Dantrium (dantrolene sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dantrium (dantrolene sodium)

Severe headaches, wooziness, and general bad feeling. I couldn't function and had to stop.

I was also taking this with baclofen so I don't know if it enhanced the side effects of either or both.

DANTRIUM (DANTROLENE SODIUM): This medication is used to treat muscle tightness and cramping (spasms) caused by certain nerve disorders such as spinal cord injury, stroke, cerebral palsy, and multiple sclerosis. It works by relaxing the muscles. Dantrolene helps reduce muscle pain and stiffness, improves your ability to move around, and lets you do more of your daily activities. Dantrolene is also used with other treatments to prevent or treat special cases of high fever (malignant hyperthermia) related to anesthesia and surgery. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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the bad: jaw tension, extreme dry mouth, increased anxiety & anger/temper issues (though the last two decreased dramatically after the first few weeks)the good: where was this drug the rest of my life?? I don't know how I graduated from high school--certainly didn't manage to get through college (it was too boring! there were so many more interesting things to do!). as a grown-up, i somehow landed myself a career in a challenging field and abruptly realised if I didn't magically become a person who could buckle down and work, i was going to lose my career. this drug was a lifesaver.unfortunately, like so many have indicated, it seems that you'd need to continue to increase the dosage over time for maximum effectiveness and that doesn't seem safe, so I've stopped at 40mg. and while I'm not the shining star i was for a while, I (hopefully) won't have a heart attack from this stuff, either.

Because of the potential side effects of the liver, I make sure that I get periodical testing to monitor my liver function. I will continue taking this drug the rest of my life however, because of my age, in the future I will have the dosage re-evaluated so I'm not over medicated.

I was scared to give my son this medicine from what I'd read on the posts, but it has changed our lives. My son went from severe ADHD, socially isolated, extremely high maintenance, OCD, inability to keep up at school, to confident, independent, and doing great in behavior and academics. It was if he matured 2-3 years overnight. He is so much happier.

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bipolar I, PSTD, dissociative dis

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Am told to seek an immunologist and ask about fungal overgrowth caused by Flagyl and ask for Diflucan, so I will do that. But am not giving advice to anyone here... only sharing. Would NOT recommend this to anyone, why DO doctors give it especially with no warning? It was not easy to find this site Google didn't show it easily.