Bactrim pediatric (sulfamethoxazole; trimethoprim) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Bactrim pediatric (sulfamethoxazole; trimethoprim)

My 2 year old is having a terrible rash all over her body and high fever for over 24 hours now and feels terrible from this medicine. Just started at 10 days.

Lightheadedness, vomiting, forgetfulness, anxiety, sun sensitivity

I was taking this medicine for 2 days when I decided to stop. It said on the bottle not to be exposed to direct sunlight. But what they really meant was draw your curtains and live in complete darkness in your house. It was to the point I could not even carry on with day to day activities. I know I only had an allergic reaction, but I will never take this again.

severe leg cramps rash all over my face headaches weakness raised my red blood cell count made me very ill! DO NOT EVER TAKE THIS MEDICINE FOR ANY REASON!

severe anxiety, lightheadedness, insomnia, pressure in head and face, forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, depression

Loss of appetite (why can't someone figure out how to extract whatever ingredient makes the user lose their appetite to make a REAL appetite suppressant?); yeast infection

Bactrim was the ONLY drug that ever cleared up not only my adult cystic acne, but also regular acne and blackheads -- an embarrassing and nasty issue I had dealt with since I was in college. If only the results were permanent. After I'm on it for two months, I develop a yeast infection. And after I'm off it for two months, the acne starts up again. But while I'm on it, it's amazing.

Took for thirty days worked great.

Side Effects forbactrim pediatric (sulfamethoxazole; trimethoprim) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

I took this drug before because I had an allergic reaction to sulfatrim, and I had no side effects. This is the second time I was prescribed this medication. I took one pill last night with food and had little sleep. I experienced flu like symptoms this morning, but eventually passed. I took a pill at supper, same symptoms again. Therefore I am not taking any more. I am glad to see I am not the only one feeling these side effects.

Severe nausea, with follow through vomitting through the night!!Horrible weaking of body, severe fatigue, Loss of appitite. This was a horrible drug to take!

Strang and lucid sex dreams. Horny all the time. Also have had a few hallucinations. Nothing major just cats climbing under the bed and we don't have a cat, but I know it's a hallucination when it happens. Wake up around 4 AM the fall right back to sleep, and have some joint pain in hands and wrists. Also wake up with numb hands now but goes away fast. Sweaty too.

I hadn't slept for 2 days straight so Dr prescribed vistaril. The 1st night I slept about 4 hours and felt kind of jumpy and yet drained. The 2nd night I took it I slept several hours but the sleep was broken and I couldn't fully wake up until about 5 p.m. the next day. I felt drunk and my face felt numb, my tongue and throat felt like the muscles were tired and I couldn't talk right. Only took it for 2 nights and haven't taken it for 3 nights now and still have tingling in my face and weirdness in my tongue and throat. Has anyone else experienced this?

Don't know if it was the Metronidazole or taking it with Amoxicillin (and Hydrocodone for pain the 1st day), but the tiredness is getting very old. I stopped taking the Hydrocodone, but I still feel like its all I can do to move. I appreciate that it seems to be handling the infection well. I have very minor pain.

Nausea, spotting, moody, lack of sleep, and lack of sex drive.

I have been on 5-10 mg. of Ambien for approximately 2 years. I have been experiencing a severe painful stinging red dotted rash for months. My doctor has said that several of his patients who are also on Ambien are experiencing unexplained rashes.Would like to know if anyone else has made the association with the drug.

Severe Neck Cramps, Ackey leg cramps too...Headaches off & on...Tiredness, crabby with spouse more often...Can't sleep good at night...

DO NOT GIVE THIS TO YOUR CHILDREN! Thank God for everyone who shared thier experience concerning this drug because we did not find this information elsewhere! DO NOT GIVE THIS TO YOUR CHILDREN!

skin problems, severe constipation.