Robaxin (methocarbamol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Robaxin (methocarbamol)

first 2 or 3 days I took 500mg 3x daily. insomnia? heart palpitations? but at least I could stand up straight and walk w/o horrible spasms forcing me to use my furniture as a cane. but I am now only taking 1x500mg daily as needed to take the edge off. placebo? maybe. side effects are gone.

next time (life long back pain) I need muscle relaxers i will request a diff med.

It did seem to subside some of my neck discomfort but the side effect's were horrible!!! nonstop burning chest which felt like reflux and i never get indigestion. It caused diarrhea along with hives. So i discontinued it!

Post hip replacement muscle pain

Hemodialysis 5/days/wk with preexisting restless leg syndrome was prescribed Robaxin 500mg 4x/day for post op hip replacement muscle pain. While this drug offered NO pain relief, it did immediately worsen his rls to extremely severe levels.RLS. meds Ropinirol, Gabapentin, no longer effective. Has not slept for a week; just fitful cat naps periodically, amid constantly kicking legs.

Only took 12/20 pills prescribed. By third day developed restless arms as well. Seems toxic to nerves, like a t o r t u r e drug??? Should be taken off market imho.

Seemed to help, wasn't very strong but could reduce pain when I needed it to

I don't know what happened but I took this in 2017 with NO problems. It was given to me last week, I broke it in half, thank god! heart rate through the roof!! the dizziness wasn't too bad but that heart racing & causing anxiety were near death. The manufacturer has changed as well. Never again, never! It helped my back, but that heart racing isn't worth it.

Dizziness, can put words together, heightened anxiety panic attacks, chest pain and discomfort, palpitations on tachycardia level, breathlessness, spike in blood pressure, heartburn (major), sleep disturbances, insomnia

It helped with the muscle pain, yes, but omg the f'ing trade off is all of these side effects and once you stop taking it I feel like your body goes through a withdrawal.... I think if rather deal with that pain then to have my heart rate go up so high I feel like my heart will explode!

Barely helped with my spasms, after an hour it felt like it was just making them worse. Bad stomach ache after taking it just once. I have terrible anxiety and it felt like it was making it so much worse. My nerve pain felt like it got worse after one dose. But the first side effect I felt was the anxiety that made me feel like my skin was crawling & I get anxiety shivers through my spine and I shake, & I haven’t had them since I started taking my anxiety medication but when I took this medicine I had them every five minutes. Which did not help my pain or anything else I took this medicine for.

Anxiety, insomnia, heart palpitations, dry mouth, swelling, didn't help my pain at all.....side effects are causing more issues than the original issue.

Started forgetting things and other memory issues headsplitting headaches. Thought maybe i was losing it, my immediate friends and family noticied the difference once started the drug. Steer Clear

Still trying to understand what happened last night. I suddenly began sweating excessively, I was soaked in sweat and gasping for air. I felt so confused and scared as I didn't know what was happening. The sweating was followed with chills, shivering, goosebumps and feeling extremely cold. It went from one extreme to another and continued. Vomiting. Extreme anxiety. I felt like I was going to die.

An hour after taking the medication I rationalized if I was going to die I would have by now. I chose not to go to the hospital. Very thankful that I started throwing up 40 minutes after taking medicine because I believe this could have resulted differently.

I was unable to sleep. I was very restless and got very anxious and worst of all, it did nothing for my pain.

Really dont think this did much more than give me a placebo effect for minor pain at night when I slept. After I had my back surgery, the doctor ended up adding Valium into the mix as a muscle relaxer. I would equate the effectiveness of Robaxin similar to that of candy after a major surgery. Im not sure if it was ever really doing anything at all even before surgery.Then I read about the super short half life and figured thats why it really wasnt doing much - it goes out as quick as goes in your system.

Tachycardia, dizziness, heart palpitations, panic attacks, nausea. I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital.

Caused cramping, tachycardia, insomnia, anxiety, increased muscle tension when I took it to relax the muscles. Horrible medicine. Got no sleep and felt horrible. This is a cruel joke.

Horrible anxiety, heart palpitations, high heart rate, insomnia, nausea, vomiting

Would never recommend, it helped pain wise but definitely not enough to go through my heart racing and not being able to function due to such bad anxiety.

Nausea, vomiting, sharp abdominal pain, insomnia, heart palpitations, confusion, bright red ears and cheeks

Bright red ears and cheeks happened the first night along with insomnia. Heart palpitations started after vomiting for 4 hours the second night.

Extreme anxiety (threw up from it), tingly legs and arms, heart palpitations, couldn't sleep due to stress.

Didn't effect me the first day. The days after that I had extreme anxiety. I can guess that it was due to this medicine.

please do not take this anxiety,dry mouth,heart palpitations,horrible

ROBAXIN (METHOCARBAMOL): Methocarbamol is used to treat muscle spasms/pain. It is usually used along with rest, physical therapy, and other treatment. It works by helping to relax the muscles. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Weight gain to point of obese, severe memory loss, numerous bouts of severe muscle cramps, impaired motor skills (dangerous walking down stairs or driving), blinding headaches in middle of night, Restless Leg Syndrome, involuntary muscle twitching (sometimes lasting up to five minutes at a time), frequent hiccups, difficulty swallowing, severe psoriasis outbreaks, frequent bathroom runs in middle of night (up to four), severe paralyzing muscle spasm in right arm, social anxiety, attention deficit disorder,.

was given compazine thru IV every half hour until I reached max dosage due to nausea I had after surgery --- worst mistake ever!! it literally made me crazy. it took weeks before I was back to "normal" - made my skin crawl, couldn't sit still, cried, etc. it basically triggered a weeks long anxiety attack. so scary how many people have had similar side effects. do not take!

It burns my stomach even after I take it after food

First two days I had a light head ache, irritability and aggression... After those two days I was much more fucused and although I thought I might be having a slower response time and less ability to think str8 do to it slowing my add down... I actually won every video game I played vs. others on the internet and seemed to actually think better. I can focus and my depression has gone. I will be going up to 300mg in a month, but if I had to stay at this 150 it would be a god send.