Sonata (zaleplon) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sonata (zaleplon)

No side effects, which is why like SONATA. I can take it in the middle of the night and not be groggy in the morning.

I only use it 1-3 times week, if I wake up in the middle of the night. Sonata will put me back to sleep, without the typical "grogginess" that occurs that occurs with other sleep meds.

This medication along with a small dose of Seroquel which I take for Bipolar 1 and took both at bed is this only med combo that I have tried since I was initially diagnosed with severe insomnia (when I was 10yo an I was 33yo when I was first prescribed) the results were consistently effective I never have had to up my dosage bc I built a tolerance it has always worked well for me

Extreme and scary hallucinations. Other than the Sonata I was completely sober.

It really only helps me sleep for a few hours but not through the night

About 4 years ago it worked only 2-3 hours for me which sleep doctor told me also. I took when I awakened around 4-5 am. Put me back to sleep and I awakened with no grogginess. I tried to take couple years later and I would awaken with serious depression??? A few days ago I started taking again and it is working well so far.

At first it made me nervous and scared, felt kind of paralyzed. I could think but could not move. Very scary. But loved the sleep I got. So kept trying. Now I learnt that you have to really be ready for bed. Otherwise you start feeling the effects before your mind IHas had time to wind down. The body rush sends waves thru my body that's when I know it's kicking in, about 15-20 min roughly after taking. If I'm tired and ready to sleep I'm fine. If I'm not ready for sleep I scare myself when my body's so relaxed yet I can't move :/

2 hallucinations that really scared me!!!

Whether it makes me tired or not is really hit or miss but tonight I was lying here about an hour after taking. Suddenly my phone screen became wavy, like... watery. So did the TV screen. I then looked over to see a dog taking something off my end table. I don't have a dog. More intrigued than freaked out. Gonna try to sleep, I guess.

WIRED. This medication not only failed to make me sleep it actually woke me up I tossed and turned all night, my teeth were clenched as well. Am I allergic to this??? How could I have the opposite effect???

Took a 5 mg at 9:30 pm and was wide awake. At 1:00 am, I took another and spent the rest of the night wondering if I was really sleeping or not. It's now 6 am and I'm wide awake and anxious. No more for me!


Great for sleep onset insomnia. Great for middle of the night awakenings. 0 hangover unlike even ambien. Due to its 1hr half life. But because it is weaker it won't KNOCK you out. It does incinerate anxiety before you sleep. You will have to get in bed and close your eyes and "try" to sleep. The difference is you will.MUST take it on empty stomach or will feel like nthing.It can be addictive if you dont treat it like serious medication.As others said it will be incredible at first. Later on the amount of sleep it guarantees will be far less. That said 10 mg still guarantees me 3 hours of sleep.If i am super worried/wired. I take 2 at bed timeUsually i take one at bedtime. Sometimes I take a second in the middle of the night. if I want to sleep longer that night. Not saying you will never sleep more than 3hrs after 10mg. I'm just saying it's just not going to deliver that consistently. It will get you 3hrs or so with 0 hangover. So even if you toss and turn all night, its like out of your system in 3 hrs too.If you are a person that can't even count on 3hrs of sleep when you need it. leaves sleep architecure intactLunesta is way long acting and feels weird to me.Ambien eventually starts to affect your cognition in the day because it's too effective.Trazadone was too much for me and made me feel weird.CBTi only took me so far.Sonata address the root cause of my insomnia which is a anxiety. and gives you just a nudge of gaba

None. It helps me fall asleep when I wake at 3, 4, or 5am and have to be up in a few hours.

It never leaves me feeling groggy or lethargic. And it usually works within 10 to 15 minutes. I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the only residual is that I HAVE to get 7 to 9 hours sleep a night to function. Zaleplon has been a god-send. I thankfully only have to take it 2 - 3 times a week. I only take it when I waken in the middle of the night.

I've been an insomniac most my life as a child no one ever medicated me until I needed to go to the children's psych ward from too many awake days. My parents just said oh she just gets a little lotLoopy when she doesn't get lots of sleep. Now twenty years later i was on Ambien on and off for many years but then I had horrid side effects so i got to experience the roller coaster ride of half a dozen sleep meds in the course of a month. Sonatas works but doesn't get me loaded like Ambien. It's the closest I can get to natural sleep induced by drugs. To the woman above please DO NOT stack sleeping meds I've known personally people dying in their sleep from this talk to your dr and find a solution that works. I tell me doc the truth she's a psych meds provider and she works with me as long as I'm not trying to pull one over on her. Good luck and sweet dreams hopefully.

This pill started out working amazing for me at 5mg per night. But I would awaken 3-4 hours later. At first I was, able to go right back to sleep. Now in 10 days time I have had to keep increasing my dose nightly without telling my Dr. These put me to sleep, they just don't keep me asleep! Can a pill such as trazedon be added to it to keep me asleep? I have taken 100mg of trazedon at night in the past.

Major headache with 1st pill, day 2 no side effects beyond blurred vision.

I just started these meds after being prescribed Xanax for years. Tired of waking up feeling like I got hit by a truck, decided to try these. Day one got ZERO sleep at all, felt nothing. But that could be the result of having taken my Adderall at 3pm, which is late for me. Day 2 I decided to take two- MUCH better. Will be crashing as soon as I type this review. I'll follow up in a week with update.

I have anxiety disorder and was having a lot of anxiety - I was having trouble sleeping and took sonata - I fell asleep ok but I woke up at 4am and couldn't go back to sleep! I also had increased anxiety, agitation, difficulty concentrating and depression.

