Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (sulfamethoxazole; trimethoprim) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (sulfamethoxazole; trimethoprim)

Extreme dizziness, constant nausea. Could not get up out of bed dizziness was so bad. Took only one tablet and thought I was going to die

The only positive is that I lost weight.

2 weeks after completing a 10 day course of this drug, I have an onset of diarrhea. Is this common? This was given along with Pavlovid to treat my Covid.

Nausea, vomiting, headache, insomnia, anxiety

I've taken this for 2 days now and have felt sick the whole time. Nausea is constant, making it hard to eat or drink much. On day 3, woke up with bad anxiety and jitters. Not sure if I can take this for the full 7 days. It does seem to help the infection

Excessive sweating, feeling ill and whole body shakes.

Took 1 pill before bed @ 8. Couldn't sleep all night because of leg pain. Stopped taking immediately. Felt better next day after hot bath and heating pad.

anxiety, insomnia and heart palpitations

I took this drug for 1 day, once in the am and once in the pm, and by that night I started feeling anxious so I decided to stop taking this med. Today is starting my third day off of this stuff and the anxiety has gotten worse or its just me stressing out or not sleeping at all last night. I am really starting to wonder how long this stuff is going to stick with me. If there is anyone out there who has overcome these side effects please share your story on this site as I have read through several hundreds of reviews and have not seen any clear answers as to anyone recovering. I just feel like I'm in a pit right now and I just want some good news. So please someone just email me so at least I'm not alone in this

Took 1 pill right after supper with 8 oz water and had no real side effects. Then 3 hours later as I got into bed I experienced sudden onset of severe dizziness immediately upon lying down for the night, nausea from room spinning around and sudden extreme sweating so that I had to rip off all my night clothes. I felt like I was going to die. Managed to sit up on side of bed and within 10 minutes all the horrible reactions were totally gone. Took no more pills.

I had taken this medication on two earlier occasions for UTI bouts with only slight tummy indigestion. Pills worked well at that time.

persistant headache, fatigue, and fever (101 to 102) and most scary nocturnal diaphoresis (profuse sweating)

finished a ten day course of two tabs daily,after one week, saw the physician who thenprescribed one tab daily and had side effectsapproximately two hours after taking the first tabon an empty stomach with a full glass of water.Read those inserts! (as I did) and act quickly!

Severe muscle aches behind my thighs, knees, calves, and arms. Swelling to the face and lips. Flushed skin. Persistent numbness in my fingers. Extreme sharp headaches. High fever of a 102. Swollen face and lips. Dizziness. Inability to stand for more than 5 seconds. Liquid discharge from the eyes. Chills and overall body aches.

I took this medication for my UTI just before dinner within 5 hours I developed a very high fever, chills and muscle aches. I had sharp headaches that felt like a knife that attacked in the same spot behind and front side of my head. I began to take extra strength Tylenol every two hours for the fever and headaches. This helped keep the fever down but not the headaches. As soon as the three hour mark hit the fever would shoot up. Thinking it was just the flu I went to work in the morning. I did not take the second dose because I was under some other medications for other reasons and did not want to take them closely together, so I intended to space them apart by 2 hours. When I woke up my face and lips were swollen and my skin was flushed. By 9 a.m. I began getting a strong pain behind my legs to the point I had to keep them moving in order to stay standing. It increasingly got worse that even if I moved I still felt like my legs would give out and I would fall. By 11:30 a.m. I had to go back to the clinic. I was in extreme pain, my fever and headaches continued and I had an overall terrible feeling that something was very wrong. I tried to describe my pain to the doctor that I had never felt these types of pain in my legs before so she ordered an ultrasound to my legs. But found nothing. The doctor consulted an allergist and another doctor and gave them a list of my medications. They all concurred that my symptoms sounded like it was due to the sulfameth trimeth. Throughout

Fever around 102, chills, rash that spread starting on face and neck, back, and chest and spread to all my body. This happened afte taking the drug for 4 days. It was prescribed for 10 days

I didn't know to look for this to be an allergic reaction to the medicine I was taking. I just thought the medicine wasn't the right one I needed, because my son had had strep throat the week before, and I thought perhaps the strep infection may have come to me after I had been taking the medicine.Since it took several days to have any symptoms I didn't connect the 2.

I took a 10 day course and by about the 6th day into it, was experiencing abdominal pain and general abdominal tenderness. Also loss of appetite and moderate fatigue. I am an athlete and found that any high impact sports such as running increased my symptoms significantly. I also often felt headachy and mildly nauseous. I tend to be sensitive to antibiotics and this one proved to be no different for me. It did however significantly clear up the infection in my foot within 24 hours.

I got through one 10 day course with few problems. But a few days later I had to start again. Two hours after one pill I started to itch. Within a few more hours my temperature was up to 101, I had chills almost like convulsions, and I vomited several times. The next day my doctor put me on Benadryl and the symptoms cleared up.

Side Effects forsulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (sulfamethoxazole; trimethoprim) - User Comments


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I got a rash all over my body shortly after taking this drug i& a severe insomnia and it made me nauseous and the third day I vomited after taking the medicine I'm not going to take anymore

Stay away from it, you have been warned.

I am taking this medication because of a hormone imbalance. My body's lack of this hormone caused a pretty significant buildup of my uterine wall, which resulted in a continuous period last fall that lasted over a month. The drug has been effective in balancing things. I am nearing menopause and wonder just how long I will have to take this stuff.

all and all thou its good the side effects are not so bad

Have been on various SSRI's. This drug has helped depression but the side effects of hair loss are not helping my mental well being.

Retention-Scar tissue from TUR.

No sexual appetite/not able to orgasm, vivid dreams with details that I remember for days, severe dry throat.

After taking Diovan 40mg for 2 months, my blood pressure dropped from 150 to 80 and I started to have blurred vision and my heart palpitation seems to get worse, I am going to stop Diovan and check whether my heart paipitation will stop. Any medication to alternate beside this?

Had my first dose on August 29, 2020, at 11 a.m.. About 5 hours later developed a low grade fever and body shakes that lasted approximately 4 hours. Next day only the sore arm remained. My second dose was today, 10/9/20, at same time of day. No fever or body shakes as of 9 p.m. Arm soreness is less than first dose. I had taken Tylenol before I left to get the vaccine, however.

Extreme fatigue, general muscle aches, dark urine, burning back pain