Cyclobenzaprine hcl (cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Cyclobenzaprine hcl (cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride)

Constipation. Strong smelling urine. I don't have a UTI, but haven't been tested for a bacterial infection. I don't have white blood cells in my urine, so that usually means no UTI, but I will follow up with my urologist when my back pain improves.due to spinal fractures.

Life saver for a good nights sleep. Currently using c-pap machine.

I've taken this on several occasions, and each time have noticed that the mental side effects are atrocious. That said, this drug does relieve the pain associated with severe muscular tension. Unfortunately, as soon as the medication wears off, I find myself somewhere between rage and profound depression. I'm groggy, weepy, needy, and feel entirely out of control for upwards of 2-3 days afterward. For me, these effects outweigh the benefits of this drug.

The medication works; however, it should be dispersed with a label stating that you might what to jump out of a window when you finally wake up from the mini-coma it induces.

Used to treat muscle stiffness.

Drowsiness- It’s advisable that this medication not be taken if you do not intend to rest the next day. Use care when operating a motor vehicle and/or electronic devices that require mental alertness.

Please be advised that this medication is muscle relaxant, NOT an analgesic, therefore it does not effectively provide pain relief. I use this medication to treat muscle spasms/cramps and stiffness. My usual dose is 10-20 mg qhs PRN.

Normally this medicine isn't used on a long term basis but my doctor made an exception because it helps fight the fibromyalgia muscle spasms so that I can get a good night's sleep. Because I've been on it so long, I no longer feel tired from it during the day. It has not lost its effectiveness nor have I needed a dosage increase.This drug can easily become addicting so use in moderation is advisable.

this medication would knock me out for the night. in the morning i would feel very tired and hangover like.

it does work for pain but it makes me really tired throughout the day. i took it only as neccessary.

other than very sleepy after about 4 hours from taking it,it works good. you get a good night sleep and i have also found that when i take it like prescribed (3 times a day)i feel calm,relaxed and so peaceful,and for me this is GOOD because i suffer from ptsd due to childhood issues so the depression and anxiety are a battle,and this helps me with pain and my nerves.

Extreme drowsiness, even the next day.

Good for muscle spasms if you can lay in bed for a few days with the drowsiness.

After 9 pills, urination became increasingly difficult until finally I could not urinate at all. requiring a $500 trip to the hospital to insert a catheter that I had to wear for a week.Also, drowsiness.

My Spine on the pain scale from 1 to 10 & 10 being the worst possible pain, my average day is right around an eight and with this drug my pain only drops to around a six.

Tension Headache at base of skull

Drugged feeling in the morning...but tolerable. Able to go to work.

Nothing would release my tension headache..which I've had 24hrs per day for 12 weeks. This did start to release it. I take 10mg per night and 5mg in the day. I am also on Paxil and probably the two together make me feel more drugged than other people would. But it's worth it to get some relief.

Maybe a little blurred vision the first night of taking them, but could have been the other medication.

Really helped, didn't relax all the muscles. It did to were it didn't hurt so much.

greatly aided in urinary incontinenceaided in relaxing muscles in neck and shoulder areaNo bad side effects at all

Length of time taking drug, 5 years

CYCLOBENZAPRINE HCL (CYCLOBENZAPRINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Cyclobenzaprine is used short-term to treat muscle spasms. It is usually used along with rest and physical therapy. It works by helping to relax the muscles. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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any one getting the awful muscle aches? At first felt wonderful, moved up to 100 mg, every muscle in my body ached like i had the flu or mono, even went to MD. At least it has helped my mood tremendously

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To make it taste better or in my case to be able to drink it without gagging...mix 8oz nulytely into large 64 oz glass fill with apple juice......MUCH BETTER

Very bad taste in my mouth, itchy, dryness all over my body, including scalp. Throat feels so, so dry, very depressed, hoplessness feeeling, angry, anxiety. I had an EKG because of palpitations, chest tightness. Not worth all these symptoms! I would not have known they were related to Lunesta, until I read all the side affects. very scary! I am a christian and believe GOD brought me to this site or I would not have known because it does help me sleep.