Zelnorm (tegaserod maleate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zelnorm (tegaserod maleate)

omg i feel like a new girl. i took zelnorm before and i fell out when i was looking up meds.and i saw ZELNORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This drug was completely useless to me. I remained unable to move my bowels. The ONLY way this drug EVER worked was to take it with coffee, a stimulant strictly prohibited by my IC diet!

At the beginning, I would have a very good BM, followed by several watery ones. This was quickly resolved by cutting the dose in half, and skipping a day every 3 days or so. Within one week or less, I was with NO SIDE EFFECTS!

MIRACLE DRUG!! I love it!! After suffering from very stubborn constipation all my life, and getting to the point of the ridiculous these last 3 years, I was prescribed Zelnorm. It feels as though I have a normal life, and I am extremely scared of when I run out of it, as it was pulled off the market. I've been "rationing it" very carefully, but I will be out of it in a couple of weeks... and back to the old misery...

Extreme stomach upset! Didn't help me at all. Now I heard today that Zelnorm was just pulled Off the market yesterday! You won't be able to get it anymore. They found out it causes Cardiovascular problems!! It was announced on TV this morning.

Minor cramping and headache for the first couple days

I built up a tolerance to it so I switched up the dosage and also got off it for a couple weeks every couple months.

It worked in the beginning when not taken regularly. You build up a tolerance if taken as prescribed. I'll try taking two as one patient recommended and see if that helps.

Prescribed after Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation diagnosis. Important to take on empty stomach or it will NOT work. also, switch up the dosing. for example, for one month or so i will take one dose in the AM and one in the PM, then the next month i will take a double dose in the am and no dose at night. helps to fend of what appears to be a tolerance build-up.

It works very quickly and effectively if you use it occasionally, but I notice how much of a tolerance I build up in a short amount of time.

Side Effects forzelnorm (tegaserod maleate) - User Comments


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Frequent urination Day and night

Horrible, horrible, horrible drug. I don't understand how anyone can tolerate it. It took less than two days to call my neurologist about it. Stay away.

slight dizzyness, dryness of eyes and lips, no ejaculation with orgasim, increased sexual drive and potency, nasal congestion, a general sense of apathy, lazyness, tiredness, borderline depression

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The only side effect I experienced was depression, but it only occurred during my placebo week. To counter that, I've switched over to taking active pills for 9 weeks straight and then having one week of inactive pills, and thus far I've had no issues.

I stopped taking it and went to the er. I have never had this med before. I obviously was having an allergic reaction. I strongly advised against anyone taking this. It needs to be pulled off the market.

Many of the side effects posted here may in fact be side effects of coming off of some other anti-depressant drug. Especially the electrical twitching and shocks.Wellbutrin twice a day on the SR dosage has been very stable for me, although it is a strong stimulant for me. I have to take my second dose by 3:00 pm if I plan to sleep at night. I have found taking it with a beta-blocker like Inderol to be very helpful at eliminating a constant tremor that I developed. So much so that I can actually take mild stimulants, like caffeine, as in a single cup of coffee or espresso, and not be a total space case. Yes, it does have a small but significant dis-affect effect- that is, I feel slightly disconnected, and I don't have the intense happy rushes I used to get. The feeling of disconnectedness does diminish over time, though. I think that I didn't reach a true stability with this, or any other drug- until past 6 months on it- well beyond what the doctors were saying. So hang in there- it

Immediately my chest burned. I started telling the nurse that I couldn't breathe. She says just try to breath harder. I'm still having an allergic reaction 12 hours later! I'm so aggitated. I told them I was allergic to Compazine, it's about the same thing.

This medication has got me jumping all night in my sleep mild headaches every now and then and the worst nightmares I've ever had in my entire life