Chantix (varenicline tartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Chantix (varenicline tartrate)

Haven't smoked for 5 weeks, only side effects are nausea, gas, and cool dreams. Other than that it's been a blessing.

I had suicidal thoughts out of nowhere, twice. Had no appetite and trouble sleeping. One time I was taking a shower, the other time I was driving and had a sudden urge to crash into a tree!

It should not be on the market

8 weeks
Don’t reme 1X day

DEPRESSION, loss of excitement, hyper mania, fatigue

Side effect that I had, and many others i knew at the time had, from stopping cigarettes with Chantix were vivid dreams, constipation, and anxiety are also consistent with what people quitting often experience with a cold turkey quit. So I don't know if it was Chantix or simply quitting. Either way, all worth it!

After many failed quit attempts Chantix was approved by the FDA. Dosing of Chantix starts small and is graduated up for one week to full dose. Chantix made a starter pack and now with a generic, if they don't have a starter pack make sure your check the Chantix plan to gradually increase your dose. With Chantix I had a few very rough days, but have not smoked since! The first month was weird, it dawned on me that I'd not done many adult things without a cigarette as I started smoking at around 14 yrs old. I'm happy!

Bloating, constipation, very bad gas, weight gain...NOT COOL AT ALL!

Don't crave during the day, but still smoke one every other day sometimes.

Nausea was the most uncomfortable side effect for meI experienced vivid dreams, only a few nightmares.Mood swings only if you drink

Stop drinking while taking this. It will help with the mood swings and people usually associate drinking and smoking together, so it should help you quit.Eat lots of food with your pill and 9/10 times you won't experience the nausea.I found the dreams kinda cool actually. I actually miss them sometimes.

The first two days I just had vivid dreams but the second night I woke up throughout the night after every dream. In the morning I felt very nauseous and very jittery all day. I couldn't work because I was so out of it, forgetting what I had just done. I had a horrible taste in my mouth and couldn't concentrate. After about 8 hours of hell I swore I would never take it again. I feel better now but won't chance it by continuing.

My head is killing me. I've never had headaches before. I won't take another pill. I'll just have to nut up and quit on my own.

A little nausea. Very vivid dreams, but nothing scary.

I started taking Chantix on 2/5/2021. I started losing the desire to smoke after my 4th day. 2/12/2021 was my last day smoking and at that point I was only smoking just because it was a habit. I stopped taking the pills on the 13th day. I heard about Chantix from my aunt who used it to quit smoking about 2 years ago and she swore it was a "miracle" pill. I wish I would have listened to her back then.The whole vivid dreams side effect was surreal, although I didn't have any bad dreams, it was just strange to feel and remember my dreams so well. Also, I suggest taking an anti-nausea medication or just not eating spicy or greasy foods while taking it to prevent nausea. As long as the drug was in my system, if I ate some type of fast food I'd feel nauseated (without an anti nausea pill.)Overall I'm super excited to have not smoked in 25 days. This is huge for me because I've never been able to quit before and had been smoking since 2006. I was a real chainsmoker for the last 2 years. I'm just glad I tried it. As cliche as it sounds I feel like a whole new person. I sleep better, my smart watch say I get 2 to 2.5 hours of deep sleep now and that's double what I used to get. I have more energy throughout the day. And only a real smoker will understand this...I have so much extra time on my hands now!! Never realized how much time smoking took up. The first few days after quitting I literally didn't know what to do to fill the space.

The medication is very effective however I have this horrible ongoing sour taste in my mouth,uggh!

Nausea, abdominal pain, vivid dreams, swelling in my hands legs, sever pain in muscles specially my calfs !! Overall lethargy flu symptoms

Don't take this toxic will harm urself more than you benefit ... this is crazy !!!!

Nausea, zombiness, unstable emotions, and a few strange dreams while on Chantix. The biggest problems came when I stopped taking it.

Toxic drug. I think it broke my mind. I stopped taking it because I was smoking less but still smoking after 4 weeks and within less than a week of stopping I started feeling worse side effects. I have had constant dizziness, headaches, blurry vision, suicidal thoughts, and am a blubbering mess. I am unable to work on a computer due to blurry vision or on the telephone with clients due to unstable emotions. I am taking an extended leave from work because I just cannot perform. I feel like I'm constantly stoned. Please do not take this drug or let anyone you care about take this drug. I feel like I have lost control of my life and am terrified my vision will never clear.

Manic Euphoria, severe irritability, nausea, severe depression, dry mouth

I have been a smoker for 25 years..I started chantix two months took me 9 days before I quit smoking...I am still a non smoker 2 months later...however I almost lost my dang mind trying to achieve this by taking chantix...first 2 weeks I had really bad nausea that eventually went away...after that I slowly started having alot of energy...before I knew it I was weaving all over my lane singing at the top of my lungs like I was the star of a concert in my car....everything from a rock pebble on the ground to the sun shining on my car a certain way was THE MOST BEAUTIFUL thing I have EVER seen in my LIFE!!!! I could barely make a decision to save my was really scary! I've been off chantix for about 5 days now and I'm slowly starting to feel like I can focus...I still feel slight paranoia and shakey as well as jaw stiffness and headaches...I would recommend not taking this medication although I suppose it did get me to stop smoking it is just too dangerous!

