on the lowest dose to have any effect, 5mg. Pupils extremely dilated to the point it scared me to look at myself in the mirror. Full body migraines kind of like the ones you get from COVID when you feel like your skin hurts on you, but this was just for one day and then I felt nothing of the sort. Nowadays it just makes me very drowsy and makes me eat twice as much

My tongue has a very strange feeling, like a burning sensation.

Worked very well for me. Dropped BP from 145/93 to 124/70 within days and it stayed at those numbers.

I suffered a considerable weight gain. I gained 10 pounds in just 2 months, even trying very hard not to eat more than the usual. Swollen feet. I had huge, tired and painful legs and hands. I called my doctor to tell him about those symptoms and he told me that they were not associated with the medicine. After that I tried diuretics, analgesics and my feet were worse and worse. We decide to stop the medicine, but just because I am working very well in my psychotherapy.

I went to the doctor because of having a sore throat, but I showed him the petechiea all over my legs and feet. He was very worried about possible thrombocytopenia, in addition to other ailments. He ran a blood platelet test, mono and many others ($$$). But hadn't the sense to consider the Nexium. Not until I checked it and cross-referenced it (symptoms with meds) did I find the connection. Doctors need to be aware of this and explain the adverse effects to patients instead of us paying so much and having to do our own research.

tender breasts, hunger, dizziness 1 hr after taking medicine, which lasted for about 1 hr.

Brain flashes, tiredness, dizziness, voices, increased psychotic tendencies.

80 mg Micardis a day for about 2 months now. (I started with Atacand but the side effects of this drug were greater than with Micardis.) Blood preassure Ok. Numbnes in my fingers, specialy irritating at night when trying to sleep.

It cleared my uti but put me in the he Er nasusa tingling in hands and feet hands turned blue.The headache was like an axe in the back of my skull.At one point my eyes would not blink anymore.When I stated to take like a stroke patient I drove myself to erbreally should not have done that it bad bad stuff