This drug should NEVER be prescribed to someone who has anxiety!!!

Fuzzy head, double vision, eating food and buying things on the Internet without remembering anything about it! Scared me but nothing serious except spent some money and gained a few lb's. At times I did have a feeling of general overall wellbeing.

It did get me to sleep most every time for at least half the night. Short lived, but does not have lasting side affects other than some moderate anxiety durning the day. Loses affect over time. Sometimes I have to take 40 MG to get to sleep.

Insomnia& awakening after a few hrs

Sleeplessness, anxiety, racing thoughts, feeling jittery and wired, stomach pains, sweating and hot/cold sweats

I had been taking Ambien for years and was used to getting a full nights sleep because of it. All of the sudden it stopped being so effective for me. I would awaken after only 3 hours of sleep. Dr switched be to Sonata. I expected it to work in the same manner. (Fall asleep quickly) NO SUCH LUCK. I took this medication and experienced the worst night of my life! I didn't sleep AT ALL! I mean none! I felt wired and anxious and sleepy but couldn't even doze off for a short period. Then I started sweating and shaking and had extreme stomach cramping. I literally laid in bed for 7 hours feeling like I was losing my mind! I would rather get 3 hours of sleep on Ambien.

I was prescribed this medication at Mayo clinic for my severe insomnia. On the second night after taking it, I developed severe ringing in the ears… Horrific buzzing sound. I have had it every night since then. Two nights ago I stopped taking it, and now miraculously the sound is gone. It also caused severe next day drowsiness, brain fog and general feeling of being unwell. I have barely been able to function for the last few months on this horrible drug. Although it is advertised as having a short half-life, in me the effects last up to 18 1/2 hours.

Easily influenced; insomnia; memory loss

I've taken it for many years, so obviously the pros outweigh the cons. Generally, it puts me right to sleep and I have no grogginess in the morning. I learned that I have to be in bed, and ready to go to sleep immediately, before taking it. If not, I would do things that I would not normally do. I would convince myself that it was a good idea to buy whatever they were selling on TV. I had conversations with my daughter that I do not recall. I absolutely HAD to eat something.It was an occurrence last night that frightened me, but it was because I took it and then started looking at some things on the Internet instead of turning out the light and preparing to fall asleep. Apparently, I got up, got dressed and drove to the grocery store at 12:30 a.m. I made several purchases, drove home, put everything away and then must have gone to bed. I was surprised in the morning when I got up and was checking my bank account and saw a charge to the grocery store. I thought someone had stolen my debit card. I got up and went to the kitchen and discovered it was me. I have NEVER had anything this serious happen to me as a result of the Sonata. A review of this website is a relief since it appears that it was the Sonata and not me having a nervous breakdown. It may be time for a break from it. I'm sure I'll need some type of sleep aid since I have always had a difficult time falling asleep. So, I will take precautions like giving my keys to my daughter to hide at nigh

I made the mistake of staying up on Sonata in order to spend time with my significant other and I had the strangest yet most wonderful hallucinations. I actually quite enjoyed it, it felt like the universe opened up and shined its light upon me, I felt as if I had taken a bite of the forbidden fruit and gained the knowledge of all. I then proceeded to have wonderful sex with my partner and it was quite lovely. I felt as if we were in the midst of a forest on a fall evening and I heard the whisperings of magical creatures of the woods all around us. After that and after he fell asleep, i created some absolutely wicked art pieces.It didn't put me out but I gained even greater sex and my long since dead and dried out creativity. That's a fine trade.

SONATA (ZALEPLON): This medication is used for a short time to treat people who have trouble falling asleep. If you have other sleep problems such as not being able to sleep through the night, this medication may not be right for you. Zaleplon is known as a hypnotic. It works on certain centers in the brain to relax you and help you fall asleep faster. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I take medication for bipolar 1 disorder. I checked everywhere to see if this will interact with my medications and I could not find anywhere that showed it would have an interactions. However, I believe it did interact with my bipolar medication.

Dry everything.. Skin, nose, hair... Sore joint..... Little bit of mood swings ( I found I didn't want to leave the house much which is totally cool.. Lots of Netflix!)Dry lips and face are the worst thing. The skin around my nose became extremely sensitive and would burn even with cream.

I would not recommend anyone take this. While it helped with my fatigue the side effects were terrifying and worsened with each dose.

sleepiness at the higher doses, vivid dreams

night sweats,vivid repetitive dreams

This drug caused increased anxiety in the beginning. After that, this drug was no better than a placebo. It did very little to control my obsessive thoughts and my heart palpitations. I took this drug along with wellbutrin 150 mg and klonopin mg. I am now stopping buspar and starting pristiq. I am kind of bummed that this drug did not work for me because I did not have any weight gain like I do with ssri's. I am now stopping buspar and starting on Pristiq.

Abdominal Cramps, Heart Palpitations, and a overall unwell feeling.

Right now i am trying to get off the medication, i have had severe headaches, muscle pain, trouble breathing, nausea and dry vomiting, could not eat because i was nauseated. The withdrawal symptoms are severe. If you dont need to take this dont, just use it as needed. I am going to look into class action suit against the manufacturer. My doctor cannot figure out why i had problems and got mad at me because is slowly stopped each and every med i was taking to find out which one was causing the problem since he was not educated in side effects of pills. Sometimes you have to make yourself better. I am not crazy or a raging angry person, but zyrtec makes me that way.