Parafon forte dsc (chlorzoxazone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Parafon forte dsc (chlorzoxazone)

mild nausea, slight dizziness - what might be described as a "buzz", some trouble falling asleep, felt very twitchy and would wake up frequently during night.

helped with my occasional back spasms, but couldn't handle the lack of sleep

This is not a new drug, nor is it as powerful as some muscle relaxers, however it is effective & it doesn't make me feel drowsy or spaced out. All in all, I would highly recommend it if you need back/spine muscle related pain relief without feeling drugged.

muscle tension, back pain, headache

None..... it's working but slowly.

PARAFON FORTE DSC (CHLORZOXAZONE): Chlorzoxazone is used to treat muscle spasms/pain. It is usually used along with rest, physical therapy, and other treatment. It works by helping to relax the muscles. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I was ready to take this medication when I thought to read the pamphlet. Realised this was a quinolone and took it back into the store. Had taken Levaquin four years ago and ended up in the ER with sleep deprivation, anxiety, paranoia, shaking, and basically feeling like I was on some type of nightmare trip but was fully awake. At the ER the Dr.called for a psych referral but a nurse noted that it seemed related to the levaquin effects she had seen previously in a few patients. The entire class of quinalones, I.e. cipro, levaquin, avelox, and a couple others are in my medical file as meds I'm allergic to. However, the Dr had called in rx after hours without looking at my chart. I had never thought to let my pharmacy know of the allergy so they filled this rx of avelox. Lesson learned: quinalones can be dangerous, read all info before you take any meds, let your pharmacist know any allergies, and ask Dr.or office staff if your file will be checked before phoning in meds. If I would have taken this rx today I'm sure I would have had the same or worse reaction than with the levaquin. After four years I still cannot sleep well and have periodic bouts with restless leg syndrome at night.

Anxiety,confusion,blurred vision and unable to focus,heart palpations,chest pain,headache muscle pain and joint pain

Pain in feet, all joints, vision blurriness, sore in morning, headaches, weight gain (possibly related to chemo and steriods).This also could mean that your body is metabolizing the drug more completely and that it may be working.

Throwing up after every meal.No apatite, unable to eat anything, and anything I do eat I can’t keep down.Severe 10 out of 10 3 hour migraines occur when exposed to direct/indirect sunlight.Fainting. I fainted out cold 2 times. Once with my boyfriend when I tried to help him take down a tent he put up to air out before we go camping, and again with my dad when I tried to walk with him from the boat launch in Pembroke to the out door amphitheater.Severe depression with thoughts of self harm. Consistently crying for 3 - 6 hours every day, and looking for sharp objects to hurt myself with.Extreme anger, and mood swings for no reasonable, reason.No G Spot, no sex drive, sexual attraction, interest in any form of intimacy, holding hands, hugging, or even kissing. One day I could feel my g spot with my finger, the next day it was gone.Severe anxiety, and panic.Severe panic and anxiety when sleeping 2 - 4 violent nightmares EVERY night waking up with chest p

This was given to me for a few days after my first anxiety attack. I took it when I needed it until I saw my general practictioner. When I saw him he added Lexapro and took me off the xanax and the Lexapro made me deathly sick for three days. So now I just use the xanax whenever I feel like I may be having a panic attack and it works great and I recommend it to be taken whenever you need it. I know its said to be addictive, but if you are responsible and just take it when you think you need it, its extremely helpful

Very vivid dreams. Nightmares. Very unpleasant.