I took Chantix 11 years ago and I haven't been the same since. I was a completely healthy 50 year old woman when I began taking Chantix. Because of the nausea and dizziness due to the side effects, I took only 1 pill in the evening before bed. It still worked and I did quit smoking ... for 6 years, but started smoking again due to severe depression (and have been kicking myself in the butt since).While taking the medication, it made me extremely forgetful and almost cost me my job. (I am an accountant). Shortly after stopping the medication, I started having all types of medical problems .... from neurological, to gastrointestinal, and ultimately cardiovascular. They were all considered "rare" disorders. (Sphincter of Oddi Disorder, Trigeminal and Glossopharengeal Neuralgia, Takotsubo Syndrome to name a few) I used to joke to my friends that it was the nicotine holding me together .... but it's no joke now. Here it is 11 years later and my mind and body are still messed up. I have also been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and haven't been able to work because of it. Is it all just a coincidence? .... perhaps. But do you really want to take that chance??I honestly believe that Chantix did more to my brain functionings other than the side effects claim. And the damage is permanent.

Insomnia and some muscle aches and some mental irritability

It is a very good medication to quit smoking! Yes there are some side effects but I'm on my 3rd week take morning and night and I have no use for cigarettes they take up my time! But it took about 2-3 weeks in the beginning I smoked more? Chantix is worth a few side effects not getting lung or throat cancer is worth a few side effects stick with it. it works and worth it!

Stop smoking cigarettes after I eat

Oh my gosh...I'm a 1/4 cig smoker...breakem in half...after I eat..took my very first chantix pill, starter pack this 9am...ate breakfast ( recommend) with chantix taking...30 mintues later got upset..over a lil situation at home. I have anxiety anyway...started to get a loud buzzing sound in my hasn't stopped yet..had a half cig to calm nerves...stomach started to hurt so badly...almost went to e.r...downed malox...a bottle of try calm stomach..head still buzzing since 9's now 4:08 pm....stomach hurts so bad I want scream...thanks allot chantix....go for I'm one health issue to another in approximately a few seconds if taking two puffs...

After 1 week of taking chantix both my testicles swelled as big as my closed fists. It has been a month of chronic pain and having to double up of the dosage of lysix(fluid pills) medication.

Looks like I'll be a smoker until I find something that doesn't make me feel like I'm dying.

To quit smoking after 23 years

At day 10... I used will power to stop while on chantix... chantix did not really work until later.. day I was smoking even more when I first started, now it's working well, I have occasional cravings, I do have alot of short tempers, good dreams, the worst part is gas, 2 weeks in, I am passing the worst gas I had in my life, even worse like every few minutes every day, I feel like there is an air pump in my stomach, however the comfort of stopping smoking is better than the side effects.

Some nausea, heartburn, insomnia, and irritability.I've also had some forgetfulness and trouble staying asleep. Most of these symptoms are mild.

Chantix has worked like a miracle for me.At 36, I was diagnosed with COPD. That was a heck of a wake up call. My kids don't deserve to lose their Mom because of some stupid cigarettes. I was feeling disgusted with myself. Plus, with COVID going on, I know I'm not likely to fare well if I contract it.I've seen mixed reviews about Chantix. I'd say give it a try anyway. If it's making you feel really bad, you can always stop taking it. For me the positive has definitely outweighed the negative.I like that you can still smoke for the first week. It gives you time to mentally prepare. Don't go out and buy a typical week's worth of cigarettes though, trust me, you're not going to want them as much. The ones you do smoke taste pretty gross too.All in all, it's almost like Chantix makes me forget about smoking. Some days I have the urge (especially if I have an alcoholic beverage), and I think about how easy it would be to drive to the gas station and buy a pack. Then I remember how bad they taste with Chantix and the money I'm spending on Chantix. It's just not worth it. I've been drinking a lot of strong, cold, unsweet tea and I have multiple kinds of suckers around and Red Vines.So far, so good with Chantix. I'm really feeling fortunate that it's working for me.

CHANTIX (VARENICLINE TARTRATE): Varenicline helps you stop smoking. To increase your chance of success, use this medication with a stop-smoking program that includes education, support, and counseling. Quitting smoking lowers your risk of heart and lung disease, as well as cancer. Varenicline works by blocking nicotine's effects in the brain that make you want to smoke. Discuss the risks and benefits of this medication, as well as other ways to quit smoking (such as nicotine replacement treatment), with your doctor. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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