Bactrim (sulfamethoxazole; trimethoprim) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Bactrim (sulfamethoxazole; trimethoprim)

My side effects didn't start until I completed a 30-day prescription to treat prostatitis. It was relatively fine while taking the medication with minimum side effects. I took my last dose last week and the next day I started experiencing bouts of lightheadedness, nausea, anxiety, confusion/brain fog, headaches, fatigue. It seems worse in the evenings and at night. Its odd to experience these after stopping the medication. I'm grateful for sites like this that let me know I'm not crazy and probably not dying and others are experiencing similar things also.

I also experienced joint/tendon pain in my wrists while taking bactrim that is still present. I'm not sure if this is related to the drug bc from what I've read, this isn't a common side effect. I have experienced joint pain with Cipro (cipro was a nightmare)

The side effects are making me feel awful. Heart palpitations and fluttering. Bad headache and dizziness. A kind of ringing in my ears. I feel nauseous and on the verge of throwing up often. If I exert myself I break out into a sweat and feel an increase in nausea. It's affecting my ability to do everyday things.

I'm supposed to take this med for 3 weeks and it's been 5 days. I'm still not feeling any better. I think I actually feel worse. I'm going to the dr to see if they can switch me to something else.

The first day I took this I thought I was already feeling nauseous from taking AZO tablets but now I'm wondering if the Bactim made it worse. I always feel pretty bad overall when I have a UTI so I didn't think anything of it. I slept fine that night. By day5 I had a pretty bad headache that lasted for 2 days, loss of appetite, blurry vision, tired eyes, and I also had HORRIBLE dreams. I don’t feel depressed like some of the other people but my brain fog is intense. I’m not myself. I slept for less than three hours last night-the insomnia is the WORST symptom. It’s almost 10pm on the next day and I’m not even tired. WHAT IS THIS STUFF?? I hate taking antibiotics and try to avoid them until I absolutely have to take them. I usually take a teaspoon of D-Manose twice a day and my recurring bladder infections have decreased from 6 a year to about 1 or less per year.I just took my last pill and I can not wait to get this stuff out of my body! It was really helpful to find this forum.

Only 3 days in and the nausea is s bad. Cheat heavy. Wont be taking anymore of this garbage

Horrible anxiety and panic. GI upset. Insomnia.

I just had the worst experience taking Bactrim. Last dose was yesterday at 6 pm. Woke up at 4 am with palpitations and panic, crawling out of my skin feeling. Insomnia (got 4 hrs sleep total last night). Called my urologist first thing this morning and he told me to stop taking it (which I would have done anyway). I do not recommend this medication.

Took Bactrim for a UTI. Day 1 no issues. Day 2 I felt like I had the flu. Fatigue, no appetite, nausea,Vomiting. Heart palpitations that literally woke me out of a sound sleep. Discontinued after speaking with my doctor, hoping it flushes out of my system quickly. Horrid drug.

Originally placed on Macrobid but gave me severe headaches so I asked to be switched to something else and it was Bactrim. Never again. Bad stomach cramping, horrible body aches like I had the flu, headaches, neck aches, gas, chest pains and notable increased anxiety and sweating. I finished my course today, praise Jesus! Just awful on your stomach.

Absolutely ridiculous levels of anxiety, basically having an anxiety attack for 72 straight hours. I had an Irregular heart beat, became very nauseous and am still in a very anxious state 3 days after stopping the medication. Very bad brain fog, and just can't seem to feel normal. My anxiety attacks became so frequent while taking this medication I attempted suicide to get some relief. I will absolutely never take Bactrim ever again as long as I live.

Even though I knew my anxiety was caused from the medication, I was still unable to control it. Bactrim has caused me to have the worst week of my life.

Didn't have any side effects until after I had finished my dose. After that, felt panicky, increased heart rate, dizziness and confusion, brain fog. It helped to read a lot of these descriptions for know that I'm not dying which this drug made me feel like I could just die any day because it made me so paranoid

I have taken bacterial drugs for a ITI before but it was a different drug and did not cause any of these side effects.

Threw up the first day, sweating profusely and almost passed out..6 days later I can finally eat again but I have a brain fog that is slowly going away but is very irratating

This was a horrible experience!!! The panic attacks and insomnia had to be the worst part. I had lower back pain and felt like I could not be in my skin. So many times I was ready to go check myself into the mental hospital! Yes, it was that bad!!! Beware

Horrible anxiety, dry mouth, back pain, nausea, night tremors, racing thoughts, immense stress, brain fog, trouble concentrating, heart palpitations, went pale for about 2 days, chest pain.HIGHLY DO NOT RECOMMEND!!!!

Horrible anxiety literally the WORST experience of my life. It's currently been 3 weeks and the symptoms have progressed by a lot! But I still do not feel like my normal self. Highly recommend to flush it out of your system ASAP. Drink plenty of electrolytes, water, and broths. The anxiety caused me to lose 15 pounds and I was already petite! Please beware of this medication. Remember the symptoms are TEMPORARY!

Terrible medicine!!! Caused my anxiety to worsen and multiplePanic Attacks! Stopped taking on day 3, felt like I was going to crawl out of my skin, crying uncontrollably, not feeling “real”, increased heart rate, shaking, WILLNEVER TAKE AGAIN!!!!

