Skelaxin (metaxalone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Skelaxin (metaxalone)

SKELAXIN (METAXALONE): Metaxalone is used to treat muscle spasms/pain. It is usually used along with rest, physical therapy, and other treatment. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I'm female, 71 years old with increasing symptoms of urinary urgency. I take an oral hypogycemic, synthroid, and a hypotensive medication. After evaluating when my symptoms worsed in relationship to when I started two of my medications, I temporarily suspended the Zetia and Glucotrol. My symptoms lessened, then I resumed the Zetia and my urgency returned after 4 hours. I stopped the Zetia and resumed the Glucotrol with no increase of my urinary symptoms. The Zetia did reduce my cholesterol very well but I feel like I got a reprieve from a prison sentence gaining control over the urinary urgency. I have seen nothing written about this side effect in the Zetia literature.

Has given me a few problems with drymouth because I am a singer and I have to drink water, while singing to keep my lips, teeth and tongue from sticking together. Even with this side effect I still love it. Robinul has changed my life. I wore wigs or extension for the past 3 years because of my sweating, now wig free and loving it. No longer do I feel uncomfortable or worry about smelling like sweat, when I am around other people, and nomore comments like "are you alright", when people see me sweat. I now sweat when others are sweating. My advice is to try it, there are side effects, but you may be like me and feel the good outweighs the bad.

Clostridium difficile infection

Weaning off now, down to 50 MG a day. The depression and ultimate feeling of being alone in this world magnified unbelievably when I cut the dose by 50 MG a bam! Trying to wean slowly...cannot wait to get off this drug - it changes who you are. I used to have energy, happy go lucky - this drug can make the happiest person the most unhappy - I do not recommend this for anyone...nothing but horrible.

LOTS OF ACNE, Migraine headaches, weight gain, increased appetite, fatigue, nausea, cramps in my stomach and legs around menstration times, yeast infections.

Took my first Allegra d pill at 4pm and by 9pm I felt all sorts of scary symptoms.I had just gotten out of the shower and went to kitchen to warm up some water for a steam session and as it was heating up I felt a wave of what I would describe as a hot flash I felt dizzy, hot, racing heart, tightness and some numbness in my arms so I sat down checked my pulse and it was at 130 and increasing if I were to stand.I eventually took my blood pressure after 30 minutes of trying to sit and my levels were very high. I felt like I couldn't walk by myself for at least 20 of those minutes. My BP is still running a bit high 12 hours after the onset of symptoms. My heartburn/acid reflux has been agitated. I get headaches once in a while. Pain in upper arms, shoulder, neck, back, legs along with some slight numbness. Somewhat a dry mouth. The rush of these symptoms caused some anxiety as I felt I was dying. I only began to feel this way once I took Allegra d.It did help clear the mucus in my throat so I could lay down comfortably but the other symptoms were too bothersome to want to continue this medication at the risk of my cardiovascular system.Be extra cautious the first time you take this medication have someone with you to monitor and make sure you are okay.

Serzone helps me have access to myself--couldn't before because the "bottom" was always falling out. The same stuff goes on, it just doesn't matter as much. .ie the "bottom" doesn't always fall ut.

It helped calm me during an extremely stressful time of assuming a caregiving role. I felt

I dont think I like it. Its not working for my anxiety at all- think its actually making it worse-

Great sleep aid. Kicks in within an hour. No sleepy feeling, as long as it is taken 8 hours before it's time to wake up.