Gantrisin (sulfisoxazole acetyl) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Gantrisin (sulfisoxazole acetyl)

I itched internally where you couldn't scratch -norelief, called doctor, another doctor told me to stop taking it at once and told me to come to her office.

What I was prescribed was something called azo-gantrasin, if that's the right spelling. It worked instantly. I had it a couple of times in my 20s.

Side Effects forgantrisin (sulfisoxazole acetyl) - User Comments


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Major muscle pain throughout my entire body, it hurt even breathing, even sitting in a chair hurt! That was in January of 2005 blood work in March 05 showed increased muscle enzymes, lost my voice March 18, 05 for 37 days, still elevated levels finally was told to stop in December 05; elevated levels still in April of 06

I started taking this medicine 6/23/2020 I was 115 now Im 134 on 7/17/2020

There was not enough relief,piss poor pain killer in general....

Severe dizziness. Panic attacks.

New to the drug but I am hopeful.

Didn't anybody here READ or LISTEN TO THE SIDE EFFECT WARNINGS? "hot flashes, mood swings, migraines...etc." are expected and common. I have not had any of these--in fact, severe migraines, moodiness (severe), depression, overall achiness, bone aches, abdominal pain, hair loss---were what I was going through for YEARS because of endometriosis. I'm finally feeling this strange sensation--something akin to being "normal". Loss of libido--haha---ask my two ex husbands about that--endometriosis is the devil and wreaks havoc on anyone's sex life. If you have an evolved partner, "vaginal dryness" (another warned of side effect, btw) can be overcome easily--lack of interest, well, I know plenty of women (and men) who aren't interested and it has nothing to do with Lupron. All in all--I'm finally getting back on my feet from 20 years of being told "it's in your head". OH. And since I'm in Radiology for some 25 years now, I can tell you that if you haven't been pregnant at least once--you are already at high risk for all kinds of maladies, including osteoporosis. We used to get a lot of Nuns (worked at a Catholic hospital)--who were in convent from age 17--and some were bent almost in half from spinal osteo. There are many studies on animals too that say if you don't allow at least one pregnancy, all kinds of cancers develop. Research, folks, before you start blaming everyone and everything. The human body is supposed to do certain thing

This antibiotic did not give me very horrible symptoms during the treatment. It made me sleep well and relaxed my anxiety. however yes there was muscle pains joint pains and flu like symptoms. I got these symptoms much stronger a week after treatment.

Great drug. Helped my depression and anxiety. I slowly came off it after about 4 years. First down to 150 mg per day for about a month, then none. Been off it for about a month. A bit rough getting off -- bad mood, angry, slept a lot, almost no sex drive for a while, weak erections. All that passed and now feel absolutely great, better than when on it. Sex drive is back, confidence and focus better then ever. The problem is that I steadily gained 20 lbs. while on it (over about 2-3 years), and in the two months I've been off I've packed on 10 lbs., despite almost daily exercise (either weight lifting, 1 hour cardio or 2 hours tennis - maybe 5-6 days per week). I am hungry beyond control. Almost reminds me of when I quit smoking 20 years ago. I really don't know what to do.

stroke like feeling brain fog dizzy

I think I could have scaled Mount Everest when I took this. Shudder.