Habitrol (nicotine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Habitrol (nicotine)

Sore gums and throat at the beginning

I smoked for 27 years and quit smoking 3 months ago with Habitrol 4mg. It's much cheaper than Nicorette gum and I break the gum in half, so I actually use 2mg (less $$$). At the (very difficult) beginning I chewed one piece every 2 hours, now I only have a piece twice a day and have replaced the with regular sugar-free Orbit gum. Works like a charm. I hope to quit the Habitrol gum over the next month or so. I wish you all the best of luck quitting and remember, it DOES get easier every day you don't smoke!

very sore throat initially. hiccups. indigestion.

I smoked 14 years and very determined to stop. I used Habitrol 2mg gum successfully, following the instructions carefully. I stuck to no more than 10 pieces a day and kept at it regularly for 3 months. The gains far outweigh the side effects. However I also began an antidepressant about a month after quitting. I expected to try this at some point as i had struggled to use ADs before due to too many side-effects. Part of giving up smoking was to be able to use ADs with less side effects. I now have better control of my mood disorder. I feel good about myself being able to stop smoking. I believe I will always need some nicotine and will continue to use the gum, especially in times of stress. I do think people who smoke are attempting to self medicate some sort of illness (depressive or gastrointestinal or cognitive)I got Habitrol through quit smoking support,by a voucher system, so it cost me $5 for $80 worth. I now use 2-3 gums a day.

HABITROL (NICOTINE): This medication can help you quit smoking by replacing the nicotine in cigarettes. The nicotine in tobacco is an important part of cigarette addiction. When you stop smoking, your nicotine levels drop quickly. This drop can cause withdrawal symptoms such as craving tobacco, nervousness, irritability, headache, weight gain, and difficulty concentrating. Stopping smoking is hard and your chance of success is best when you are ready and have made a commitment to quit. Nicotine replacement products are part of a total stop-smoking program that includes behavior change, counseling, and support. Smoking causes lung disease, cancer, and heart disease. Stopping smoking is one of the most important things you can do to improve your health and live longer. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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