Norflex (orphenadrine citrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Norflex (orphenadrine citrate)

Blurred vision, dry mouth, tremors, extreme anxiety. Went to er for numbness and given Vistiral for anxiety. I'm not as stiff as I had been for 3 months but still having tightness and spasms. I can't sleep at night because still having tingling, crawling sensation with spasms.

Irritable, increase of appetite and nausea constantly. Headaches..exhausted constantly unable to sleep!

Really helps with musculoskeletal issues but the side effects are an absolute nightmare

Severe pain at injection site, lasting soreness. Extreme anxiety and jitters the following day. Insomnia.

Would not recommend this drug.

Worst experience ever. Got really bad paranoia and tremors. Would not recommend. Terrible.

I have been in severe pain for days, couldn't take it anymore and went to the ER. Where I was give Norco and Norflex injection. And honestly I didn't get relief for either. When I got home I was in more pain than before going.

I wouldn't recommend it, but everyone is different, what works for one may not work for another.

So far so good. I’m quite sensitive to some meds so only taking half of a 100mg twice daily. My aches are minimal and my TMJ much less and been sleeping so good. Hopefully this continues. No side effects at all.

severe concussion and broken bone

I am sick to my stomach and in a mental fog. Concussion can do the same thing. As not helped yet but worked great with morphine. Super emotional a few hours later and no reason for it. It's keeping me awake. My ears stayed ringing an hour ago. So far that's all.

Within 30 minutes of taking Norflex orally, I felt flushing from my chest, up through my neck, and on my face. Continued to worsen, but was being discharged so I was told, "take a Benedryl when you get home." I did. The symptoms continued to worsen. By day 3, I developed itching, red rash all over, and edema in my feet, legs, hands, and arms. On day 4, I went to ER. Given 50mg Prednisone, hydroxyzine, and Zyrtec. This is day 6 and the itchy rash remains and about half the edema. The prednisone and antihistamines slightly reduce the itching. Feeling incompacitated.

Didn't help ain't a lot. Had to cut back, the itching became unbearable.

I was in a car accident on Monday.

I've been on only almost 3 days. At first it was good then the blurred vision started. I'm naseua'all the time and dizzy. But it helps me what should I do?

MVA-whiplash.Neck an trap pain.

Stomach hurts hr. after I take it. Increased appetite. Dizzy,druggy feeling but can't go to sleep.

Given Norflex 100mg tabs every 12 hrs. Had MVA 3 days ago. Whiplash an concussion. Neck an shoulder pain. Has helped a little with neck pain. Feel druggy or spaced out. Stomach starts hurting hr or so after taking. Makes me want to eat. Still have headaches.

has made a considerable improvement

Blurred vision, staggarring, dry mouth and sleepy the whole day

constipation, poor coordination

Did the trick I spent a three-day weekend flat on my back but was up and at 'em by Tuesday. .

Really bad anger and irritability. It did not work.

When I broke my leg I had serious muscle spasms which Norflex relieved almost immediately.

fibromylsia, migraines,tension head

love it....flexeril worked well also, but i was on so long they seemed to stop working. dr switched me to this and so far so good.


This works wonderfully for my neck. If I forget to take it, I can tell the next day that my neck will be really tight. I take it at night, so the drowsiness doesn't affect me.

NORFLEX (ORPHENADRINE CITRATE): Orphenadrine is used to treat muscle spasms/pain. It is usually used along with rest, physical therapy, and other treatment. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Feelings of sadness without explanation. Once we stopped Zyrtec, this went away.

It took my appetite away. I no longer shake my legs.

6 lb. weight gain which is virtually impossible to lose. Cramping of pelvic area and legs. Mood swings. Dark heavy discharge which caused severe irritation

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on 40 mg at present-but will ask mydoctor to change to 20mg shortly.

Chronic headache and sores in mouth. I was emotionally all over the place and withdrawal would start hours after taking drug. Mind would race and I would be itching to take another pill. I also started this cough when I got stressed. Stopped taking drug and it all went away within months. Coming off was scary and I never felt so alone....but I did it!

I thought this helped my daughter for about a month and then she seemed even worse. At 9 months, while on Reglan, she was still spitting up profusely at every meal and even 4 hours later. Once I found out about the side effects, I took her off and requested an alternative.

You don't get the sore mouth if you rinse well after use.

Increased fatigue and headaches after injection. Increased back pain and pain in fingers, as well as muscle aches. (No rashes, no nausea, nothing at injection sites.)

Diet & exercise and let God sort out the rest! These kinds of drugs are not worth the toll the take on my body and mind.