Possible UTI or prostatitis UPDATE

It's been about 34 days since I started bactrim. I would like to add that unfortunately I had to visit the ER again for the same blood in urine. They gave me an injection antibiotic and 4 pills antibiotic for the possible UTI or prostatitis but not bactrim. Currently I have weakness and muscle joint pain. About 3 days ago I got a rash. Don't know from which one it was or if it had anything to do with it. Me and my family got sick with flue or something recetly. Wish I could have known why I have weakness now to keep you people updated. In general I don't react well to antibiotics. It creates havoc in my muscles. Hope you all finds answers and your bodies become healthy. I know Its a mess.

When I was taking it seemed to work. It also seemed that the problem came back a week later

I know there are a lot of negative reviews on Bactrim. However, This does not give me side effects and I have a very sensitive stomach due to severe GERD (Acid Reflux) I am taking it for a UTI for seven days. Everyone is different and sometimes it is better not to read them since you will be convinced it is a terrible drug! I took Cipro a while back and it gave me extreme anxiety and my doctor told me to stop it.

From April 7 to April 14. First 3 days 6 pills I started to feel weak with muscle pain and little flu symptoms. No burning or pain. Helped with symptoms. My palpitations went always during trement. After treatment I felt a bit tired for about 3 days. Afterwards I felt good but still very weak from muscles which i noticed when trying to do something heavy. Today April 25 my palpitations came back. Anxiety extreme muscle weakness and joint and muscle pain whole body whole day. Flue symptom kind of runny nose feeling but with no actually discharge. Will post update

This antibiotic did not give me very horrible symptoms during the treatment. It made me sleep well and relaxed my anxiety. however yes there was muscle pains joint pains and flu like symptoms. I got these symptoms much stronger a week after treatment.

I was misdiagnosed with a uti and was given this poison 9 months ago. Ever since I suffer from permanent nerve damage all over my body. Love life now. Was perfectly healthy before all of this.

First couple of days were rough, severe gas, felt nauseous, loss of appetite. Then developed bitter taste in mouth a few days later. Original side effects have diminished greatly but still have little taste/ bitter taste. Today heart rate is elevated consistently can't wait until I'm off of this! 4 more days!

Weakness, fatigue, severe constipation, constant urination, pain in back and sore all over.I should have stopped it.Now i am wondering how long it will take to get over Bactrim. Will never use again!

Started at night; couldn't sleep, severe neck and headache, fever chills all night. Extreme body aches like the worst flu ever. Couldn't get out of bed next day. No energy. Joint and leg and back spasms and pain. Teeth pain. I thought I was going to die.

Do not ever take this medication. It works, as my finger infection started going away immediately but the side effects are horrible. They do not go away immediately. If you have muscle cramping try introducing balanced electrolytes to your system. I could only take 2 pills. Had to beg for another antibiotic. Dr said it wasn't the medicine but was something else that I caught. BS. Advocate for yourself. It's the Bactrim.

BACTRIM (SULFAMETHOXAZOLE; TRIMETHOPRIM): This medication is a combination of two antibiotics: sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. It is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections (such as middle ear, urine, respiratory, and intestinal infections). It is also used to prevent and treat a certain type of pneumonia (pneumocystis-type). This medication should not be used in children less than 2 months of age due to the risk of serious side effects. This medication treats only certain types of infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as flu). Unnecessary use or misuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

None after either shot. But important that anti inflammatory Pills not be taken at least 48 hours before the shot. I didn't know that and wondered if the second shot fully took ever since.

I was never told about these side effects. Nor was I told they could be life long.I had neurological testing done in 2014. I was told I have Dementia caused by chemotherapy.The chemo cocktail I was given included Taxol Carboplantin Benadryl & other meds.Also did 6 wks of radiation 5 days a wk while doing chemotherapy at the same time.

Severe lethargy and fatigue. Feeling so tired. Clearly the antibiotic as this is very unusual for me. Can't wait to be finished with the treatment.

Zero Side effects!! As I read these reviews I have to wonder about these individuals overall health as to why they're having the issues they're having. As far as I'm concerned this is a miracle drug!

anxiety, heart racing, irregular heart beat, sore throat, crying

I had flu-like symptoms only at a speed of 10 times the flue.. fast-motion.. chills, cold, stuffy nose, sneezing, watery eyes, it was hot and humid outside, but I had to put on a heavy pj and scarf and housecoat.. my body was twitching, my legs wouldn't rest.. it was the worst thing I have ever experienced it lasted 24hrs.. it came right out of me in the end and it was blue... I never took it again even though my dr. wanted me to try again.. this was in 2009 and I still feel the fear.. I have a relative male who had jaw problems and heart problems and he was also taking Actonel.. I call it the "pill from hell".. I do not understand why they have not pulled this awful medication off the shelf.. I also do not understand why people continue to take this medication if it did not agree with their body... never again.. by the way, I do not take anything at all since, just vitamins.. what's wrong with doctors...

Mild fatigue, dizzyness, blurred vision, cold hands

Depression, anxiety, nausea, hunger.

Shortness of breath - I felt as if I were forgetting to breath, muscle and joint pains (sometimes severe, especially in feet), fatigue, insomnia, jaw pain, blurred vision, facial rash and ear ringing!

Helped me more than any of the other allergy medications. Slowed and thinned my post-nasal drip. The people here claiming near death experiences and demand it be banned are probably nuts.