Septra (sulfamethoxazole; trimethoprim) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Septra (sulfamethoxazole; trimethoprim)

Side Effects forseptra (sulfamethoxazole; trimethoprim) - User Comments


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If you have been on any "old" bi-polar meds, this one is DEFINITELY worth trying.

Extreme sleepiness and increased appetite

Very hard time getting on this med. I stuck with it and it helped more than anything else I tried. Now I am quitting wellbutrin because I have been losing hair since April-alot of hair. Be warned that regardless of the drug makers claims of hair loss as a rare side effect, it is much more common then they would have you believe.

The first month or so I had experienced side effects such as dry mouth, constipation, dry eyes and itching. I did not have all these side effects at one time nor did they all lastthe full month. It has decreased my appetite significantly. I have lost 15lbs.

Gave me anxiety and depression making me suicidal after taking 2 pills. Also stopped erections. Luckily I was already taking antidepressants so could quickly treat these symptoms.

Although I complained to my doctor about the muscle and joint pain she insisted that I needed to take it so the fat would get out of my liver since my liver enzymes were elevated.

rapid heartbeat, insomnia, violent rage, uncontrollable crying, triggering of abusive memories, anxiety, depersonalization, derealization, spacey feeling, difficulty spelling, blurred vision, dizzyness, and vertigo with nausea upon being late for a dose

Weight gain- 30lbs,Exhaustion,Hair falling out,Acne,Thirst,Nausea,Diahhrea often.All of these side effects except for weight gain occurred cuz I was on too high of a dose. I have to be on a very high dose because my body flushes out lithium faster than most. I take 1800 mg a day and my blood level is at the lower end of the therapeutic range kind of interesting.If you wxperience hair loss major acne or diahhrea ask your doctor about it cuz you don't wanna get toxic.Anyway most of my side effects are gone now that my dose was lowered. Lithium has been the most helpful medicine yet despite the frustrating side effects

Night terrors, hallucinations, anger, depression, violence, suicidal thoughts/comments, extreme mood swings, crying, moodiness.

No no NO do your research first I was totally sprung with this option and wish I had read up first what I was getting myself In to