Norgesic (aspirin; caffeine; orphenadrine citrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Norgesic (aspirin; caffeine; orphenadrine citrate)

Tremors, diarreah, dizziness and weakness.

Even with the side effects it took away the terrible pain i was feeling. I.couldnt sleep in the begging and then after some hours i fell asleep and was very hard to wake up, I have been feeling weak all day.

Painful upper back and shoulders

None that I cannot tolerate. Take it on a full stomach to avoid stomach upset.

This pill works on painful musculo-skeletal spasms. I took one pill and relieved. Good thing this is prescribed for me by my Physiatrist.

Still suffering from terrible tremors, Muscle twitching, got bad anxiety and struggled to sleep for a bit

Honestly, this drug was great but after suffering from the tremors, I almost wish I never touched it.

Weakness, dizziness, and nausea. The day after taking them by lunch i feel like i have to lay down and really cant think very well.This happened after two days off of the tablets and only had 1 before bed. So i seems like even the lowest dose has the side effects also.

The tablets did definitely remove the muscle pain and tightness. However the muscle tightness returned when the tablets effect wore off.The side effects will stop me from having them again.

Can cause terrible nausea/stomach pain if I don't take with Vistaril, and on a full stomach.

My neurologist prescribed Norgesic for me to use in combination with Vistaril as a back up abortive for migraine (ie, if I've already used the maximum number of doses of the Triptans and the migraine still comes back). I find it is just as effective as the Triptans in relieving my migraine head and neck pain, and when taken with the Vistaril, the nausea of migraine goes away too.I don't need to use it very often, but it is a godsend to have this effective backup when I do need it.

neck pain and severe headaches

My headaches were so bad they brought me to tears. No over the counter drug touched them. If I take norgesic when I first feel one of these headache coming on, it totally knocks it out before it gets started. I don't take this drug often, but it is amazing when I need it.

helps me tremendously as i cannot tolerate narcotic pain killers due to motility problems

Became so weak I thought I was dying.

I nearly died from this drug when I was younger. My heart began racing out of control, while at the same time, I became so weak I had to sit down. I collapsed forward on the table while sitting. My arms and legs felt like lead; I could barely move them. I thought I was dying, but came out of it some time later. I never took it again.

Only non-narcotic muscle relaxant that has worked

Side Effects fornorgesic (aspirin; caffeine; orphenadrine citrate) - User Comments


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The first time I was given Kenalog was in an Urgent Care due to severe swelling on left side of the back of mouth/throat. The injection calmed the excruciating swelling within 8 hours. I recently had the same infection (only on left side/rear of mouth/throat area. The inflammation was so severe the sides of my throat were touching my uvula. The first Dr. I saw refused the shot; so I went elsewhere where I was given the injection. I had a bad headache the night of the injection, but woke the next day to find the swelling reduced considerably more than halfway, and the pain gone. I also have severe allergies; and it helped me there too. My theory is steroids are intended to reduce inflammation; I really do not think it matters where the inflammation is. It has worked twice wonderfully for me for inflammation from a throat infection-so why was that Dr. refusing to give it to me? It worked and now I feel much better.

I've been taking this drug now for over one year. It has done incredible things for my sex life. My libido is back to where it was in my 30's - 40's. When I climax the feeling is very intense and doesn't just effect my genitals but my entire body.I also have very vivid dreams, which I love.

I have been diagnosed with endometriosis at age 15 and have tried so many different treatments, with no relief. This medication did have one good outcome: periods that were light and lasted 3 days or less. However, the side effects that I have experienced have been severe and affected me every day. The worst side effect was the decreased libido. Not only did I not respond to any stimulation, I was also unable to have an orgasm. The mood swings affected my job performance and relationships. I felt like I had the flu so many times. The nausea forced me to change my eating habits. Yet, my body is swollen all over, and I have gained weight very quickly. The main reason my doctor prescribed this medication was to treat severe pain from endometriosis. My pain has NOT decreased at all. And the side effects from this medication is NOT worth a shorter period. The "remedy" is worse than the disease.

Abdominal pain, headaches, diarrea, nausea, heartburn, weakness, muscle pain, flu symptoms, bad taste in mouth to the point I could not eat, Where do I stop, there were so many.

Some memory loss/feeling spacey, a little aggressiveness at the 3mg dose (went away at 2mg), excess mucus

Metallic taste, heart was racing and pounding in my whole body for hours, vomiting

Palmar/Plantar Plaque Psoriasis

The only one that I could probably recall is tingling in arms.