Robaxisal (aspirin; methocarbamol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Robaxisal (aspirin; methocarbamol)

Rage, Irrational behaviour, Next-day recurring pain, with magnification

Noticed the pain goes away REAL quick, but the next day its MUCH worse, I need to take another one immediately upon getting up and, a few days before i must stop taking it; i have to take a half-pill before bed and then the second morning is not so bad. The rage and irrational behaviour is i feel an effect of the withdrawal.

Side Effects forrobaxisal (aspirin; methocarbamol) - User Comments


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I am really angry and disheartened that I have been poisoned by this drug. My doctor, who so very easily prescribed this now seems sort of panicked that several of her patients are experiencing these side effects. Read all of the information that you can get your hands on before taking this drug. It really is toxic.

I went into psychosis. Was very dizzy and confused. Went into hypnotic trans state. Started developing spasms which has turned into a movement disorder. I have been off Keppra for 2 months and it has damaged my brain. I still have a movement disorder (distonia) caused from Keppra. I now have to try find treatment. Causing depression. Painful and uncomfortable. My neck and head constantly spasm and I have involuntary movements

My periods stopped completely. It’s been great other than the mild headaches and the weight gain and tired. I’ve gained about 10 lbs and it feels horrible. I want to get off the pill but don’t know how to handle the bleeding. I had an ablation but it stopped doing its job about two years later.

nausea, ill feelings, lightheaded

mild side effects to start with like headaches, dizziness, no weight gain

extreme sensitivity, irritability, aggressiveness, depression, anxiety, difficulty sleeping.

problem stopped after a week or so of stopping the medicine.Never worked for depression, probably because I didn't take it long enough.

Horner's Syndrome - anyone else?

Almost immediately after beginning the generic form of Norvasc (Amlodipine Besylate), I began feeling an increase in anxiety and depression. It continued to worsen over the next 3 weeks until I was a hopeless mess. Everything made me want to cry. Didn't want to leave the house or see anyone. Couldn't think or do my job and every little task seemed extremely overwhelming. Anxiety level was through the roof. All I wanted to do is hide from the world and die. I stopped taking it 2 days ago. Anxiety is back down a bit. Hoping I continue to feel better. My doctor swears this drug doesn't contribute to anxiety/depression but from reading this site, it obviously does.

tingling in hands/fingers, weight loss, soda tastes weird, some word-loss on occasion, extreme fatigue--(extreme when i overwork myself, manageable as long as i remember to get extra sleep, pack a real breakfast and not just stop at starbucks, etc.)