Lioresal (baclofen) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lioresal (baclofen)

TMJ symptoms, headache, shoulder sp

It seemed to work okay without any serious side effects. I did notice that I didn't feel "funny" in my head, it didn't effect my head at all, but I think it helped control the spasms. It didn't help when the pain was bad, but I think as a prevenative measure taken regularly it worked OK. I was on Flexeril for 4 weeks & noticed severe hair loss & was sick of being so groggy all the time. I am going to ask my Dr to try something else. I may go back to Baclofen in the future. It would seem to work well if I had something else to take when the pain was severe.

I had a horrific migraine with the first dose. Since then...not a single problem.

This has been a life saver for me! I am more moblie and not sitting on my rump, waiting for the next spasm. They still come, just not as often. It also really helped with unrinary hesistancy.

My dad was having non-stop hiccups for 2weeks before the doctor prescribed him the drug. It worked for him almost instantly and his life without the hiccups having been soooo much better!!!

maybe a little groggyness at first.

this med helps my muscle to stay loose and keep from cramping. i have noticed the tremors but take cogentin for side effects and that helps. over all i believe this works but i am too chicken to stop taking it to see how much it really helps

not many side effects, sleepyness at first, but its a broken sleep that i am now getting used to. the doctor thought it would be easier on the pain factor if he threw in a muscle relaxer, but i found i actually have a harder time carrying my weight because i am about 250 lbs. so i usually take the baclofen when i know i will be close to a bed or couch. it lasts for about 4 hours. but makes me feel odd for a couple of days afterwards...

it does help with the relaxing techniques whether or not that is in my mind is beyond me. i guess i dont really care where the shoes are that we see in person like the nike store and the playtex stores. if i am on a mission for something the pain kinda hides until i give myself a chance to relax. and after this happens it will be hard to get back up and continue the day...

I had hiccups for 6 months, almost every moment of the day. I had GERD (reflux) and hiatal hernia. Hiccups ruined my life during the 6 months. I lost 28 libres due to reflux and hiccups resulting vomiting. Then doctor gave me Baclofen and it stopped the hiccups in an hour. My life changed from then on. I gained weight. I used Baclofen for 3 months and then stopped using. I had no hiccups from then on. A short duration of usage may be sufficient, but I used it for 3 months. I also used NEXIUM for acid reduction.

LIORESAL (BACLOFEN): Baclofen is used to treat muscle spasms caused by certain conditions (such as multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury/disease). It works by helping to relax the muscles. Baclofen injection is used by patients who do not respond to or who cannot tolerate the side effects of baclofen taken by mouth. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Look at my entry on 3/25/06. I stopped taking premarin 3/25/06 and as of today 3/30, I have absolutely no more pain or spasm. Premarin was making me become a criple. I was out of work for 1 1/2 weeks. Doctors said it was this and then it was that. (they were just guessing- they didnt know) NO MORE FOR ME. If I start having night sweats, I will try Clomera patch.

I take 10mg, twice a day, along with 40mg of Paxil. After trying several other combinations, this one works like a charm. I've using both for approximately a year with tremendous success.

Considering I haven't had periods for about four years, it's nice to know that my body is starting to get back to normal. I've only noticed a TINY bit of spotting. I do cry every other day or at least tear up at thing that normally wouldn't have bothered me before. Otherwise, I've had no other side effects and hope it keeps working this well!

I have reoccurring staph infections, so Bactrim was a change in prescription - previously on doxycycline - caused severe nausea, excessive vomiting. Cleared up facial blisters but with 2 days of doses left, I fear rash evidenced by many others on site. I follow all directions on the label including increasing water intake and staying out of the sun. Can handle these side minor side effects if staph clears permanently!

Serious confusion, also dry mouth & blurred vision. Helped some with OAB but not much

Fever up to 103, aches, chills, headache, hives, and the worst is the tightness in chest and coughing, can't catch my breath, breathing like I have copd, which I don't.